Fracking Ban Bills To Be Heard In House, Senate

February 9, 2019

With Gov. Ron DeSantis supporting the idea, proposals to ban the controversial oil- and gas-drilling technique known as “fracking” could start moving in the House and Senate. The House Agriculture & Natural Resources Subcommittee and the Senate Environment and Natural Resources Committee are scheduled Wednesday to take up bills (PCB ANRS 19-01 and SB 314) that would prohibit fracking in the state.

Florida has long had oil drilling in parts of the Panhandle and Southwest Florida, but the possibility of fracking has led to repeated debates. Critics of the technique contend it could lead to water contamination. Past attempts to ban the practice have died in the Legislature, but DeSantis, who took office Jan. 8, has called for a prohibition. The bills are filed for consideration during the legislative session that starts March 5.


4 Responses to “Fracking Ban Bills To Be Heard In House, Senate”

  1. Bonnie Exner on February 11th, 2019 4:06 pm

    If you value clean water, you will hope and pray that the practice of fracking will be ban throughout the entire state…we are still battling with the environmental effects from the Deep Horizons Tragedy.

  2. David Huie Green on February 11th, 2019 1:25 pm

    Great risk? No.
    Risk? Always but locally.

    David in a dangerous world

  3. Judith Coe on February 9th, 2019 10:53 am

    Fracking puts at great risk the safety of our drinking water. North Florida has been very lucky to have an adequate water supply, in contrast to many areas of South Florida. It is a gift that many take for granted. Clean water and clean air need to be treasured and protected. Increasingly there are alternative fuels. There is not an alternative for safe air to breath and safe water to drink and with which to irrigate our growing food.

  4. Phil on February 9th, 2019 7:41 am

    Yeah, lets ban fracking….. it does nothing but bring gas prices down, makes the USA competitive again on the global market. Creates lots of jobs, and provides a good living for a bunch of Americans. Makes me wonder about the news outlets that pimp this mess…..mmmmm