Florida Bar Investigates Gaetz Tweet

February 28, 2019

The Florida Bar on Wednesday opened an investigation into U.S. Rep. Matt Gaetz, who sent a tweet accusing Michael Cohen of infidelity as President Donald Trump’s former attorney prepared to testify before Congress.

Gaetz, a Northwest Florida Republican who is an outspoken ally of Trump, said complaints stemming from his tweet Tuesday were “frivolous.” In the tweet, he accused Cohen, who is married, of having multiple “girlfriends.”

“It seems that The Florida Bar, by its rules, is required to investigate even the most frivolous complaints,” Gaetz told The News Service of Florida.

However, Francine Walker, a spokeswoman for The Florida Bar, said the organization will investigate potential conduct violations any time the words of a Florida lawyer result in complaints.

After Gaetz’s tweet Tuesday, legal observers and Democrats said the Republican was engaging in witness tampering.

“Hey @MichaelCohen212 – Do your wife & father-in-law know about your girlfriends? Maybe tonight would be a good time for that chat. I wonder if she’ll remain faithful when you’re in prison. She’s about to learn a lot…” Gaetz said in the tweet, which has since been deleted.

Gaetz apologized and said the tweet did not show his intent. That intent, he later told reporters, was to test Cohen’s credibility, not threaten. The tweet came on the eve of highly anticipated congressional testimony by Cohen that could be damaging to Trump. Cohen is heading to prison after pleading guilty last year to criminal charges including lying to Congress.

Under Florida Bar rules, Walker said she was unable to share any other information at this time about the investigation into Gaetz. But Walker confirmed it was in response to the Fort Walton Beach Republican’s tweet.

“The Florida Bar takes its responsibility of regulating lawyer conduct very seriously,” Walker said in a statement. “It handles thousands of complaints each year, filing charges and pursuing discipline against lawyers whose professional conduct is not in keeping with the rules.”

In addition to being a Trump ally, Gaetz has been described as a right-hand man to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. Gaetz’ influence on the DeSantis administration can be seen in issues such as the governor’s focus on lifting a ban on smoking medical marijuana.

Gaetz was admitted to the Bar in 2008 after attending law school at the College of William & Mary in Virginia, according to information on The Florida Bar website. He has not faced any discipline from the Bar during the past 10 years.

Gaetz was elected to the Florida House in 2010 before winning an open seat in 2016 in Congressional District 1, a conservative stronghold. He has become a fixture on cable news shows supporting Trump..

by Ana Ceballos, The News Service of Florida

Pictured: Rep. Matt Gaetz during a roundtable meeting in Century last week. NorthEscambia.com photo, click to enlarge.


44 Responses to “Florida Bar Investigates Gaetz Tweet”

  1. Chelleepea on March 2nd, 2019 10:50 pm

    Why is everything a partisan issue? Dems think Gaetz tweets is a threat and GOP think it’s what…. nothing? Step back a moment and forget that this has do with cohen, Trump or Gaetz. Just go to the bare bone information….someone writes this tweet to someone about to go on the witness stand ! What is the purpose of this tweet…just shooting the breeze, making a joke, a fortune teller telling fortunes? We have to go to back to thinking in terms of right or wrong . .. not left or right or liberal vs conservative.

  2. nod on March 2nd, 2019 6:59 pm

    Thank you David, l i did not know where I was at.

  3. David Huie Green on March 2nd, 2019 11:18 am

    “It is improper to end a sentence with a preposition such as ‘at’ under any circumstance.”

    Actually, it isn’t. That “rule” comes from improperly applying Latin grammar rules to English, a language with Germanic roots and rules. One far better than I points out:

    “William Shakespeare’s complete works reveal quite a few sentences ending in prepositions. The endings are ‘over’ (6), ‘under’ (2), ‘up’ (79), ‘down’ (77), ‘to’ (45), ‘for’ (45), ‘by’ (38), ‘with’ (21) and ‘from’ (2). All in all, Shakespeare did not seem to think it wrong or inglorious to end a sentence with a preposition.

    “The King James Bible, generally regarded as a foundation text of modern English, setting many of today’s standards, is also available in electronic form. A pass of the global exchange mechanism in my computer reveals the following sentence endings: 9 overs, 1 under, 68 ups, 39 downs, while ‘to’ ends four sentences, while ‘for’ ends two sentences. There are 9 sentences ending in ‘by’, 2 ending in ‘with’ and 2 ending in ‘from’.”


    David for more gooder English

  4. Sedition on March 2nd, 2019 9:49 am

    I seem to remember a bunch of leftists going after President Trump’s family all the way down to Barron himself.
    Whassa matter, commies? Don’t like the heat when it’s turned against you instead of the other way around?

  5. charlie mike on March 2nd, 2019 1:55 am

    This librul sez lock gaetz up, same cell as his buddy Stone would do right nice.

  6. Rasheed Jackson on March 1st, 2019 8:34 pm

    It amazes me that the communist party of this country can say what they want and when and where they see fit.

  7. nod on March 1st, 2019 2:02 pm

    if he wanted to threaten someone he would not be dumb enough to do it on twitter. I find it amazing that democrats daily threaten the President and his family, call him all kinds of names and that is ok. Gaetz just made a true comment and all of a sudden it is a threat just because he is not a left wing extremist and he supports President Trump.

  8. Mr. Metoo on March 1st, 2019 12:42 pm

    Adam, Thank you for that tidbit of information.So when you are asked to do your job just tell the boss President Trump has the power and needs your help. That’s the reason why you don’t have time to do what he’s paying you for.

  9. dangerous on March 1st, 2019 12:38 pm

    This is not about dem or repub, its about right or wrong. Its about the law. I’m a independent.

    Oh, by the way Adam, I meant to write Foxx! Sure can’t really call them News.

  10. jason ward on March 1st, 2019 11:37 am

    I can’t believe he’s still in office. Why do we elect people who not only lie in person,but also on tv.

  11. Grammer folk on March 1st, 2019 9:35 am

    @Adam Since you are correcting spelling on this forum we should also take a look at your grammar.
    It is improper to end a sentence with a preposition such as ‘at’ under any circumstance.

  12. Shay on March 1st, 2019 8:17 am


    Not only was the DUI dropped but the deputy who pulled him over and arrested him was fired for doing so.

    His comment to the deputy who pulled him over, “Do you know who I am? I’ll have your job for this.” I guess he was right about that. The deputies creds were taken, he was fired and he now works and lives in south Florida not as a police officer. Simply for doing what he was hired to do. Seems about right.

  13. joy bryant on March 1st, 2019 7:55 am

    people like Adam can’t be talked to – they spew hatred and just not worth our breath! I feel sorry for the amount of people that spit this out and I am worried about America — this drunk has no business representing us

  14. Al Thomason on March 1st, 2019 3:39 am

    Democrats are destroying America by having an agenda against one man.. they say and do anything Democrats feel like.. let’s see just a few weeks ago an elected congresswoman’s language toward our President was horrendous.. has she been investigated and/or reprimanded

  15. Jr on February 28th, 2019 10:36 pm

    No, he should not have said or typed that.
    People getting the pants in a wad over this, and giving a pass to all the crap the left has been saying, is hypocritical.
    I bet it was the Russians……

  16. Carl on February 28th, 2019 9:52 pm

    He got 16 speeding tickets in 8 years. Are there anyone out there that hasn’t been over the speed limit 16 times in 8 years and just didn’t get caught. I’ll admit, I probably go over the limit 16 times every time I come home from Windcreek. The DUI ticket was dropped just like so many others.

  17. David Huie Green on February 28th, 2019 7:19 pm

    Cohen did exactly what DJT wanted other than not destroying documents.

    Gaetz is equally loyal to DJT over all others.

    DJT is still obnoxious and I wouldn’t leave anyone I cared about alone with him. (Yes, there was one who was worse but she and her husband are out of the picture.)

    David for better people

  18. Adam on February 28th, 2019 6:47 pm

    joy Bryant- Senators and Representatives are paid out of the Treasury of the United States. Also, I don’t see anything humorous or flippant in your post.

    dangerous, you said, ” On Foxx”, what are you talking about? Redd Foxx?

    Mr. Metoo, don’t underestimate the power of President Trump in NW Florida.

    chillywilly, Jennifer Zimmerman was just another liberal wannabe.

    Jerry, do ya’ll work as a group? Where are you at? You just said, ” as a Northeast Florida voter”. Hey Jerry, we are in the Northwest.

  19. chillywilly on February 28th, 2019 6:31 pm

    His problem is he needs to learn how to be a Responsible Mature Adult. and learn some ethics and morals . Be worthy of the office he holds. He should be setting an example .
    Has nothing to do with the second amendment. and Driving DUI drunk is very irresponsible and immature. Its kills people, and destroys lives and families. Its not political , his behavior is not worthy of the office he holds. He is an attorney, he knows better.

  20. Lamar on February 28th, 2019 5:41 pm

    Gaetz’s problem is he defends President Trump and the Second Amendment. The Florida Bar seems to always act as the legal wing of the Democrat Party.

  21. Bewildered on February 28th, 2019 5:03 pm

    Denny you are correct that it takes two to tango. My comment was in no way intended letting the guys off the hook. I was merely trying to say that in years past women who slept with rich and/or powerful married men were not seen as victims. They knew then just like they do now what to expect from such relationships. Blackmail or taking hush money should not be encouraged.

  22. Jerry on February 28th, 2019 4:41 pm

    The comments that have been made reflect a right wing bias. Gaetz only had 2 years as a Florida Lawyer under his belt when he became a politician. He doesn’t have a clue about honesty, or integrity. Since Trump was elected, he has been a lap dog to any and all of Trump’s destructive ideas. I don’t know how even a dyed in the wool “red” area can continue to not only back Trump, but also back Matt Gaetz, who could give a rats hind end about you, as a Northeast Florida voter. This guy is a danger to not only his constituency, but also to the whole country with his blind devotion to Trump.

  23. John on February 28th, 2019 4:14 pm

    He is being trashed by the media and liberals for being pro second amendment.

  24. Progression on February 28th, 2019 3:29 pm

    Political and social correctness is thick in this comment section… Public figures should not be immune to criticism… Let them all expose each other therefore some of you can stop continuing to convince yourself that the political figure you stand behind is some kind of saint… If Matts’ twitter post contains no falsity then WHAT IS THE PROBLEM ? And the day i base my vote on ones’ driving habits, pigs will fly….

  25. Tom on February 28th, 2019 2:55 pm

    (Matt Gaetz overheard telling Trump about threatening Michael Cohen tweet: ‘I was happy to do it for you’)…In the news today. I do not trust this guy.

  26. Adam on February 28th, 2019 2:39 pm

    Don’t care, I will never, ever vote for a Democrat again. I am the son of a union Democrat that toed the union’s line. Not me. The Democrats in congress could be trying to solve our country’s problem, but no, they want to destroy any political opposition so badly, that they are full time consumed with just that.

  27. Mick on February 28th, 2019 1:28 pm

    Didnt vote for this chump. Doesnt need to be talking about anyone with a record like his, but I wouldn’t expect anything less from him either.

  28. Stumpknocker on February 28th, 2019 1:07 pm

    I guess if he was local and got caught with a bunch of dope or shot someone or drove his vehicle under a truck after running from the law for several weeks some of you would be claiming he’s a good guy or misunderstood and we shouldn’t be judging folks or throwing rocks in glass houses. Maybe who ever investigates him will find him innocent or no probable cause prior to his interview, lol .

  29. Robert W Dandridge on February 28th, 2019 12:59 pm

    What? Democrats can say anything they want, but not Republicans. This is no worse than what many liberals say on a daily basis. I’ll vote for Matt again based on the fact that he has ruffled so many liberal feathers.

  30. Denny on February 28th, 2019 12:10 pm

    Bewildered, it takes two to tango. Why hold only the women responsible? Don’t you think the men you cited should have standards since they were supposed to lead the country in the right direction? As for Getz, this is just another example of his childishness. Even though it was wasted, I’m glad I voted for someone mature and knowledgable.

  31. Chillywilly on February 28th, 2019 11:35 am

    He is a. Embarrassment

  32. chillywilly on February 28th, 2019 9:29 am

    Shame on you Northwest Florida , You had your chance to vote this guy out of office. But As usual you voted party lines. We could have had Jennifer Zimmerman, a physician, highly educated good person. Instead you elected Matt Gaetz with 16 speeding tickets and a DUI riding on his father’s coat tail and name. Sadly the rest of us that did not vote for him has to suffer right with you.

  33. Bewildered on February 28th, 2019 9:28 am

    The jilted lawyer felt sorry for Mrs. Trump because of her husband’s infidelity while all the while messing around himself. How touching! Makes me want to throw up. Power corrupts – it always has and will no matter who is in charge. Franklin Roosevelt, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Clinton, they all had lovers. Society has changed by not holding these women responsible for their behavior anymore, but rather see them as victims who should use any means (black mail) to obtain large cash payouts.

  34. Why is it nothing disturbs us? on February 28th, 2019 8:36 am

    This has all become normal, why? This was wrong and he should be reviewed. Can we please get back to democracy and stop this crazy mess.

  35. Mark on February 28th, 2019 8:35 am

    I did not vote for Michael Gaitz. Anyone who watched the debate was clearly aware of his lack of knowledge on every issue. Each of the other candidates in the debate looked so much more on top of things, and yet, still most republican votes went his way. It is so sad.

  36. Perry D on February 28th, 2019 8:24 am

    Mr. Gaetz’s obsession with attention and his constant efforts to stay in the spotlight remind me of another representative we had here back in the 90’s. You can watch him on MSNBC now.

  37. Mr. Metoo on February 28th, 2019 8:01 am

    Now people he has somewhat apologized. He had a lapse in judgement and breifly thought he was the President. Hope he remembers Northwest Florida hired him and not Mr. Trump

  38. dangerous on February 28th, 2019 7:19 am

    He is very child like, 16 speeding tickets, one drunk driving, but he continues to get by with it.

    On Foxx, regularly spreading untruths. Doesn’t the true matter?

    Oh, by the way, did you see him stroll through the hearing yesterday?? What do you think that was about??

  39. JustSaying on February 28th, 2019 6:53 am

    Does anybody have any good ethics and above the bar standards anymore?

  40. joy bryant on February 28th, 2019 6:47 am

    I have watched this conspiracy spreader and was STUNNED that he was voted back in – between his lies, rudeness, stupidity and DUI’s he has proven himself unworthy…. THANK YOU STATE OF FLORIDA for investigating another crooked lawyer – WE the tax payers of Florida are paying him. I for one want my money back! (hope you know I am being facetious!!

  41. Williewonka on February 28th, 2019 6:15 am

    Mr. Gaetz’s Tweet was not a threat, in my opinion.

  42. ? on February 28th, 2019 6:06 am

    Drain the swamp!!!

  43. Grand Locust on February 28th, 2019 3:42 am

    I was shocked that somebody who was a lawyer would threaten a witness, but quite honestly, never in my wildest dreams did I think this immature behavior displayed by the congressman was even capable of being a lawyer as he has repeatedly made bad choices. Conservative does not mean stupid. This is just stupid at so many levels.

  44. Bewildered on February 28th, 2019 1:09 am

    High ethics among Lawyers – LOL. And the Florida Bar upholding them to these high standards is a joke! Don’t even get me started on politicians.