ECSO: Ransom Middle Incident Included Weapons, Possible Suicide Pact Or School Attack Plan

February 6, 2019

Students that skipped school from Ransom Middle on Tuesday may face criminal charges and may have been involved in a suicide pact or school attack plan, according to information released Wednesday from the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office.

Deputies were called to Ransom Middle School in reference to six students who left campus and began texting other students about “an alleged/potential suicide pact or school attack/shooting”, the ECSO said in a statement.

The Sheriff’s Office searched a wooded area on the north side of the school for the students because video surveillance showed numerous students running from the school. The students were located with the assistance of the Escambia County Road Camp K-9’s. Two of the students were found to have weapons in book bags belonging to them. Warrants for their arrest are being sought, according to the ECSO. Deputies have not said what type of weapons the students allegedly possessed.

The Sheriff’s Office said the follow-up investigation revealed that social media posts from the night before (February 4) contained the following statements and emojis: “You’ll see you won’t see it coming. You won’t see me at school anymore. They won’t see it coming and would see it on the news of what would happen.” Emojis included a running man, a house, a knife and a pill. also obtained photographs of additional Snapchat stories that stated: “They won’t see it coming” with a running man, a house and a shushing face emoji. Several users were tagged in the message. A second Snapchat story included emojis of a running man, a house, knife and a shushing face.

On Tuesday, Escambia County School District officials did not release any details of the incident, other than to say six students were skipping school.

Pictured: Photographs of Snapchat stories obtained by The images have been edited to remove glare and user information. photos.


30 Responses to “ECSO: Ransom Middle Incident Included Weapons, Possible Suicide Pact Or School Attack Plan”

  1. Cheri on February 9th, 2019 1:59 am

    VERY upset that the school did not contact parents about this issue-and they STILL haven’t said a word-neither has the superintendent! I understand not wanting people to get whipped into a frenzy-but being truthful -not acting as if nothing happened -is
    ridiculous to me. FLVS is sounding better and better.

  2. tbdotcom on February 8th, 2019 8:57 am

    Fully support all the comments about parents need to be parents. Quit enabling the kids, giving them everything that they want. Teach the basic life principles of respect and responsibility. 13-year-old middle school students are not adults. Take the phones away and help the students learned what they need in order to grow up as mature young adults.

  3. Old timer on February 8th, 2019 4:00 am

    Well I guess you would have freaked out back in the 1960s when my better half skipped school, jumped a train to New Orleans for Mardi Gras for the day. The tea her let him do an entertain oral report on it.. Still alive and successful. Maybe because he didn’t text that he was going to do it…j/s

  4. Grateful on February 7th, 2019 8:10 pm

    This is why I chose to send my son to a school out of district. This is not the first incident there. I think the district needs to install more cameras at Ransom and update security. It’s sad to think that the children are at risk because they can’t spend the money to update this school.

  5. MR REALITY on February 7th, 2019 6:15 pm

    Its time for the judges, since the parents wont do it,. to teach these worthless kids today there are consequences for your actions…

  6. Anonymous on February 7th, 2019 5:00 pm

    Everyone who said the calling in k9 was a bit much is second guessing now

  7. Tessy on February 7th, 2019 4:43 pm

    Remember when we, all of us around forty or so, were in school. There was no such thing as cyber bulling or suicide pacts or killing other students. We did not have cell phones or social media. School was for learning We weren’t disrespectfull or rude, and we didn’t threaten our teacher. Remember why, you’d get that butt tore up at school, then your parent was coming to the school to do it again.

  8. A on February 7th, 2019 2:07 pm

    The police needed to investigate first. That is why the school probably held out on the original info. Let them do their jobs. Thank you Ransom and police for all you do.

  9. Brwildered on February 7th, 2019 12:45 pm

    The school did not notify …gripes and complaints need to be directed against the parents of these brats. Otherwise you have to get used to picking up your offspring on a daily basis with zero learning going on in our schools. These kids know exactly how to play the system and all the counseling and cuddling is not making a difference.

  10. Student of ransom on February 7th, 2019 9:57 am

    When this was going on me and my friend were playing tag and I was right by the fence that was when we were at 5th period but later i was still in 5th period I heard the police sirens going off but I didn’t know this until 7th period

  11. William Harrell on February 7th, 2019 9:33 am

    Parents need to take responsibility for raising there child. This is a good school, but it’s mostly the parents fault for not taking actual responsibility

  12. Dave Rankos on February 7th, 2019 9:32 am

    Lorrie: This is a parenting failure. Children under age 18 DO NOT need a cell phone. Obviously you can see the consequences? Or are you choosing to ignore it? How about all the distractions including this one a “cell phone” and “social media” created. Or will you make some sort of excuse and cry that children need cell phones for protection? Lord heaven what did kids do BEFORE cell phones? Oh Lord help us all. Parenting failure. Lorrie, face the facts and face the heat. The school didn’t raise these kids, the “parents” did. Good luck raising unaccountable snowflakes.

  13. Carina Van Pelt on February 7th, 2019 9:04 am

    There is a software called mSpy allows parents to see what their children are sending on Snapchat, as well as who they’re calling, texting, emailing and where they are. The parent must download the software onto their child’s phone first. Once it is installed, they can see the messages on their own device.

    Remember: Do not withhold discipline from a child; if you strike him with a rod, he will not die. For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.

  14. Oversight on February 7th, 2019 6:51 am

    What happened to the original story where it said there was no security threat and to basically just move along because there’s nothing to see here? Whoever put out that first news info should be terminated. At least the sheriff’s office understands that there is more to this event and not just some kid runaways, and informed the public.

  15. joe on February 7th, 2019 2:41 am

    We are putting to much emphasis on building a wall .Let’s put money on educating our troubled students in activities that could convince them to turn their lives around.Give the teachers more money and the tools and time to help these kids that’s living in chaos in their households. Our teachers has to take 2nd jobs just to make ends meet. No one wins in this situation.

  16. Mary on February 7th, 2019 12:50 am

    My comment is strictly is this children needs some kind of counseling the Homes needs to be investigated something’s going on they appear not to be mentally stable or they’re acting out something is going on pray for them get them help

  17. Abigail Barone student on February 6th, 2019 11:02 pm

    Whenever my mom told me about this when I got home from practice I almost had a panic attack and I was getting checked out but my brother was still in the school so I prayed and thanked the lord for me not being in that school at that time.

  18. Lorrie on February 6th, 2019 10:53 pm

    I’m really upset that my son knew about this and the news covered it but the school did not notify us. We deserve to know these things from those that we entrust their lives to every day of the week! This really pisses me off. And FYI you have no idea if these parents are absentee or not monitoring their children or their social media. Don’t be so quick to shame others. Are you perfect? I wonder how many of your children have social media that you aren’t aware of. Don’t be so quick to judge.

  19. Mom of boys on February 6th, 2019 10:25 pm

    This is absolutely absurd….. my son goes to this school and I’m appalled at the fact I’m reading about this on the news sites and did NOT get contacted by the school in any way. What happen to kids being kids?? So many parents are too busy trying to be “friends” and not parents.

  20. BeAParent on February 6th, 2019 8:49 pm

    This is why parents need to be PARENTS and not friends! My child goes there and she does not have social media! Its TROUBLE and DRAMA at this age! Parents need to monitor their chidren especially social media! Know what is going on in their lives!! What they are doing and who they are hanging with! We didnt have stuff going on like this when we were kids and guess what??!?!? We didnt have social media!! Just Saying!!

  21. worried on February 6th, 2019 8:35 pm

    @Betty and @not perfect working mom…I understand that homeschooling isn’t for everyone, but if you ask around, there are stay at home parents that are more than willing to help. I’ve even heard of HSP’s teaching working Mom and Dad’s kids during the day.
    I am always amazed at how well HS kids are able to learn so much more without all the distractions, bullying etc that goes on at reg school.
    I am not saying anything bad about parents that have no other option but to send their kids to public school… It’s really scary to me when I read about so many kids with “I’ve got nothing lose” attitudes. They need help, which also takes a lot of time from working parents.
    @nana of 12 homeschoolers and @Barbara, it i so encouraging to hear success stories such as yours. I have personally witnessed many stories such as yours. God Bless y’all! Again, I am not passing judgement on anyone that chooses public school, I just think HS is a better option. in the long run. just MHO… Lord, please keep the children safe!

  22. Sage2 on February 6th, 2019 7:13 pm

    Positive parenting, monitoring your child, don’t be a buddy…be a parent, set rules, children love the protection of such, know who your child/children associate with and their parents…and punish them for inappropriate behavior. Limit phone and media usage…TMI!!!
    Don’t argue with a child! You will lose everytime!
    Of course, the use of common sense was discarded years ago.

    These few suggestions are based upon working with children in the ECSD for 39 years. Thank God, I have retired.

  23. barbara on February 6th, 2019 6:12 pm

    I Home schooled…never thought we could do it we did it just fine my daughter is very close to being CEO of the company she works for,.I am proud we avoided all of this stuff,and it was fun………I highly recommend it………

  24. Nana of 12 homeschoolers on February 6th, 2019 6:03 pm

    I have 12 homeschoolers,some of which have already graduated with honors and some with college scholarships!!! I agree with you,worried!!! End of story for me….

  25. Jdub on February 6th, 2019 5:45 pm

    Lord have mercy! I feel bad for their parents. If it was my kid…I would be so embarrassed. Not really sure as a parent how I would deal with that if it were my kid. Part of me would want to just beat their tail for such terrible choices. In reality, I wonder if these kids have some underlying problems and this could be a cry for help with some other kids as followers to go with it. So sad that this is something kids even think about doing; our world is so broken. Thank God nothing more came of this and hopefully it was a true wake up call for the school. I know our kids had to deal with lots of crap from bad kids when they were there. So glad to be away from that school now!!

  26. not perfect working mom on February 6th, 2019 5:44 pm

    @ worried, unfortunately everyone can’t afford to stay home & homeschool their child/ children. The ESCO handled this unfortunate situation very well in my opinion. If these troubled children need counseling or help I am praying they receive it. Growing up as a young adolescent is hard enough as it is. I can’t imagine growing up this day in age with cell phones & snap chat etc. Some “grown” folks don’t even know how to act right! I would start by taking away their cell phones! Some parents need to get off their own phones, and pay a little closer attention to what their kids are doing. I’d like to think my child has the fear of God in them & knows their mother would not tolerate this kind of behavior. Like I said I pray if this was a cry for help that help is received.

  27. Worried Mommy on February 6th, 2019 4:49 pm

    Lord, I pray for the future of my two babies… what in the world…..

  28. Betty on February 6th, 2019 4:35 pm

    How is that possible when moms have to work to survive????

  29. Concerned parent on February 6th, 2019 4:14 pm

    Wow may be reconsidering this school for my soon to be 6th graded

  30. worried on February 6th, 2019 3:47 pm

    Homeschool.. point, blank, Period!!!