ECSO: Attempted Kidnapping Of 14-Year Old Girl Never Happened

February 2, 2019

Authorities now say the attempted kidnapping of a 14-year old girl on January 26 never happened.

The victim told deputies that a white male about 30-40 years old with green eyes and gray hair got out of a white van in the 1800 block of Atwood Drive. She said the male attempted to grab her while walking, but she was able to break free.

After an extensive investigation, the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office said the crime did not occur, and the victim has completely recanted her statement.

“The ECSO handles any allegation of attempted abductions seriously and investigate them to the fullest,” the agency said in a statement.  “We are coordinating with the State Attorney’s Office to determine if any criminal charges will be pursued for the false reporting of a felony.”


10 Responses to “ECSO: Attempted Kidnapping Of 14-Year Old Girl Never Happened”

  1. chris on February 4th, 2019 7:49 am

    She got to feel important .. Likely a FB post about it.
    She will get a slap on the wrist

  2. David Huie Green on February 2nd, 2019 9:56 pm

    So should we cut down the suspect we lynched?

    (Just joking, but keep the risk in mind.)

    David for better justice

  3. mat on February 2nd, 2019 8:49 pm

    Just like Nolan said. Charge her with the crime. This was a serious accusation and should be treated as such.

  4. Mike on February 2nd, 2019 7:49 pm

    Yes, the only way to fight this stuff is to charge the wrongful accusers. Otherwise the mantra “guilty until proven innocent” with names and addresses of accused, not proven guilty! will pop up on this site.

  5. Todd on February 2nd, 2019 10:43 am

    14 y.o. And she did this!!! She ruined her credibility for anything else she claimed to have happen in the future. I would recommend some sort of community service at some place fitting of her act. As a parent it getting harder to raise kids with all the outside influences on their lives as well as all the new rules and judgement we as parents face trying, just trying to give them a better life than ours!

  6. Nolan on February 2nd, 2019 10:01 am

    Charge her and throw her in juvenile detention the same way they would a boy who did this…

  7. CW on February 2nd, 2019 8:42 am

    Somehow I knew this was a hoax as soon as I heard it on the news. It all sounded way too typical, with the white van and all.

  8. Anne on February 2nd, 2019 8:15 am

    BINGO — we were sitting in the living room when this news first came over t.v. and something about it just didn’t pass right to us.
    Not sure why we all felt the same way but we agreed that more information and details needed to be investigated on it.
    Mixed feelings now, a bit of frustration that this girl would make a false report, a bit of sadness as to what drove her to make an accusation like this and knowing it is a lie.
    Was she acting at the influence of someone else?
    Pleased there was no attempt to kidnap her yet there should be some consequence.
    God Please Watch Over and Bless our LEO out there in these uncertain times.

  9. Dennis HE Wiggins on February 2nd, 2019 7:58 am

    This is how innocent people end up in jail and/or ruined for life. I fit broadly into that description. What if I’d happened to have been in that area at the time that event DIDN’T happen? I could have been dragged through the mud and possibly sitting in jail by now.

  10. Jeannie on February 2nd, 2019 1:28 am

    I hope some sort of punishment happens! This is serious accusations and causes focus to be taken away from serious issues in our community!