District 5 Commissioner Holding Town Hall Tuesday In Molino

February 12, 2019

Escambia County District 5 Commissioner Steven Barry will hold a town hall meeting Tuesday, February 12 at 5:30 p.m. at the Molino Community Center at 6450 Highway 95A. Residents are invited and encouraged to attend the open forum event.

NorthEscambia.com file photo.


5 Responses to “District 5 Commissioner Holding Town Hall Tuesday In Molino”

  1. Willis on February 12th, 2019 3:16 pm

    @Frustrated fan
    The next time you see them trying to patch on Old Chemstrand without getting killed ……
    you should jump out and give it a try !!!

  2. My 2 cents on February 12th, 2019 10:46 am

    Steven Barry is a great Commisioner that listens to everyone on ALL issues. You might not agree with him but he does look at both sides of the issue. He understands budget and is a business man his self. He conducts himself with class and shows respect to all unlike other commissioners. Watching these meetings online is like a complete circus. Why would any business want to move here with how some of these guys act it’s pretty shameful. The social media post and comments from some are nuts. We need politicians with a servent hearts like Mr. Berry not ones with Egos!! I spoke at one meeting and the chairman was so rude and disrespectful I could not believe my eyes. Thank you Mr. Berry for standing up for all people in district 5 and this county. I hope one day we can be like Santa Rosa county and have a vote for every Commisioner because each one affects my life and livelihood.

  3. DP on February 12th, 2019 8:20 am

    @ Watcher,,,,,,,,Transparency is what the people are looking for. The rural community areas are established in the comprehensive plan and Mr. Barry asked for an exemption for one developer’s request for a subdivision plan. This request was denied by the county for a legitimate reason. So it would be reasonable for almost any person to assume that if you own farmland in Walnut Hill or Molino its zoned the way it is for a reason. So the developer secures potential deals to buy farmland, secures the county commissioner who then secures the loosening of restrictions and your off and running. Never mind infrastructure, after all, this is Escambia Co. So here’s the question, if we are allowing this in a previously denied format let’s see all the documents here. Who’s the developer? Who owns the land? etc..etc…

  4. Frustrated Fan of Barry on February 12th, 2019 7:57 am

    I agree with Watcher, but am disappointed in the smaller highways/road upkeep in our district. I can’t even begin to tell you how many potholes you have to avoid going down Old Chemstrand, and it has been that way for some time. They just keep trying to patch the holes; and doing a terrible job at that. There is a high traffic volume and that road including heavy trucks & machinery to and from both Ascend and the waste water plant.

  5. Watcher on February 12th, 2019 1:44 am

    I think Steve Barry is the best. If you can, watch videos of the meeting on ECTV.

    He keeps them in line just by knowing his job, knowing the budget and is full of class and tact.

    They are coming for him in 2020 already.. special interest teaming up with the developers down south D5 and D1. Could be a long two years of spin for the one’s watching.

    The land deal loosing restrictions was allowed, home rule. If people want to still farm they can but some own some property and want to do different things with it. He has to weigh a lot of complex needs in such a large district. He is replacing bridges one by one.

    He has to keep an eye on county wide projects and now some other shenanigans with in the BOCC.

    He realizes Century get it’s authority from the state and doesn’t swim in their lane unless asked.

    He is a good commissioner, accountant and good man.