Bill Would Tie Vaping, Smoking Tobacco In Florida

February 19, 2019

State Sen. Debbie Mayfield, R-Rockledge, wants to define vaping products with tobacco products, a move that would allow electronic cigarettes to be lumped into anti-smoking marketing efforts.

In a news release Monday, Mayfield said she wants to change the definition of tobacco products in state law to extend to all “recreational” nicotine products, including electronic cigarettes and liquid nicotine.

“Currently, retailers that sell electronic cigarettes and liquid nicotine products do not have to comply with the same restrictions and requirements that tobacco retailers do,” the news release said. “This bill will require the same accountability, allowing law enforcement to verify that the retail businesses are only selling tobacco products to patrons that are 18 years of age and older.”

A measure  by Sen. Wilton Simpson, R-Trilby, that would move forward with banning electronic smoking devices in workplaces was unanimously backed by the Senate Innovation, Industry and Technology Committee this month. Simpson’s proposal, which does not include the language sought by Mayfield, would carry out part of Amendment 9, a ballot measure that passed in November and includes a ban on vaping in indoor workplaces. Simpson has said he wants to keep a “clean” bill as it advances through the Senate and called the argument to add the tobacco definition to vaping “as a little bit of an overreach.”

Anti-smoking advocates contend that redefining vaping devices as tobacco products would help Tobacco Free Florida’s educational and marketing efforts.

The Simpson measure mirrors a longstanding ban on smoking tobacco in indoor workplaces and would add vaping to a state law that bars people under age 18 from smoking tobacco within 1,000 feet of schools.

by The News Service of Florida


6 Responses to “Bill Would Tie Vaping, Smoking Tobacco In Florida”

  1. Bill on February 21st, 2019 7:25 am

    Why can’t parents learn to take care of their own children? Do we need to pass laws that require parents to change diapers as well? I think our tax dollars would be better spent on fixing roads.

  2. John on February 20th, 2019 3:28 pm

    Welcome to New California

  3. steve on February 20th, 2019 9:42 am

    I have yet to understand why ANYONE with any intelligence would voluntary inhale any chemical that has no purpose other than to hook you to doing it more.
    I judge people by this also. If you that dumb to do it, then I keep my eye on you for other ignorant things..

  4. Southend Lurker on February 19th, 2019 9:43 am

    “a state law that bars people under age 18 from smoking tobacco within 1,000 feet of schools.”

    Don’t you already have to be 18 to purchase/use tobacco? Why would you need a law that says people under 18 can’t smoke in a specific place if they can’t legally purchase it?

  5. anne102 on February 19th, 2019 9:42 am

    I will never understand why drinking and meds aren’t also forbidden.

  6. a grandmother on February 19th, 2019 8:07 am

    GOOD! One comment though pertaining to schools. School campuses are supposed to be tobacco free. Signs are posted on each campus. My grandchildren just graduated from Pine Forest. Smoking was commonplace in the parking lot after school. MOSTLY parents sitting in their car, (windows down) waiting to pick up the kids. Some people think the rules don’t apply to them!