Argument Over Cooking Supper Ends With Woman Jailed For Pushing Deputy

February 1, 2019

A Cantonment woman was arrested after she allegedly argued with her adult son over cooking supper and later pushed a deputy.

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office responded to a disturbance in the 1400 block of Lake Drive. Someone had called 911, and dispatchers could hear a male and female screaming, and a female yelling and crying in the background.

Jamillah Monique Sheffield, 36, stood in a doorway and obstructed deputies from entering the kitchen of the home, according to her arrest report. Deputies removed her from the doorway after she refused multiple commands to move. As a deputy placed her in handcuffs, she pushed the deputy in the chest.

Sheffield told deputies that she had gotten into a verbal argument with her son because she did not feel like cooking for the second night in a row. She was charged with felony resisting an officer with violence and obstruction of justice.


11 Responses to “Argument Over Cooking Supper Ends With Woman Jailed For Pushing Deputy”

  1. Debbie on February 3rd, 2019 10:07 am

    Why is everything a joke to just about everyone in these comments? These are real people like you and I . Remember that!!!!!!

  2. Don Neese on February 3rd, 2019 8:00 am


    Sorry Parent, but this time your flat out wrong!!! That 14 yr old who was unthankful for the great family and hard working parents he had is now serving his adult years serving time.
    Today are drastic and deceptive days.
    “Back in the day” methods worked. It is quite obvious the watered down, jello, let the kid have his way method of today is not working.

    We better bring the “Back in the day” methods that worked back!!!

  3. A parent on February 2nd, 2019 8:35 am

    Don Neese, you should have never told that 14 yr old boy that. That could have caused even more damage and problems for both that boy and his parents. No 14 yr old can support themselves in this day and time. They can’t get a job plus there are laws besides that maybe that’s what he wanted to do anyway and your comment supported him and went against the parents. A lot of them think they’re all that but they’re not. Laws are not the same as they were back in the day. I found that out.

  4. nod on February 2nd, 2019 12:35 am

    I still say she deserves a break.

  5. Mother of 3 on February 1st, 2019 10:46 pm

    @anne… a good Christian would pray for both the mother and the son. God does know how you feel but it doesn’t mean that your feelings should go against the teachings of His Word. Jesus loves everyone… sinners included. He doesn’t love the sin.

  6. billy on February 1st, 2019 9:13 pm

    Yeah man……..dont mess with our Deputies………..we love em

  7. anne 1of2 on February 1st, 2019 12:05 pm

    That would be the day one of my kids screamed at me about cooking. We don’t touch law officers for any reason either. I’ll pray for this woman but not for that kid because God knows how I feel.

  8. EMD on February 1st, 2019 8:37 am

    That son is old enough to cook his own supper.

  9. Don Neese on February 1st, 2019 7:05 am

    Sometimes you just have a bad day!!
    I remember telling a 14 year old boy (who constantly Complained about his parents) that it was time for him to move out and support himself.
    When they reach adulthood it’s time to CUT the umbilical cord.
    This Lady seems exhausted, I hope she gets some rest.

  10. Shay on February 1st, 2019 4:31 am

    Life in prison for those that touch our leo’s. Period!!

  11. Charlie on February 1st, 2019 3:12 am

    Hey! Looks like she won the argument in a round about way. She won’t be cooking for him for awhile, it now appears. Not unless the jail allows takeout!