Molino Lineworker Finds Money In Street, Seeks Out Owner

February 11, 2019

When Jeremy Davey of Molino found some money in the street, his first thought wasn’t to keep it. It was to find the owner.

The 17-year Gulf Power service technician out of the Pine Forest office had completed a trouble ticket in a north Pensacola neighborhood recently and was pulling away when he noticed something in the road.

“I thought, ‘That looks like a bank envelope.’”

Jeremy hopped out of his truck and picked up the envelope. It was sealed, but he could tell there was money in it. He opened it and found $150.88.

“I could tell it had been run over a few times, but what got me was that it was sealed,” he said. “It was almost like someone’s check was cashed.”

He knocked on the door of the home closest to where he found the money, but the owner said it wasn’t his. So he stuck the envelope in his pocket and went back to the office.

He told Brad Butler, general manager – distribution, about his discovery and Brad told him to see if there was a bank nearby and check there.

So the next day Jeremy went to the bank, told the employees his story and they began checking their transactions. When he told them what street he found it, they found a customer who lived there and had cashed a check for $150.88 the day before.

They called the customer who confirmed she had lost the envelope and talked to Jeremy, thanking him profusely.

The woman, who asked that her name not be used, said she had just moved to Pensacola from another state about a month ago and she’s amazed by the friendliness here.

“I was so flabbergasted when I talked to (Jeremy),” she said. “Most people would have just taken the money. For him to show honesty and integrity was huge and he deserves recognition.”

Vice President-Power Delivery Mike Spoor called Jeremy to congratulate him and his supervisor, Toggy Pace, presented him with a recognition item from Brad, as well as Patrick Davidson, leader central maintenance and construction – distribution.

“Jeremy certainly did the right thing, which is one of our NextEra Energy values,” Brad said. “He’s always shown that kind of great customer service.”

Jeremy said it really wasn’t that big of a deal. He was just happy he was able to find the owner.

“If it had been me, I hope someone would have done the same thing,” he said.

Photo for, click to enlarge.


29 Responses to “Molino Lineworker Finds Money In Street, Seeks Out Owner”

  1. Patricia Dees on February 15th, 2019 11:51 am

    you are a real man. I would be proud to shake your hand. Thank you for you being the person you are.

  2. Mary on February 14th, 2019 1:55 pm



  3. Tupperjeannie on February 12th, 2019 7:10 pm

    I salute you for being an upstanding citizen. Thank you for your honesty!!!

  4. john otnes on February 12th, 2019 3:10 pm


  5. randy gates on February 12th, 2019 2:38 pm

    Pensacola proud ,were known nation wide how friendly we are and our core values honesty,careing ,compassion

  6. Lynn on February 12th, 2019 11:22 am

    I am so proud of you! Molino proud!

  7. fisherman on February 12th, 2019 9:05 am

    This goes to show you he was raised properly. He could have easily put that money in his pocket and said nothing but he chose to do the right thing. My mother once gave me a dime for Sunday school but took a nickel back to buy candy she caught me eating the candy and asked me where I got the money when I told her the outcome wasn’t pretty. The next Sunday I had to stand in front of the whole church and apologize for stealing that nickel. Never stole anything again. The point I’m trying to make if you are taught to do the right thing as a child you will most likely do the right thing as an adult. This individual is a great man and his parents should be very proud of him.

  8. Sage2 on February 11th, 2019 7:28 pm

    Honesty and pregnancy are alike…you are or you’re not! This man was raised by some great folks/parents!

  9. I Know Him on February 11th, 2019 6:58 pm

    Hey that’s the guy from the Gulf Power app. This guy is everywhere like flo from progressive. Great job bro keep being a great person.

  10. Sheri F on February 11th, 2019 5:01 pm

    Nice to know there are still honest decent people out there

  11. Suzie B on February 11th, 2019 3:34 pm

    Wow – that’s awesome. I don’t know that I would’ve even thought to go through the steps he did to find the owner. Thinking to go to the bank and them being so helpful is outstanding. Great Job!!

  12. Doris Emmons on February 11th, 2019 3:04 pm

    Thank you so much Jeremy. It is rare to find honesty these days. You were raised right. If our world would do what you did, it would be a beautiful place to live in.
    Thank You, God Bless !

  13. Debbie (Leann's Momma) Parker on February 11th, 2019 2:42 pm

    Have known Jeremy & his beautiful family for years and him doing this doesn’t surprise me at all. They are good people. Love y’all.

  14. Sylvia on February 11th, 2019 1:53 pm

    There are still some good and honest people out there. Thank you Mr. Davey for you for your honesty.

  15. EMD on February 11th, 2019 10:59 am

    Thanks, Jeremy. There really are some upright people left.

  16. anne 1of2 on February 11th, 2019 10:00 am

    We try to believe in the goodness of people and this man has given me more faith. No one can afford to lose money! God will bless Mr. Davey in many ways. He looks like Opies Mr. McBeevee in the photo.

  17. Kathleen Hammond on February 11th, 2019 9:34 am

    That’s a great story. I moved here seven years ago from New Jersey I have to say it’s quite a beautiful change. Yes integrity and humanity still exists especially in the Southland.

  18. Lori Farmer on February 11th, 2019 9:24 am

    This fine gentlemen is a great example of what we love about this community, and that there is still a lot of good left in the world. Your parents raised a wonderful man. Thank you for being a “light” for others!

  19. tg on February 11th, 2019 9:14 am

    A rare breed these days. Thanks

  20. Perry on February 11th, 2019 9:03 am

    Great job Jeremy! It’s a great testament to your character. And also a great statement about our community and Gulf Power.

  21. Tina on February 11th, 2019 8:49 am

    What great integrity, honesty , loyal , compassion for wanting to get the money back to the owner . We need more people in this world like that . Thank you for showing great morals and dedication . God bless and thanks

  22. Wanda Lett on February 11th, 2019 8:33 am

    God bless you. So sweet!!

  23. Mq on February 11th, 2019 8:30 am

    Thank you Jeremy and for brightening up a Monday morning. God Bless both of you.

  24. joy on February 11th, 2019 8:03 am

    Thanks, Jeremy! You made my day! Great job!

  25. DM on February 11th, 2019 7:55 am

    It’s so refreshing to read that there are still some good, honest people around. Thank you Jeremy for your integrity! I have a feeling that you will be greatly rewarded!

  26. ekg on February 11th, 2019 7:21 am

    Simply amazing! What a terrific thing to do!

  27. Vickie Johnson on February 11th, 2019 7:19 am

    The greatest thanks to this young man!! You have shown such honesty and integrity. You must have awesome parents or an awesome God that lives in your heart. Thank you for being such an example to this younger generation! May the Lord Jesus bless you immensely…

  28. Janie on February 11th, 2019 5:40 am

    That’s awesome

  29. Me... on February 11th, 2019 3:14 am

    Thank you, Jeremy! Honesty is always the best policy!
