‘Golden Cow Dung Award’ Presented To Ernest Ward Middle School Nurse During FFA Breakfast

February 21, 2019

Ernest Ward Middle School nurse Phyllis Malone received the 11th annual “Golden Cow Dung Award” from members of the Ernest Ward FFA Wednesday. The award presented during a FFA appreciation breakfast features a large piece of cow dung, painted a golden color and mounted on a board painted in school colors.

Malone received the award as a “thank you” for supporting FFA during National FFA Week.

(Cow dung, in case you did not know, is what you are probably thinking it is. It’s that natural byproduct that cows drop in the field. The award is 100 percent real dung spray painted a golden color. The golden piece presented Wednesday is actually the original award piece created and painted in 2009.)

Pictured: The Ernest Ward Middle School FFA Golden Cow Dung Award presentation to Phyllis Malone Wednesday morning Also pictured: The EWMS FFA Appreciation Breakfast. NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.


3 Responses to “‘Golden Cow Dung Award’ Presented To Ernest Ward Middle School Nurse During FFA Breakfast”

  1. Susan Barnes on February 21st, 2019 3:03 pm

    Mrs.Malone is the sweetest most precious lady that I have had the honoring of knowing she looks out for my daughter each day with so much love

  2. Beegee on February 21st, 2019 9:48 am

    *you’re*…LOL,guess I have been away too long!!!! I don’t have to be schoolhouse correct any more!!! ;-)

  3. Beegee on February 21st, 2019 9:46 am

    This is such an honor!!!! I know just how you feel!!! I love the FFA people!!!!!!! I hope you re doing well!!!! I do miss our lil talks…….