Tate Aggie Family Honors Lives Of Student Athlete And His Sister

January 16, 2019

The Tate Aggie family paid an emotional tribute to three-sport athlete and honor student Sean Banks and his sister — his biggest fan — before their basketball win over Gulf Breeze Tuesday night.

Banks, a 15-year old sophomore, and sister Antoinette McCoy were killed in a tragic car crash early Saturday morning when their vehicle was hit by an alleged DUI driver on East Kingsfield Road. It was just hours after Banks’ last basketball game for Tate, and only about a month since McCoy graduated from college.

Players, cheerleaders and fans formed a circle around the Banks family as they sat behind the Tate bench wearing shirts that said “Rest In Heaven” with a picture of Sean Banks kissing Antoinette McCoy on the cheek. An empty seat was placed next to the siblings’ mother, Davisa Banks. That’s where Antoinette would usually be found, cheering on her younger brother. Flowers and a “Rest In Heaven” shirt were place on the seat, and the family was presented with personal notes from the Aggie family.

For a photo gallery, click here.

To honor Sean, coaches placed red roses on a seat on the Tate bench. Head coach Clyde Abney placed Sean’s #40 jersey on the chair, along with a signed basketball. Abney wiped away tears afterwards before covering his face with his hands.

Players and cheerleaders were emotional, wiping away the tears  as they stood arm-in-arm.

A moment of silence was held. A peaceful quiet fell over the gym, followed by sobbing.

Most of the standing room only crowd wore white to honor Banks, and students held signs like “Long Live Banks”, and  “be like Sean #aggiestrong”.  “Play for Sean” was one of the signs on the gym wall.  Varsity players wore Banks’ #40 on a black band on their shoulders and a “4″ and “0″ on their socks.

And they did it for Sean, beating rival Gulf Breeze 86-79. For game details and photos, click here.

For a photo gallery from the memorial, click here.


Pictured top: A memorial to Tate High Aggie basketball player Sean Banks #40. Pictured inset: Tate head coach Clyde Abney places the jersey Sean would have wore Tuesday night on the seat. Pictured below: A seat for Antoinette McCoy next to the siblings’ mother, Davisa Banks. Pictured second below: Standing arm in arm, players and cheerleaders sobbed during the ceremony. Pictured third below: An emotional Abney buries his head in his hands. NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.


8 Responses to “Tate Aggie Family Honors Lives Of Student Athlete And His Sister”

  1. Breanna Hadley on January 16th, 2019 8:03 pm

    I never knew Sean personally, I won’t pretend I ever did, or at least to my memory I don’t remember having an encounter with him. But I know a lot of people who do know him and say how wonderful of a person he is/was. And even though I didn’t know him, the situation is still very hard because as a Tate student, as an Aggie, I feel this loss. It never gets easier and it’s hard to not tear up thinking about how this family feels after losing someone so great. My heart goes out to them. You’re in my thoughts and I’ll continue to pray that each day becomes a bit more bearable

  2. Grand Locust on January 16th, 2019 10:13 am

    How many tears must be shed before the alcohol and restaurant industries can be fought and interlock ignitions are put in all new cars. We will never stop all drunk driving, but if ninety percent of these tears could disappear, it would be a great thing for America. Our children are dying because of profiteers who want to squeeze more dollars out of people who drive to a business which sells alcohol…….blood money. If this person could not start his car……..people would be alive, and maybe the people who sold him the alcohol would make a few pennies less, but their business would be sustainable. If survival depends on drunk drivers being on the road drunk……shut them down, or get interlocks in cars.

  3. Lifendason on January 16th, 2019 10:13 am

    Praying for this family/friends.

    Psalm 23:
    1 The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.
    2 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.
    3 He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.
    4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
    5 Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
    6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.

  4. Summer Southern on January 16th, 2019 9:38 am

    @ T Allen well said!!! As a mother I could not even imagine going through this. I cherish every single moment I get with my children. Ms. Davisa is a very strong woman whom I do not know, but admire. I feel I know all of the family just by hearing all the wonderful stories, and from my daughter who went to school with Sean! She and her husband raised some beautiful smart kids. A mother’s love for her children is the MOST PRECIOUS feeling and reward you could ever have. Both his mom and dad have lost two children not one , but two and to not be able to see their smiles hear there laughs feel there hugs and kisses all because someone chose to get behind the wheel while driving drunk and take that away I know they say you should forgive, but I just can’t see how. He took there children from them! Mr. And mrs. Banks I pray for you and your beautiful family no one knows what your going through unless they have gone through it, but know people you know and don’t know will be here for you no matter what and your love for you children is priceless. You both raised some smart beautiful athletic children and I know they will always be with you both!

  5. Tears... on January 16th, 2019 9:23 am

    Prayers for the family. I can’t imagine the pain they are going through. What a painful reminder that drinking and driving doesn’t mix.

  6. Tiffany Junior on January 16th, 2019 7:49 am


  7. T Allen on January 16th, 2019 4:16 am

    Its hard to know what to say in times like this. I can only imagine what these parents,siblings, family friends are going through.But as a mother I can tell you I have So much sorrow in my heart for Ms Davisa.I only have tears when I just stop and think of her. How strong is a mother supposed to be.Very strong obviously as I have witnessed too many times..I can not hold the tears back.Know I am deeply sorry for every one in this loss,but personally as a mother my mind keeps gonig back to the momma here..I know this is one of the hardest things she will ever have to endure.I pray you find some kind of peace Ms Davisa..as this all wraps up you will have some of the toughest days ahead. My heart goes out to you sweet lady.I am at a loss in my understanding What pain is put on our heart sometimes.But then I have to pray that God helps me to under stand .I pray he helps you get through all of this as well as the family.They will all need to stand by each other ..stand by Mom..please she will need you all.

  8. Janice on January 16th, 2019 3:10 am

    What a terrible, heart wrenching loss.
    My heart goes out to each of these young people, and to the family who lost their children to this senseless act.
    My prayer is that God somehow will fill the void in these lives.I pray God will walk beside you each day.
    The person responsible should be held FULLY ACCOUNTABLE!
