State And County Leaders Discuss Cantonment Train Delay Solutions

January 30, 2019

Florida Sen. Doug Broxson and Escambia County Commissioner Steven Barry met with CSX and International Paper Tuesday to discuss trains blocking local roads for extended periods of time.

“I’m very pleased with the outcome, and very optimistic that there will be a better outcome in the Cantonment and Cottage Hill areas,” Barry said, a sentiment echoed by Broxson.

“CSX will work out how they can be more of a good neighbor, and hopefully do that before we meet again in 60 days,” Broxson said.

The first step will include real time communication between Escambia County and the railroad. County officials and emergency dispatchers “will have the ability to have real time contact with a knowledgeable person (at CSX) and not wait for three days,” the senator said.

The real time communication and an increased operational awareness by CSX is also expected to lead to improvements for residents of Cantonment and Cottage Hill neighborhoods that have been blocked for hours by trains with no way in or out. Barry said CSX will work to open at least one crossing that will allow access into the neighborhoods.

One Cantonment neighborhood, east of Highway 95A from Countri Lane to McKenzie Road, has been completely blocked for hours by a stopped train. There are documented incidents where fire trucks and EMS units were unable to respond to medical emergencies in the neighborhood due to stopped trains.

“Highway 29 should also change,” Broxson said. “I’m convinced there shouldn’t be any reason it would be closed for an inordinate amount of time; we should see a reduction in that soon.”

Currently, trains in and out of International Paper often block Highway 29 just south of Muscogee Road for long time periods, backing up traffic for miles.

There are four parallel tracks beds on the IP property just west of the crossing that merge into a single track across Highway 29. For the first time, Broxson and Barry learned Tuesday that the tracks are not managed by CSX; they are operated by the Alabama & Gulf Coast Railway (AGR), and they are expected to become involved in ultimate solutions.

AGR is a mid-sized railway owned by Genessee & Wyoming that operates 348 miles of track from Pensacola to Columbus, MS, and uses other tracks into Mississippi and south to Mobile. AGR makes a connection to CSX in Cantonment.

“IP is kind of a victim in all this,” Broxson said, referring to trains blocking Highway 29. “They have no control over the rail system other than making sure their product is ready to roll.”

“We want to thank both Senator Broxson and Commissioner Barry for working to rectify this situation,” Whitney Fike, communications manager for International Paper in Cantonment, said. “This is a significant inconvenience for local residents and our employees at the mill. We look forward to a swift resolution to the problem.”

“Being able to come over today and speak with the commissioner and the senator and listening to their specific concerns, on behalf of their constituents, will help us work with the county to put together a plan,” CSX Regional Vice President for State Government Affairs Craig Camuso said.

Trains blocking local roadways is quality of life issue, Barry has said, because people can spend 30 minutes or more each day waiting for a train blocking Highway 29 near Muscogee Road. And Barry said it’s an obviously a public safety issue when first responders are blocked from reaching citizens in need.

Broxson said that while he expects significant improvements, there will never be a complete end to crossings blocked by trains in Escambia County.

“We will never be able to always guarantee every roadway will not be blocked because train traffic in this country is vital,” he explained.

Pictured: Escambia County Fire and EMS vehicles blocked from responding to emergency calls by a train on Highway 29 in Cantonment. file photos, click to enlarge.


13 Responses to “State And County Leaders Discuss Cantonment Train Delay Solutions”

  1. Alice Knutson on February 1st, 2019 6:08 pm

    This argument has been going on for at least 50 yrs I know of.
    Was always told the local merchants did not want an overpass
    It would hurt their businesses. Years ago when we lived in Cantonment we watched a child lay in the road after being struck by a car for well over 45 min. Life flight was circling overhead unable to land, because firefighters could NOT come into neighborhood because train was blocking the road. I had to call CSX in Mobile to get train moved Esc co couldn’t or wouldn’t do it.

  2. Mark on January 30th, 2019 11:47 pm

    This is the main road for hurricane evacuation. It is the main road for thousands of tax paying citizens who pay $.04 on every gallon of gas they use to drive into town to work each day. We deserve an overpass.

  3. Michael Jones on January 30th, 2019 4:28 pm

    The crossing on Hwy 29 is just part of the problem. There is also the problem when the trains stop, for what I believe they are doing is shift changes. In these cases the train could be sitting on the tracks for 30 minutes are longer. My family and I have been blocked at the Becks Lake Crossing twice this month, for a total time of approx 2 hrs.

  4. CW on January 30th, 2019 4:08 pm

    Good luck at negotiating with AGR, I think they are even more hard headed than CSX.

  5. barrineau on January 30th, 2019 2:54 pm

    I’m sure this will lead to MAJOR train back ups inside the mill creating even LONGER turn around times ( which are ridiculous at the present moment ) for log truck,chip truck,fueling truck drivers and many other personal . But ….I am glad something is being addressed about the insanity that takes place with these trains in the surrounding neighborhoods and HWY 29.

  6. Watcher on January 30th, 2019 2:02 pm

    Thanks to all involved.

    One thing I find interesting about this is Commissioner Barry’s method with this:
    He collected info in partnership with Northescambia.

    Brought the comments as public info to a county meeting and had it approved via the board to take action.

    Set up a meeting and the next time this was on the county agenda, since he already had the meeting set up, took it off the county agenda and didn’t waste anyone’s time with it.

    Went to a meeting, in private, with people and gentleman who can sit across the table, share phone numbers and work out a compromise deal and get thing discussed and squared away.

    Publish what he is doing and what will happen going forward.

    I’m impressed with his methods. For one, working efficiently, as evidenced by bridges being replaced one by one and by keeping a hawk eye on the county budget.

    NOT staying on facebook for hours on end publicly stirring up drama yet simply moving forward in confidence and getting the job done.

    I hope he runs for reelection and any other facebook forces messaging for a take over, who have sued the county and have other wise been a thorn in their side and disruptive should take notice. Some scream corruption and no sunshine when it simply is not true. It is getting disgusting and ridiculous. One commissioner said it would be embarrassing to talk about this publically. The rest of the board are really tires of that guy.

    Steven Barry County Commissioner District Five. Please run for reelection when the time comes. You respect the will of the BOCC and are appreciated especially in these times.

  7. Howie on January 30th, 2019 1:08 pm

    Thanks to everyone that is helping to produce good results from of a bad problem.

    I moved from North of the tracks years ago. Trains blocking the roads was one reason.

    It certainly makes a difference in a life or death situation. I can live more peacefully

    knowing that an emergency vehicle can arrive without a train blocking their route.

  8. Bonnie Exner on January 30th, 2019 12:13 pm


  9. OVERPASSES?!?! on January 30th, 2019 11:51 am

    I think they all should have overpasses for the cars so they can go right over the trains !!!!!!! AT every railroad crossing!! Especially at Muscogee Rd & HWY 29, but also at all of them!
    I have also sat there and watched as CSX has unhooked train cars so Semi-Trucks can get out from IP but they still block everyone else!!!!
    its just RUDE!

  10. MargieLu on January 30th, 2019 10:23 am

    “Thank you” seems so inadequate a response for helping us with these blocking trains, Commissioner Barry. God bless you for working earnestly to resolve this very important issue that has a long history of negative impact on many lives in our district, as well as the folks engaged in commerce and road transportation of goods services, and the school bus drivers with buses full of children to keep safe.

  11. Jmor on January 30th, 2019 9:59 am

    I can’t say enough for Commissioner Steven Barry. A good good man who is always there when he’s needed in any capacity. Thank you Commissioner for your excellent service.

  12. SKF on January 30th, 2019 9:21 am

    Why don’t they build an overpass? It will be a nightmare of course to build, but in the long run it will be worth it.

  13. Mel on January 30th, 2019 8:05 am

    Molino folks been dealing with this problem for over 30 years. I’ve even seen my neighbors passing groceries under the train and people climbing over train to get home. Hours go by and there is no way to get around. State Trooper has to see the tracks blocked for 30 minutes before they can do anything. CSX will get sued one day when someone can’t get medical treatment because train blocking the crossing. They are supposed to unhook the train cars and pull forward to unblock the crossing, than when train is ready to move they put train back together. Problem solved.