Molino Man Charged With Local Burglary

January 4, 2019

A Molino man is facing multiple charges after a local burglary.

Timothy Shaine Garrett, 28, was charged with burglary of a unoccupied structure, criminal mischief and grand theft.

On December 5, Garrett allegedly forced his way into a shed and garage and stole a generator. Multiple witnesses reported seeing a male dragging the generator down the road, according to an arrest report. A relative of Garrett told deputies he was living in area off Molino Road in a camper trailer with no power, and he needed the generator for electricity.

Garrett was taken into custody in the area of a camper in a wooded area off Molino Road on Wednesday.


10 Responses to “Molino Man Charged With Local Burglary”

  1. Yvonne Traynham on January 7th, 2019 11:52 pm

    My land next door also has a shed that was burglarized twice last month. The door lock was pried open, and my riding lawn mower, cart, chipper, auger, toolboxes, and many other items were stolen. It is a unbelievably huge loss.

    I had the sheriff deputies out each time, but as soon as we arrived, everyone in the trailer clears out before they could be questioned. I am appreciative that the sheriff has now made some arrests.

    If people want to be sympathetic – please think also about the other side. In the past month: breaking & entering / grand theft / trespassing / dumping on my land. The dumping is trash that included some drug paraphernalia as well as human waste- there are no utilities for that trailer, so they come over to my land and use it as an outdoor toilet. Disgusting.

    The access lane has been torn up by all the traffic coming back and forth to this trailer- it is now a mud pit, and more than one vehicle (including mine) has gotten stuck.

    We have owned this property for several years with never having any problem like this- it only happened since the trailer showed up last month. I hope that these people get moved on as soon as possible – it has been miserable since they arrived. I work hard to maintain my property, and it is just wrong for these people to steal, trespass, and make me feel unsafe.

    The Sheriff’s deputies are welcome on my property at any time, and we will have a watch order on the access lane to try to get some of the criminal activity.

    Just wanted to give the side of a person who has been wronged.

  2. Shawn Curtis on January 5th, 2019 10:40 pm

    Hi, my name is Tuma, not Tooma, whoever tooma is has never been to prison, however unfortunately I have, sometimes labor isn’t what you get , it’s not the Chaingang of old unless your fortunate enough to make it to a work camp, however, he may be fortunate enough I hope to make it to a therapeutic community to turn his life around, condolenseces to the family, it’s hard, my sister did 9 years and I did 4, we just had Christmas together for the first time in 10 years, time will go by fast, at least hes not dead, that kid grew up around the corner from me , I hate it for him, seems this is a trend in the cantonment, hope he find the good Lord and changes like I did. Remember everything is God’s plan… Pray for him and support him, letters mean everything, so do visits, and stamps and envelopes lol

  3. tooma on January 4th, 2019 7:13 pm

    Doesn’t want to change, just wants to be a parasite on society. Off you go to prison and some good old hard labor is in order…

  4. Anne on January 4th, 2019 4:33 pm

    He just needs to go to prison and be done he already had so many chances in and out of jail just go already one less person like him to worry about this is just sad really sad!!!!!!

  5. EMD on January 4th, 2019 12:01 pm

    In my above post, it should have read: but it is only fair that my needs/wants are met.

    not “me.”

  6. EMD on January 4th, 2019 11:59 am

    I cannot see or hear what other people are thinking, but is seems that many are thinking thus: “It is not fair for them to have more than they need when I really need this for myself. I know it is theirs and not mine, but it is only fair that my needs/wants are me, so I will just TAKE theirs. It’s only fair……..ya know.” Perhaps that’s what Karl Marx used to think.

  7. mick on January 4th, 2019 10:30 am

    Take some of that effort and energy dragging a generator down the road towards getting a real job and doing the right thing.

  8. Rational on January 4th, 2019 9:47 am

    Really!! Not too suspicious dragging it down the street. Drugs or stupidity?

  9. anne 1of2 on January 4th, 2019 6:44 am

    These people are starting to make me wonder what it is like to steal just trying to survive.

  10. Asking for a friend on January 4th, 2019 1:45 am

    How gone do you have to be to think that dragging a generator down the road isn’t suspicious?