Miss Ernest Ward Pageant Is Tonight

January 26, 2019

The 2019 Miss Ernest Ward Middle School Pageant will be held Saturday night at 6:00 in the school gym.

Contestants, pictured above, are (front, L-R) Jessica Stabler, Raegan Abbott, Carsyn Dortch, Jamison Gilman, Makayla Golson, (back) Rabekah Abbott, Emma Gilmore, McKenna Simmons, Rabecca Peebles, Dakota Giddeon and Anna Spence.

Photo for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.


5 Responses to “Miss Ernest Ward Pageant Is Tonight”

  1. Matt on January 26th, 2019 7:51 pm

    Good luck Emma!

    Coach Matt and Kamo

  2. raeanne long on January 26th, 2019 5:39 pm

    Good luck Jamison. You are a special young lady. We love you Aunt Raeanne and Uncle Jimmy

  3. Summer Payne on January 26th, 2019 1:54 pm

    Good luck McKenna! We’re so proud of you!! Love you

  4. Mimi & Grampie on January 26th, 2019 11:48 am

    Good luck tonight Jessica, We love and support you in all your activities.

  5. Rae on January 26th, 2019 11:00 am

    Go Jess! So proud of you & no matter the outcome you’re my queen!