Miss Ernest Ward Pageant Is Tonight
January 26, 2019
The 2019 Miss Ernest Ward Middle School Pageant will be held Saturday night at 6:00 in the school gym.
Contestants, pictured above, are (front, L-R) Jessica Stabler, Raegan Abbott, Carsyn Dortch, Jamison Gilman, Makayla Golson, (back) Rabekah Abbott, Emma Gilmore, McKenna Simmons, Rabecca Peebles, Dakota Giddeon and Anna Spence.
Photo for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.
5 Responses to “Miss Ernest Ward Pageant Is Tonight”
Good luck Emma!
Coach Matt and Kamo
Good luck Jamison. You are a special young lady. We love you Aunt Raeanne and Uncle Jimmy
Good luck McKenna! We’re so proud of you!! Love you
Good luck tonight Jessica, We love and support you in all your activities.
Go Jess! So proud of you & no matter the outcome you’re my queen!