Man Charged With DUI Manslaughter For Deaths Of Two People Released From Jail

January 13, 2019

UPDATE: The suspect is back in jail without bond. Read an update here…

The man accused of DUI manslaughter in the deaths of a Tate High School student and his sister in a Cantonment crash early Saturday morning has been released from jail.

Hunter Russell Black, 24, was released from the Escambia County Jail on a $25,000 bond just after 1 a.m. Sunday, about 24 hours after the wreck on East Kingsfield Road.

The crash claimed the life of driver 22-year old Antoinette Marie McCoy of Pensacola and her 15-year old brother, Sean Alexander Banks.

Black was charged with two counts of DUI manslaughter and reckless driving causing serious bodily injury by the Florida Highway Patrol.


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Two Killed In East Kingsfield Crash; Cantonment Man Charged With DUI Manslaughter


30 Responses to “Man Charged With DUI Manslaughter For Deaths Of Two People Released From Jail”

  1. ensley boy on January 14th, 2019 1:34 pm

    If you think the article makes you mad, wait until he is sentenced to two 15 year terms that will run concurrentt. He will be out in 12 years.

  2. Aggie Parent on January 14th, 2019 11:49 am

    This is appalling that they allowed this individual to walk out of the county jail. He should not have been given any bond for the senseless and selfish decision he made.
    He STOLE the life of these two beautiful people and changed the lives for their family and friends forever. Justice was not served by allowing him out free on bond. I will be praying that he receives MAXIMUM sentenced and never is allowed to walk free again when he goes to trial.

  3. jason ward on January 14th, 2019 9:54 am

    10 % of 25,000 is $2,500 the normal bond fee

  4. Rasheed Jackson on January 14th, 2019 8:22 am

    There should not be a bond for this man. He took two lives and has harmed a family that will never heal form this selfish, careless, impenitence act. He should not be allowed to see his family or communicate with them in any way. When a person gets in a car and they are under the influence of alcohol or drugs they are committing a crime. If they cause harm to an individual because of their lack of judgement they should be treated as one who willfully takes a life by other means, such a shooting stabbing, beating or any other method. This man willfully operated a vehicle and with pure disregard for anyone else he took a chance. This is no different to me than the man in Las Vegas that started shooting randomly into a crowd of concert goers. Mr. Black while drunk drove a motor vehicle randomly into these innocent young people. Two young lives for ever gone. God help this family, I could not imagine the pain they are going through. A never ending nightmare.

  5. Wow!!! on January 14th, 2019 6:56 am

    I want to break it down a moment.. I know these families and The drunk driver had every chance in life to be GREAT.. good family, good schooling, money, religion both parents.. The two in the other car were just as great, hard workers, good in school greatness was already shining through them… Now here we have a tragic accident but bond set at 25k he goes home for less than $500.00.. Let’s move forward the victim’s family will have to bury their children for NO less than 10k and then a life time of hurt and therpy.. Talk about justice…. There was none…

  6. John on January 14th, 2019 6:28 am

    My guess is he will receive 25yrs for each victim.

  7. Just pray on January 13th, 2019 9:39 pm

    @ Emily I have no clue who bonded him out but can assure you it is not the part of the family that I am talking about …. and my words were that the family has prayed for years for him to get on track —- clearly indicating that he has had problems for quite some time. And @ stumpknocker … that is why my word accident was in quotes …it is clearly not accidental when you are driving impaired ….
    MY POINT … this is a horrible tragedy… the bulk is on the family who lost their kids…my point was this has destroyed more than one family , so please be in prayer for all concerned ! Only God can give peace and healing in days to come .

  8. Stumpknocker on January 13th, 2019 9:06 pm

    I keep reading the word accident, it was by far no accident. This was a deliberate act with absolutely no regard for anyone else’s life. And as usual the drunk driver walks away leaving lost life’s behind and broken families. And don’t say he was a good boy and just has been having a rough time of it, most of us do, but that’s life. Good people don’t do things like this ever, it’s far from being a mistake, the only way a mistake was made here is that he’s the one that walked away, no excuses and feeling sorry for him.

  9. Facts... on January 13th, 2019 8:20 pm

    The DUI laws in Florida are fairly weak. It takes 3 offenses in 10 years or 4 in a life time to even get a felony charge for DUI. That’s incredible by itself. Not to mention most DUI arrest basically equate to a financial charge to the suspect. DUI homicide is only a second degree felony. It sad because driving impaired is a personal choice. Its a choice you make as a drinker and you risk hurting or killing others because you won’t arrange for a driver to get you home safe. Plus the legal system makes it look like law enforcement is the enemy when they arrest a drunk driver, like cops are making up the signs of impairment. You want this issue fix then you need to tell your state reps, that you elected, to fix it. Make it something people are scared to do in the future.

  10. Emily on January 13th, 2019 6:59 pm

    Too those whom say his family is hurting too, yes they are, I have no doubt they are. But to the person whom paid his bond you should have put that money to better use and let the banks family have it for funeral cost. You say the black family just wants this man to get on track with his life but yet someone is enabling him by pay his bond. The only way to help him is to stop enabling him and let him sit in jail until he is truly punished for his horrible actions. A whole community is hurting and in pain because of his actions. A high school has been hit with a tragic loss because of his actions. It’s not JUST the Banks/McCoy family hurting it’s the 1000+ kids that went to school with him. It’s his friends, football, baseball, basketball teammates. The parents of each one of them as we watch our children suffer from the loss of a wonderful person. So instead of “helping” him get out of jail, help him understand he has done the worse thing possible, took 2 young people’s lives and shaddered the lives of so many others.

  11. Just Pray on January 13th, 2019 6:34 pm

    What a horrible tragedy! The entire lives of two families changed forever by this horrible event. While everyone puts in their two cents about what Mr. Black should suffer etc , I would like to let you know that he has a family that is completely devastated as well. I knew even before I saw them today that this would be the case. For as long as I can remember they have pleaded for prayers for this you man to get on track. They are broken , kneeling at the altar today and crying out to God. The pain grief and even feelings of guilt were indescribable. They want so badly to reach out to the victims family, but are afraid , (and rightly so) of how this would be received. They offer no excuse for his actions and agree that he should and will be punished. They are heartbroken for the family of the victims. We are all outraged at rhese kinds of “accidents” . Sadly nothing can be taken back or redone. With all this being said , I beg you to pray for both families that are left to deal with this horrible event .

  12. Love on January 13th, 2019 6:26 pm

    I’m friends with those kids father and it hurts. How can someone get drunk take 2 lives and bond out 2 days later. But someone can arrested for a non violent crime and never see daylight again. Justice is great

  13. Charlotte Bates on January 13th, 2019 5:54 pm

    William2…Your comment about everyone has driven while impaired, well you are sadly wrong. I have never driven while impaired, cause I don’t drink. Never have. Not interested in it. This is a horrible tragic situation. My prayers go out to both families. What happened made me sick to my stomach. Both families are suffering, and I have my own opinion about it, but now is not the time to say, cause opinions are like butt holes, we all have one.

  14. Linda Burkett on January 13th, 2019 5:25 pm

    You think 10 years is enough for two lives? You think he is sick with guilt? You think he was released on bond to square debts and move out of rental property? Are you all clairvoyant? You don’t know what he’s sick with, other than alcoholism. He took two lives, and you think he was released to settle debts and move out. I’m sure the landlord will take care of that. This man still breathes and may one day have the right to accrue debt and rent an apartment–unlike these two young people. I didn’t know his sister, but the young man played football with my grandson. He was a kind and polite young man. I’ll tell you what I’m sick with–disgust and a sense of loss that such promising futures were ended in such a horrific manner. God help us all.

  15. fisherman on January 13th, 2019 5:10 pm

    The fact that Mr. Black chose to drive impaired was his choice. He has probably done this many times before and it’s finally caught up with him. You that say who ever bonded him out was an enabler I disagree. It was someone who didn’t want to see this young man behind bars. I have always said I wouldn’t bond my kids out of jail if they did something stupid but thank my lucky stars I haven’t had to face that decision. This is very tragic for both families involved. Mom and Dad of Mr. Black can’t help what choice their son made but I’m sure they both wished to God he had not made that decision. So all you that are posting these nasty things hope your loved ones never make a bad decision and you have to read nasty things about the one you love. I will pray for both families that God will help them get through all the rough times they will go through. I am glad that I serve a merciful and forgiving GOD!!!! May God bless both families and keep them strong.

  16. David Tirrieak Andrews on January 13th, 2019 5:10 pm


  17. Disappointed Citizen on January 13th, 2019 4:40 pm

    The town is out with their pitchforks, again. Judging everyone else from inside their glass houses. I don’t know of any of the three involved, but this was a horrible accident. My heart hurts mostly for the two victims but also for this young man who made a horrible choice that cost two people their lives. At the end of the day, he has parents who are hurting, as well. You all adding to the hate and pain is absolutely shameful. You’re not God. Your not in a place to pass judgement with dirty hands yourselves. Your hate is not needed. Pray for everyone involved!

  18. Idiots on January 13th, 2019 3:59 pm

    Y’all act like this doesn’t say “charged”, you don’t know a single fact about any of what truly and actually happened, just going off of the news your reading. Let the real outcomes be decided and calm yourselves until then, you’re all commenting like kids.

  19. Concerned on January 13th, 2019 3:37 pm

    I am very concerned for the safety of my children who go to Tate high School and my safety as well. Was he bonded out so he can kill someone else. This is not Justice this is a disgrace. Are you telling me the lives of Sean and Antoinette were worthless. The word of God says put no confidence in man. I am not your judge God is. Warning always comes before destruction. I know you have had previous warnings before this destruction came upon this community this school this family.

  20. Michal Payton on January 13th, 2019 3:29 pm

    This is not his first offense, that being said ; he never should’ve had a bond. DUI laws need to change.

  21. William2 on January 13th, 2019 3:23 pm

    All of you thinking this guy is getting off easy are wrong, he faces 10 years minimum and up to life. I am willing to bet a years pay that every single one of you talking crap has done the same thing, driving impaired, you just happened to get lucky and not hurt anyone, hypocrites.

    I feel for the families on both sides, nothing good comes from things like this, it causes pain for everyone.

    To the person commenting on white privilege, you are part of the problem today, grow up and stop fanning the hate flames, it doesn’t help anyone.

  22. Shari on January 13th, 2019 3:04 pm

    Like I have stated before the system sucks and is not for the victim’s.the ones that break the law like this joker gets off to easy will others suffer. He should have been on a no bond.

  23. Praying on January 13th, 2019 2:55 pm

    LEO sets initial bond upon arrest. Looks like he bonded out before 1st appearance. The Judge at 1st appearance then can lower or increase the bond.

  24. Never drank on January 13th, 2019 2:43 pm

    This boy has made a fatal mistake… I’m sure he is not proud of what his decision to drink and drive has caused…. I’m sure he is sick with guilt. Rightfully so…they gave him a bond so he can square away any debts or move out of any rental agreement… Florida law dictates when alcohol is involved with vehicular manslaughter, it is a mandatory 5 year sentence per offense..So this young man will have the minimum of ten years to think about what he has done….

  25. Seriously?! on January 13th, 2019 2:03 pm

    You have got to be kidding me! This drunk guy that has taken the lives of two innocent people, has been released on a $25,000 bond? Boy, what a law system!!!

  26. braxton stroemel on January 13th, 2019 1:07 pm

    $25,000 bond ??? are you kidding me? Our justice system has to be the laughing stock of the entire world!

  27. Fallon on January 13th, 2019 1:00 pm

    No such thing as white privilege though. Kids selling small bags of weed get higher bails! No justice no peace

  28. Hope I’m on the jury on January 13th, 2019 11:54 am

    The judge is an idiot… whoever bailed him out is an enabler!!! Bet he gets 10 for manslaughter. Too late to raise him right.

  29. Susan on January 13th, 2019 11:43 am

    What a travesty. I hope they sent him home with an ankle monitor at least.

  30. Bella on January 13th, 2019 11:29 am

    Personally I don’t think the bail was high enough warranting the fact TWO lives were taken from this earth forever. I understand there are limits to the system, however, perhaps it’s time to revisit those limits when DUI’s are involved.