Heath Jackson Sworn In As First Republican Sheriff In Escambia County, AL

January 12, 2019

Heath Jackson was sworn in Friday afternoon as the first-ever Republican sheriff in Escambia County, AL.

Immediately after taking the oath of office, he swore in the deputies of Escambia County (AL) Sheriff’s Office.

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“This is a path we chose years and years ago. When we chose that path, we knew it was something we wanted to do one day. We didn’t know if we would ever get there, but we were going to fight as hard as we could to make that happen,” Jackson told a standing room only audience in the main courtroom at the Escambia County Courthouse in Brewton as he thanked numerous supporters and mentors.

A visibly emotional Jackson spoke about his family. A family, he said, that worked “to make sure that the last name that we carried meant something. I appreciate that from them.”

“The guys and gals of the Sheriff’s Office are hard workers,” Jackson said. “And they have done more in the past 30 days to help me than they will ever know that they have done.”

Jackson also thanked outgoing Sheriff Grover Smith for his service.

Before his election, Jackson was a sergeant at the Escambia County (FL) Sheriff’s Office and served as the team leader of agency’s Hostage Negotiations Team.

The T.R. Miller High School graduate’s nearly two decades of law enforcement experience includes service with the Brewton Police Department, the 21st Judicial Circuit Drug Task Force and work with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives in Alabama. At the Escambia County (FL) Sheriff’s Office, he also worked in the Narcotics Division, the Robbery/Homicide Division and the Public Information Office.

He is a native of Brewton.

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8 Responses to “Heath Jackson Sworn In As First Republican Sheriff In Escambia County, AL”

  1. SgtMaj Samuel A Jackson USMC Retired on January 13th, 2019 3:29 pm

    For Some of You in Escambia Al., you may not know this name (Jackson). How ever, i would like to tell you little about this Name. It all started the day he came into this world. Given the name of (Jeremy Heath Jackson) by T. W & Terry Sherrer Jackson, with his big sister, Danyell by their side. Heath who’s middle name, became his first name. Like most family, no one though a path was in the making that would change Heath’s life forever. As he grew, so did his mind with the teaching from his mother and father about words and their meaning like, honesty, integrity, humility, humble, emotional, reputation, humor, pride, self-respect, and from his Marine uncle, HONOR.Yes, as the years came and went, Heath had chosen the path of Law enforcement. However, that path he was on would not let him step off of it. Growing in his heart and mind a dream had formed that would not leave this mind. The more he dreamed, the more he knew that he was following the dream of being the Sheriff of Escambia, Al. In November 2018 Heath ran for the Sheriff and was elected. At 3:30 January11.2019, I sat in the Escambia, Al Courthouse waiting for my nephew with his mother, father, sister, and all of his friends to see Heath Jackson sworn in as the Sheriff of Escambia, Al. at 4:00 pm to fulfill his dream on the path that was started many years ago .As he spoke the words of his oath as I did as a Marine, My heart was over flowing with pride and my eyes were emotional as all Jackson’s get when they see family member’s dreams come true. GOD BE WITH YOU ON YOU PATH AS THE NEW SHERIFF. Love from your uncle and family.

  2. David Craig on January 12th, 2019 11:38 pm

    Congratulations Sheriff Jackson. You are a terrific choice for Sheriff. Looking forward to seeing your leadership and accomplishments in action.

  3. Billy Gates on January 12th, 2019 9:04 pm

    Congratulations my friend!

  4. Gigi on January 12th, 2019 7:40 pm


  5. Marie Thompson on January 12th, 2019 4:54 pm

    Congratulations to Heath Jackson as he begins his job as Sheriff. I taught Heath in kindergarten and it does my heart good to see the fine young man he has become. Praying for him as he serves the people of Escambia County with wisdom to accomplish each task set before him. I always pray a hedge of protection around him and his team as they start each day.

  6. Peggy Johnson on January 12th, 2019 3:47 pm

    So proud for you I will stand behind you

  7. Trocarman on January 12th, 2019 4:11 am

    Congratulations Sheriff Jackson.

  8. Shay on January 12th, 2019 3:57 am

    Sheriff Jackson will do an awesome job for Escambia County Alabama. What a good looking group of individuals being sworn in with a few familiar faces in the crowd also.
    Congrats Heath now go get em!!