Century’s Mayor, Council At Odds Over Choice For Billing Clerk Job

January 31, 2019

Century’s town council and mayor are at odds over his choice of a new billing clerk.

Mayor Henry Hawkins recommended the town promote Netanya Simmons from within. She has worked with the town for just over a year as a clerk tech. She was previously employed for six months as a cashier at Odom’s Bar and Package, and six months as a desk clerk at Performance Tire & Wheel in Brewton. She is certified in Office, PowerPoint and Excel.

Council president Ann Brooks said she did not believe Simmons is the most qualified candidate. Brooks attended interviews on behalf of the council and ranked her choices:

  1. Leslie Howington, who currently works in leasing and marketing with Lincoln Property in Pensacola. She previously worked for 7.5 years as Century’s town clerk. She is a certified municipal clerk, pursuing ceritifcation as a master municipal clerk. She listed an understanding of the town’s billing process, meter reading budget and income analysis. She was a member of the Florida Association of City Clerks for eight years and served as district director. She also holds an associates degree in paralegal studies.
  2. Kenneth Kirk, who has worked for Adcomm in Mary Ester since 2011 as an account payable lead and accounting specialist. He also has experience as an office manager at Jackson Hewitt and an agent licensing clerk and licensing analyst with Universal American. He holds an associate degree in electronic engineering and an associate degree in business administration, both from Pensacola Junior College.
  3. Guindolyn Cosey, who has worked with the East Brewton Police Department since 2016> Her experience also includes six months as a case manager with Judicial Correction Services, and a front end coordinator and clothing manager with Dirt Cheap in Brewton from 2012 to 2013. Her listed skills included calculations and proficiency in a Word and PowerPoint.

After strong discussion, Hawkins stood by his recommendation of Simmons and refused to recommend one of the other candidates.

“I made mine (recommendation). I am through,” he told the council “Y’all do my job for me.”

Hawkins said Simmons was his choice because she has some training with the town’s billing software and the billing clerk’s duties, Hawkins said.

Brooks said training is available from the town’s software vendor for $4,000 for any qualified candidate.

The council instead chose for the entire council to interview Simmons, Howington, Kirk and Cosey at a not yet announced date.

The previous billing clerk, Angela Suggs, resigned her position after seven years.

Before the recommendation of candidates, town accountant Robert Hudson explained the importance of the position.

“I think it’s unfortunate we don’t have somebody who we can train,” Hudson said. “It’s the bread and butter for the town, about $1.6 million in revenue.”

Editor’s note: All employment history and experience information for applicants was taken from their employment applications.

NorthEscambia.com photo, click to enlarge.


21 Responses to “Century’s Mayor, Council At Odds Over Choice For Billing Clerk Job”

  1. Just Saying on February 2nd, 2019 11:18 pm

    I’d choose Leslie over any of the others because she’s scrupulously honest, already experienced in the town’s business and therefore will not require as much training as any other candidate AND she will take that job personally. She’s bright and cheerful, always optimistic, and she cares about her hometown and all the people in it. If you want someone with an eye for details who will do whatever it takes to get the job done RIGHT, she’s the ONLY candidate!

  2. Howie on February 1st, 2019 4:57 pm

    They need to hire a person qualified in Accounting, since Century can’t get their money and bills straightened out. Losing thousands of dollars within this circus is absurd.

  3. Michelle D. on February 1st, 2019 3:25 am

    Oh boy, here we go again. Mr. Mayor, please hush and let the council do their job. Leslie is qualified as is Mr. Kirk. He has a business degree. Sorry. You sir have a habit of wanting to hire people that fit your wants. It is time for the council to stand up to you and do their job! Step down or step aside and let them do just that.
    #timeforyoutogo #weneedanewmayor

  4. TRAUMAQUEEN on January 31st, 2019 8:03 pm

    “I made mine. Ya’ll do my job for me.”

    Does he realize that he doesn’t do the hiring? He can recommend someone but ultimately the council makes the decision. This clown overestimates his importance in the grand scheme of things. The last time he hired someone..well we know how that turned out,right?

    Hawkins needs to stay in his own lane and stop being such a drama queen.

  5. Bob C. on January 31st, 2019 7:47 pm

    MAYOR…..Anyone up for voting for a New Mayor?
    Obviously this guy’s ‘experience’ has resulted in dissent and discord within the Council and City that has roots running far and wide just under the surface.

  6. Carl & Sylvia on January 31st, 2019 4:09 pm

    I agree with Willene. Leslie is probably better qualified for the job. I think she is an honest and hard worker. I believe she is the best qualified and will give 100% to the job.

  7. Michael on January 31st, 2019 3:28 pm

    Guin Cosey is your choice shes dependable and has some experience other qualifications i know for sure she has is she was also an office manager at pic n sav several years back as well as a magistrate clerk as well she also would do the town a great JOB…..ANYONE CAN BE TRAINED

  8. David Huie Green on January 31st, 2019 1:43 pm

    Maybe the job won’t go belly up if the town does.

  9. Chelleepea on January 31st, 2019 11:37 am

    There’s nothing wrong with the mayor wanting to promote from within BUT….big BUT ….. there’s a big jump from window clerk to billing. Ms. Simmons only has been a clerk for a year therefore someone who has more experience is needed. Billing needs someone who can do more than data entry.

    I understand why the council has taken on the interview process…. for one the town clerk position hasn’t been the same since the mayor’s recommendation. I have learned when hiring/firing you can’t go by your heart.

    It’s a toss-up between Leslie and Mr. Kirk. Mr. Kirk has the experience more closely related to billing but we know Leslie will be able to handle the job too. $18 is not too much for the position or is a $4000 to much for training in a billing software. You want smart capable employees ….make the investment.

  10. sam on January 31st, 2019 10:40 am

    hiring the most qualified has nothing to do with the mayors choice. when is the next election?

  11. sam on January 31st, 2019 10:38 am

    i have nothing against the lady the mayor is selecting. however this job should be open to the public and the most qualified hired. that’s the way businesses that are efficient are run. judging from this mayors past performance being efficient has little to do with anything.

  12. Neighbor on January 31st, 2019 10:17 am

    WOW!!! Every week we see that the mayor and Council are at odds about something. What a circus! Was this going on before this mayor was elected?

  13. Shay on January 31st, 2019 9:56 am

    I’m with onlooker. Why would Hawkins want to hire someone without experience? Maybe because it’s easier to pull the wool over one’s eyes and manipulate them if they don’t have a clue what their job is or how to do it. Tell me again why Hawkins is still the ringleader of this circus called Century?

  14. retired on January 31st, 2019 9:21 am

    maybe she needs a loan

  15. fisherman on January 31st, 2019 8:32 am

    Why would Mayor Hawkins want to hire someone with less experience than the other candidates. This doesn’t pass smell test and sounds more like favoritism than anything else. Mayor Hawkins said (I made mine (recommendation). I am through) this sounds like a bully to me. Mayor Hawkins my suggestion to you would be please resign and save the town of Century from more public embarrassment. You sir are a complete three ring circus by yourself just my opinion.

  16. Willene on January 31st, 2019 8:08 am

    I do not know any of those listed except Leslie. I do know she is honest, dependable, a quick learner and a hard worker.

  17. Willene on January 31st, 2019 8:04 am

    I don’t know any of them except Leslie. I do know she is honest,dependable,also a quick learner and hard working.

  18. Curious on January 31st, 2019 7:51 am

    Folks, look at the qualifications and then ask yourself why would Hawkins want Ms. Simmons for the position?

  19. Onlooker on January 31st, 2019 7:46 am

    Leslie is certainly qualified but why in the world would she want back into this mess after she already escaped once?

  20. Willis on January 31st, 2019 6:12 am

    Don’t come back to this CIRCUS, Leslie.

  21. Citizen on January 31st, 2019 2:16 am

    Hire Leslie.