Century Gas Department Loses $50,000 In Two Months

January 7, 2019

The Town of Century’s troubled gas department lost over $50,000 during the first two months of the current fiscal year.

Financial statements indicate the gas department lost $54,074.95 during October and November. With a $5,000 transfer into the gas fund from the town’s garbage fund, there was a net loss of $49,074.95.

The town projected a loss of just over $89,000 for the entire current fiscal year on $450,000 in income.

Last year, the council was told that the gas department could not account for 58 percent of the natural gas it purchases for sale. Over $100,000 was budgeted to purchase new gas meters and for a new “gate station” meter to measure the quantity of gas purchased to verify the amount billed by their supplier.

Town officials have assured the public that the “missing” gas is not leaking; it’s either a problem with customer meters, meter reading or a discrepancy between the amount billed by the town’s supplier and the quantity actually delivered.

The installation of the new gas meters will be completed this calendar year.

The Century Gas Department lost $165,181 during last fiscal year ending September 30, 2018.

NorthEcambia.com file photo, click to enlarge.


19 Responses to “Century Gas Department Loses $50,000 In Two Months”

  1. contact representive on January 7th, 2019 6:47 pm
  2. chris on January 7th, 2019 3:53 pm

    Capitalize on the mayor’s brilliant idea. Find little tiny inmates, with cameras, and put them in the gas line to see where the leak is.

  3. Affects all of us on January 7th, 2019 3:51 pm

    Century provides Water Sewer and Gas to the STATE prison..don’t forget.

    It doesn’t just affect the people inside the lines of the town. Century reached way out of their boundaries with infrastructure in the 1990 and didn’t annex the areas. The infrastructure is failing.

    So what happens if the gas and water and sewer is cut off for the schools out side their boundaries in the franchise area? The people outside the boundaries of the town have no representative in a municipal vote to dissolve the charter, can’t serve on a council or as a mayor, can’t vote.

    Get on the horn to the State Representative if you have a child in a school around there or like the idea of Century CCI having problems. Note the county has no authority unless the incorporation is dissolved via state action, or a vote of the people.

    You think the people holding the keys and the cars and the jobs and the loans and a few hundred dollars for going to a meeting want to disband?

    You think the voters who don’t know their butts from a hole in the ground will say..yeah make Century disappear, will vote to unincorporate. NO.

    It will still be here just managed better if under new management. D5

    The county has no authority unless the charter is revoked.

    The state prison being served and the schools being served need to pay attention.

    It is their monkey and their circus.

  4. Chelleepea on January 7th, 2019 3:49 pm

    Unfortunately, they haven’t had a check and balance for many years and now it is in the worst possible state and cost more to fix. I hope the town becomes smarter and check the numbers every month against the vendors numbers . A simple spreadsheet could have dedicated the discrepancies long ago……

  5. contact representive on January 7th, 2019 3:22 pm
  6. tg on January 7th, 2019 2:42 pm

    What will tomorrow bring in As The World of Century Turns?

  7. new to Century on January 7th, 2019 2:05 pm

    Personally I would first replace the “gate station” meter and make sure the gas we are billed for we are actually getting. Then have an outside source follow the gas from the “gate station” to the customers meter. Then make an informed decision on what to do next. Rather than just replacing everything right off the bat find exactly where the problem is and only fix the problem.

  8. jason ward on January 7th, 2019 10:59 am

    Why don’t century sell or give their little gas business to one of the many gas companies in our county. It seems to me that would save the city of Prichard, I mean century, about 50,000 dollars a year plus all the trouble of running it

  9. Howie on January 7th, 2019 10:29 am

    “Missing Gas” – there is and it’s because many of their meters are broke or leaking and the customers show no usage. Simple fix – repair what you can or buy a new one. Especially if it’s a customer that uses a large amount.

    Keep the Town of Century. Pensacola doesn’t need any more problems. If I wanted issues, I would move to Century. Most of those that can move, should move.

  10. chris on January 7th, 2019 9:18 am

    It will be interesting to see what kind of spin the mayor and the administration puts on this situation. I want to see them explain their way out of this one.

  11. BB on January 7th, 2019 8:39 am

    …and the hits just keep on coming!

  12. SW on January 7th, 2019 8:24 am

    Century is a failed town. Shut it down. Sell off assets.

  13. Sam on January 7th, 2019 7:58 am

    Find the problem and fix it. The town will be wanted a tax increase to cover their incompetence.

  14. chris on January 7th, 2019 7:13 am

    Like any other business, let it run bankrupt, then be taken over by a private entity, that will actually run it properly. Entire town of Century needs to just be done away with.

  15. Josh on January 7th, 2019 7:06 am

    After moving from century to pace, I can tell you that century’s utilities were way overpriced. I can’t understand how they charge that much a d still go under.

  16. Anne on January 7th, 2019 6:27 am

    @ sherlock

    You are Very Accurate, Grand Jury investigations are targeted to events or individuals.
    Town of Century needs – for it’s Citizens – a complete forensic audit to find where every dollar and dime go and what happens to this “Missing Gas”.

    Thing is, Town of Century is a relatively small example of a county-state-nation wide need for a strong infrastructure that is overseen by competent and honest leaders.

    God, Please Bless the USA we need you now more than ever.

  17. M in Bratt on January 7th, 2019 5:55 am

    But they are styling in those brand new trucks. Maybe if the Mayor can get his camera system we can find the missing gas, and watch all the Town’s reserve funds disappear into thin air.

  18. Questions on January 7th, 2019 3:24 am

    Do they even add mercaptan to the gas? or is it added from the supplier? How do they know it is not leaking?

    Is this why so many gas superintendent quit?

    Remember Kim Godwin, the now present clerk was over it, a guy from Chicago left then came back, and the other person, Joe seemed to be more than willing to quickly step down..

    who’s on first? what’s on second?
    I don’t know’s on third.

  19. sherlock on January 7th, 2019 2:39 am

    Why didn’t they sell it to Pensacola Energy after the county and Matt Danheisser acquired the franchise rights?

    Century needs more than a Grand Jury investigation. It needs an operational audit per State like they did for Defuniak Springs and Palm Bay FL. What’s the hold up?

    I wonder if Gulf breeze wants to hold on to them for the second signature for the CTA black box deals.