The ‘Great Christmas Puppy Rescue” — Deputies Rescue Puppies Thrown From Car

December 26, 2018

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office is calling it the “Great Christmas Puppy Rescue.”

Deputies rescued a litter of puppies thrown from a vehicle on Christmas Day. A concerned citizens called the Sheriff’s Office, and the men and women in green came to the rescue. The puppies were not injured.

Deputies transported the puppies back to the the Sheriff’s Office were the deputies and dispatchers enjoyed some puppy time.

All of the puppies have been adopted, and one was given the name “Tinsel.”


12 Responses to “The ‘Great Christmas Puppy Rescue” — Deputies Rescue Puppies Thrown From Car”

  1. decimal on December 27th, 2018 4:10 pm

    so sad, people are so evil, this world is behaving as it has been prophesied.

  2. JustSaying on December 27th, 2018 7:16 am

    @Whisperjet I completely understand what Christmas is all about! Not only at Christmas, but all year long believe in forgiveness! But also believe in the laws of this nation and how we should treat each other as well as animals, which are a not a necessity to us , but a gift to take care of! They are God’s creatures! So preach to the ones that threw the pups out the window, you can be forgiven, but also have to confess your sins!

  3. Bg on December 26th, 2018 9:17 pm

    I agree with the lady’s comment I would rather deal with animinals(dogs &cats)then humans at times.Please get your dogs and cats fixed .Don’t be cruel to them.Just love them and care for them.God Bless those that care for God’s Creatures.

  4. Ruby White on December 26th, 2018 2:40 pm

    I hope they catch the ones that threw they out. Beautiful puppies!

  5. Niknak50 on December 26th, 2018 1:36 pm

    Why would anybody do this. They look like they would be good dogs, not just average mutts. Children and animals are SO abused.

  6. Linda on December 26th, 2018 1:20 pm

    This is why I like animals
    better than most people!!!

  7. 429SCJ Smith on December 26th, 2018 1:08 pm

    Our Lord is merciful and great!

  8. Betty on December 26th, 2018 12:00 pm

    I would have followed these low life until I could get a tag number. But then again, Escambia County hasn’t been a great punisher of folks that abuse animals. They would probably just get a lecture. Thankfully a few showed love in a world of hate.

  9. new to Century on December 26th, 2018 11:28 am

    I am not trying to be mean here but….I may be anyway.
    Hope the person that threw these puppies away is also thrown out of a moving car and left alone. Anyone that abuses animals is such a low life. They need to be eradicated.

    Also hope the folks that adopted these cuties understand this is for life. The life of the dog. These puppies are real cute now and they will grow up to be beautiful adult dogs. I am praying the new owners understand dogs are like children that never grow up and start a life of their own.

    I guess my New Year’s prayer is that No Dog or cat has to find another home or ends up at the shelter due to Irresponsible owners that do not spay and neuter for the rest of time.

    I now get off my soap box. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

  10. Vulcanrider on December 26th, 2018 9:10 am

    Too bad no one could identify the vehicle that ditched these babies. I’m looking for a new companion for my dog since my Dachshund passed, and someone is throwing them away. Pitiful…

  11. Whisperjet on December 26th, 2018 7:25 am

    ..some folks will just never understand what the spirit of Christmas is all about..We can pray for people who have no idea how to behave as a normal human sad to exist in that condition…

  12. JustSaying on December 26th, 2018 7:10 am

    Thank you for stopping and taking care of those sweet babies! Now I do hope the person responsible for tossing them out will be found out and held accountable! That’s animal abuse, even though they did fair better in the end I’m sure!!