State Attorney: Century Documents Reported Stolen Have Been Found

December 5, 2018

Documents and audio recordings reported stolen last week from the Town of Century have been found.

Assistant State Attorney Greg Marcille told Tuesday that most of the items were located by Town Clerk Kim Godwin.

“No evidence of theft was found by the Sheriff’s Office, but the case is still open pending review by the State Attorney’s Office,” he said. “It appears they were simply misplaced.”

He declined to say exactly where the documents and recordings were found.

On November 27, Godwin reported that “sometime early in the month of September”, she noticed that a file missing that contained documents pertaining to a loan to Ann Brooks, but “she did not think anything about it at the time”, according to an Escambia County Sheriff’s Office offense report.  She said that on November 27, she discovered a  memory card containing audio recordings of council meeting was missing, along with her written notes.

Godwin told deputies that during the day her office door is left open, and anyone that has access to that area of town hall could have entered the office and taken the items.  She also stated that they were attempting to get a security camera for town hall, but there was currently no available video.

The memory card and paperwork were valued at $11.

Meanwhile, another State Attorney’s Office investigation has been ongoing since August.

“We are continuing to review the Sunshine Law matters,” Marcille said Tuesday.

Three council members reportedly attended at least some portion of a closed door meeting with CPA Robert Hudson, Town Clerk Kim Godwin and the town’s auditors. The meeting was not advertised as a public meeting, which would forbid more than one council member from taking part under Florida’s Sunshine Laws.


30 Responses to “State Attorney: Century Documents Reported Stolen Have Been Found”

  1. Shay on December 8th, 2018 11:39 am

    @ M in Bratt

    By “swindling people” I merely meant that he or the city of Century made a business deal for gas meters(I know, I know. Prior admin) and then were gonna get out of paying the refund of funds “on a technicality “ and the fact that he is trying to get fuel and per diem for driving his own truck for Century business. Surely as mayor he knew he couldn’t get both.

    I’ve never owned a business persay but common sense (Not aa common as we think)tells you that getting people on a “technicality” isn’t a good great way to attract new business to an area. Then again, articles in the news everyday telling about how inept those working for the town are doesn’t help either.

  2. M in Bratt on December 8th, 2018 5:44 am

    @Shay; I’d love to hear more about the Mayor “Swindling People” If there is any substance to that claim, please pass it on to William so the rest of us can hear about it.

  3. M in Bratt on December 8th, 2018 5:22 am

    @Blackcat Pride; Judging by all the empty and dilapidated houses and businesses, it seems that a bunch of people have already taken your advice on “MOVING OUT”

  4. Shay on December 8th, 2018 12:49 am

    Outsiders? If you don’t see something wrong with the goings on in Century then you are either complacent or part of the problem.

    The Mayor is a joke who prides himself on bullying and swindling people out of money who do business with Century. He doesn’t care about Century but loves the power he thinks he has.He throws the race card down to try to bully those who have different opinions than he does. The city hall employees and commission for the most part are incompetent and useless. Proven by their own actions and their Mayors words to Northescambia about his city and the goings on within it. Your Main Street is unattractive and uninviting to visitors and new businesses, regardless of a new city slogan and few pal trees. Your crime rate is astonishing to say the least. Drugs, excessive alcohol use and violent crimes are rampant throughout your city. Just driving through your town is depressing to say the least. Over grown grass, delapitated houses and unkept yards, dogs running the streets, non working car wash eye sores, closed down burger joints and closed gas stations, and crappy looking liquor stores. Tell me again what part of that Century you have pride in again.

  5. Traumaqueen on December 8th, 2018 12:22 am

    @Blackcat pride

    Seriously? Tell me one example of anything good happening with the town of Century? Just one. I’ll wait…

  6. Blackcat Pride on December 7th, 2018 2:31 pm

    By reading these comments I take it that most of them are from outsiders.
    I’m pretty sure that what ever town that you are from has no faults. Probably do, but just hasn’t got caught because the focus these days are all on Century.
    Now for my dear Century neighbors that likes to talk smack. If you don’t like the way things are done in our town, then run for Mayor or any of the seats being held. If you don’t want to take that option then MOVE OUT!
    The state and

  7. Howie on December 6th, 2018 2:07 pm

    Century Town Council Members and Officials are not smarter than a 5th grader. Fire all of them or nicely – ask them to resign. New folks for different strokes.

  8. SHAY on December 6th, 2018 12:27 pm

    @ Trisha

    Be nice? How about they stop wasting tax payers money and giving out loans. How about they do their jobs or step aside so somebody who can do their job can be hired. If I was this inept I would resign in embarrassment.

    I have lost and found a lot of things in my life but never called the police because of my disorganization or forgetfulness. Just last week I misplaced my checkbook but didn’t call the sheriff’s office and tell them it was stolen. I wouldn’t be so sure that almost anybody couldn’t do a better job than most of them in Century are doing right now.

    As a paramedic I can only imagine if I did my job like these people do. Can you imagine? I’d be fired, sued and broke.

  9. Tommy G on December 6th, 2018 10:01 am

    Ok Trishia, the next time I misplace my car keys, sour cream, bedroom slippers or anything else for that matter, I’m calling the cops to report it stolen. Heck, I think I’ll just “forget” to pay my bills and file a police report saying someone must have stolen my mail while I’m at it. SO while the cops are dealing with my nonsense and false stuff, the real crime and criminals get away with their nonsense.

    Let’s try this Trishia. The entire Town management needs to be fired and moved to the county. They are a joke and inept to run any type of municipal function. By your support, you must your loan application in with them also huh?

  10. Movie nite on December 5th, 2018 11:53 pm

    “unsecured loans to special people”

    “Lost then found documents false report..nevermind”

    “Gas department losing money..get franchise area straitened out in order to sell it”

    “pays accountant mega bucks to screw it up..rehire him”

    Get audit saying spent revenue from special fund to general fund which is not allowed and them accountant recommends to do it they do it again

    Media and all others ask– “Is there a problem? ”

    “No it’s a race thing”

    Citizens and others in area ask well what now, will the state lend a hand and look into this? So now what are we going to do next?



  11. Tom on December 5th, 2018 10:39 pm

    Can anyone apply for a loan or just friends and town council members?

  12. Really century on December 5th, 2018 10:26 pm

    If this isn’t some kind of corruption i don’t know what is?

  13. melodies4us on December 5th, 2018 9:55 pm

    The wheels of the bus go round and round, round and round, round and round. The wheels of the bus go round and round all through the town.

  14. Loan Question on December 5th, 2018 1:23 pm

    Is State attorney looking into the loan made to council woman? Not Brooks but this new one to McMurray Jackson. The whole council passed it. How can that comport to FL law? In fact the audit says it does not.

    This will catch up to the TOC. What will they do when it comes to financial emergency? There is absolutely no reason each person on the council can not educate themselves, discuss it with their representive, Mike Hill or reach out to the respective committee and auditors at the state and inform themselves.

    I am not convinced the Mayor understands the law neither a few people on the council nor some citizens but hopefully some one is and they aren’t just passing the blame.

    Some stepped up to serve, were elected and or hired and paid to do a job. Do it.

    Even Matt Danheisser has been paid and town consultants have taken checks.

    Where is the LDC?

    Get to work. How hard is that? Each person take responsibility

  15. Citizen on December 5th, 2018 1:09 pm

    Keep your eyes on the FLAUDITOR GEN web sites and audits. Know the incorporation gets it power from the State of Florida. Know the town provides drinking water and sewer disposal and there are alternatives. There is now a web site and there are public record laws and we would like to see the meetings streamed. We want to look over the meetings and agendas. We are not impressed with incompetence nor drama.

    Council should check there email for input and follow up. Citizen should report things and work orders put in and accomplish tasks.

    The water needs to be tested per regulation as well as the effluent. The accountant needs to be competent in municipal finance.

    Cut losses on gas department. Manage it or give it up.

    Do it right.

    “You have brains in your head and feet in you shoes, you can steer yourself in any direction you chose”

  16. anne 1of2 on December 5th, 2018 12:00 pm

    Laughter keeps us healthy and Century has replaced my daily vitamin, lol.

  17. Howie on December 5th, 2018 11:38 am

    The town of Century needs to stay out of Pensacola’s jurisdiction. Pensacola doesn’t need more problems since they have enough trouble keeping up with crap happening here in the South portion.

    Barnum and Bailey 3-ring circus in Century. Certainly doesn’t help to bring more industry and jobs to that place. Remove all council members and government officials. Replace with responsible, educated and honest people. Make a difference with people that want to make a difference.

  18. chris on December 5th, 2018 10:52 am

    Tommy G: Agreed! is there anything in Century worth stealing, least of all notes from a town meeting from 90 days ago? Just when you think they cannot get any more inept, they prove you wrong. What a joke!

  19. Chelleepea on December 5th, 2018 10:49 am

    It’s funny, sad, and embarrassing all at the same time. Sigh……..let’s get better folks.

  20. Trisha on December 5th, 2018 10:47 am

    People be nice! None of you can honestly say that you have never misplaced something. AND I would wager that at least once in your life when you did find the item it was right in front of your nose. It is always easier to think you can do a better job than someone, when in reality you probably could not. So lighten up, how about we put your every move under a microscope and see just how perfect you are.

  21. just sayin on December 5th, 2018 9:20 am

    You can count on Century for a daily headline story. Careful what you wish for in turning over Century to Escambia County. You know how we all enjoy the dirty laundry.

  22. David on December 5th, 2018 9:18 am


  23. Tom on December 5th, 2018 8:47 am

    Someone felt the heat coming and said “hum, I’m not going to jail for anyone”! Absolutely crazy little town, but a good laugh in the mornings!

  24. M in Bratt on December 5th, 2018 8:45 am

    Maybe now she’ll have time to transcribe them. LOL, what a joke. Century again makes a laughingstock out of the whole North end of the county.

  25. tg on December 5th, 2018 7:42 am

    They were laying over by the doughnuts and coffee pot all the time.

  26. Odd Right on December 5th, 2018 7:12 am

    Do you find it odd that the one person that tells him NO on all the crazy thangs he does is the one that has her paper work stolen?
    When Brooks showed she paid her last payment to the town the plan back fired and now the file was found… Odd why they won’t say we’re it was missed placed at for the last 3 months in a 10×10 office.. if the file was not in her office or his office then in fact it was stolen….

  27. Sam on December 5th, 2018 6:07 am

    Embarrassing, would be the least you could say about city hall.

  28. Tommy G on December 5th, 2018 5:17 am

    I’m sorry but no one wants to steal the notes from your meeting to include your memory card. It appears you’re just unorganized and because of this, wasted valuable resources and time of both the deputies involved and the State Attorneys Office.

    What a circus the town and its members are. Get out of debt quick, sell tickets to your daily circus event. Between the tickets and hot popcorn, the town will be debt free within a year!!

  29. Shay on December 5th, 2018 4:55 am

    What a joke. Unfortunately, I can’t say I didn’t see it coming. Get rid of the whole inept lot up there and replace them with people who have a little smarts. Just a little smarts would be better than what we have up there now.

  30. JustMe on December 5th, 2018 1:44 am

    LOL that’s all I can say. The leadership in Century needs to change along with admin.