Northview Principal Gayle Weaver Retiring

December 20, 2018

Northview High School Principal Gayle Weaver has announced her retirement.

“I am officially retiring,” Weaver said Thursday. “I would like to thank everybody for everything they have always done. Great parents, great students, great community.”

“Please keep supporting Northview High School. Get out, volunteer, help in the booster clubs, help anyway you can,” she said. “This is a great place because of the people. I’ve enjoyed it here … thank you very much. It’s been a great quarter of a century.”

After teaching in Alabama, Weaver joined the Escambia County School District in 1989 as a teacher at Ernest Ward High School. She became assistant principal at Ernest Ward in 1992, and was named principal of the new Northview High School in 1994.

Weaver is the only person to have served as Northview’s principal since the school opened in 1995.

Superintendent Malcolm Thomas said Assistant Principal Gerry Pippins has been named Northview’s interim principal for the remainder of the school year. The position will be advertised for a permanent replacement.

Pictured top: Northview High School Principal Gayle Weaver with the school’s 2012 1A State Championship team in Orlando. Pictured below: Weaver comes face to face with a BMX bicycle jumping over her during a 2016 program at the school. Pictured bottom: Weaver during a recent graduation. photos, click to enlarge.


16 Responses to “Northview Principal Gayle Weaver Retiring”

  1. Sid Wheatley on December 21st, 2018 11:26 pm

    Mrs. Weaver has been the best administrator I personally, have worked
    for. She has been a tremendous leader for Northview over many years.
    I will always cherish those years there under her guidance. I know she
    will be dearly missed by many, as I have missed her since leaving
    Northview. I consider her a dear friend and wish her the best in her

  2. Ty Wise on December 21st, 2018 11:01 am

    Hands Down the best Principal I have ever worked for!!! Wishing her all the best in her retirement!!!

    Coach Wise and Family

  3. Coach Karl Smith on December 21st, 2018 10:39 am

    Congratulations Mrs. Weaver on your retirement. Its going to be strange not seeing you at the school. Northview was my first teaching/coaching job and I worked there from ‘04-’10 and there was never a dull moment. Sr. Chief and myself kept things rocking at NHS. Thank you for hiring me and may your dedication and commitment towards the school and community live on forever. By the way ROLL TIDE!!!!!

  4. Nancy Perry on December 20th, 2018 10:04 pm

    To one of the most amazing person, leader, friend, boss, and sister!! Mrs, Weaver thank you for all yiu have done for thousands of students in the Northend. Thank you for the awesome leadership yiu have give to hundreds!! Thank you for believing in me, teaching me, mentoring me, guiding me, and for all the memories!! I hope you enjoy your retirement. Love you bunches!!

  5. August Sanders Whorff on December 20th, 2018 6:03 pm

    Had Ms. Weaver as a teacher at Ernest Ward and i can honestly say that woman was my saving grace my Junior and especially my Senior year. I wouldnt have graduated without her help. She boosted me up thru personal stuff going on and also found ways to get me extra help in subjects i had a really difficult time with. I still remember what she said when i walked across the stage and she handed me my dipolma with a huge smile and i felt her pride….” Look out there….let them see you….let them see YOU did it!” She never took credit…..just made sure kids felt their own pride. She has been principal for my step son that just came to live with us and he has been thru alot to be with us and he has commented on how the principal, staff, and even the students are just so nice and aupportive compared to where he came from. Im sad my other children wont be able to have her as a principal. But i wish her and her family many great and exciting years of retirement. Thank you Ms. Weaver….youve always been one of those “voices in my head” throughout the ups and downs of life.

  6. Bradley Mitchell on December 20th, 2018 3:33 pm

    I attended the school one year and everyone knew who Ms. Weaver was immediately. I wish her luck in whatever she does. We always wondered if she and Malcom Thomas were related. They always seemed to have a very close relationship and he would drop in often to see her. I believe the whole town benefitted from their close friendship because he was in the area often. The kids in school also respected Ms. weaver and she was all about education and encouraged us to think about life after Northview. Congrats!

  7. Bonnie Exner on December 20th, 2018 2:16 pm


  8. Kevin Enfinger Class of 2003 on December 20th, 2018 1:36 pm

    An amazing leader and amazing person all around. I had a blast going to school at NHS and the staff and teachers were amazing. Mrs Weaver was always there to lend a hand and to see that thing were handled the way they were meant to be and always went out of her way for others. So glad to hear shes celebrating this moment in life and opening a new chapter. Congrat Mrs Weaver!!!!!

  9. Wyatte Golson on December 20th, 2018 1:24 pm

    Congrats on the job at Northview you have done. Now it’s time to enjoy your retirement. It was a pleasure working with you…..

  10. ProudArmyParent on December 20th, 2018 10:53 am

    Ms Weaver,

    Thank You, From the bottom of our hearts. We didn’t always agree, but we agreed to disagree. We always found you fair and caring. You saw our three children graduate, at times you, my husband and I weren’t too sure on one or two. lol!

    Know that you will be missed greatly!

    The Bolens

  11. steve mccord on December 20th, 2018 10:05 am

    Congratulations Mrs. Weaver. I wish you the very best of everything.

    Coach McCord

  12. Jackie Johnson on December 20th, 2018 9:35 am

    Congratulations Mrs. Weaver you have served our Community and Northview High School well. We were with you the first year which was Dale’s Sr. Year (1996.) Enjoy your Retirement! God’s Blessings!

  13. Bill Slayton on December 20th, 2018 8:50 am

    We will miss you so much. The community was so fortunate to have you love and safeguard their high school students. Enjoy yourself and a big Congratulations!!!!!!

  14. Elijah Bell on December 20th, 2018 7:50 am

    Good luck Mrs. Weaver in retirement. I hope Nortview will be lead by a special person who can move the school towards great things in the future.

  15. James Moretz on December 20th, 2018 7:34 am

    As a teacher at Northview, I among many others were saddened by Mrs. Weaver’s retirement announcement at yesterday’s Christmas Staff luncheon. But with that said, we are very happy for her. She has been a wonderful principal to us including my four children who graduated from NHS. She will be greatly missed as she moves on into a hard earned and well deserved retirement! CONGRATULATIONS!

  16. M'ache England on December 20th, 2018 2:57 am

    Principal Gayle Weaver, congratulations! I enjoyed working with you. You are top notch and always put our students first. Enjoy your retirement, you deserve the best.

    Much Respect,
    M’ache England