Farm Hill Utilities Rescinds Boil Water Notice For Large Part Of System

December 8, 2018

Farm Hill Utilities in Cantonment has rescinded a boil water notice that was in place for a large part of their system due to a water main break.

The notice was issued Tuesday afternoon for South County Road 97 south of West Kingsfield Road, West Kingsfield Road and all side roads south of Kingsfield including Pinebrook and Carmody Hill.

The utility said bacteriological survey showed the water is safe to drink.


One Response to “Farm Hill Utilities Rescinds Boil Water Notice For Large Part Of System”

  1. Central water works customer on December 8th, 2018 8:12 am

    I am a central water woks customer and our water was out all day Tuesday (12/3). I called and was told there was a main break on cox rd, after it was fixed, something went wrong at the water tower on pine Barren rd. I never received a boil water notice for that incident or the other 4 we have had in the past 4 months with central water works. Never a call/text or anything in the mail stating there was a boil water notice, or that the boil water notice was over. It is Saturday (12/8) and I still have muddy, foamy water, and still haven’t heard a word from central water works.