Escambia Commission Changes Meeting Times, Public Forum Policy

December 10, 2018

The Escambia County Commission is making changes to their meeting schedule and public forum.

The commission voted to make the changes to allow county staff more time to devote to their regular job duties rather than spending hours in meetings, and “better meet their duty to residents of offering open, efficient and accessible commission meetings,” according to a county statement.

The commission changes include

  1. The elimination of one agenda review session.
  2. Moving one regular meeting a month to the morning to accommodate residents who do not wish or are unable to attend night meetings. One meeting a month will still be held in the evening.
  3. During the public forum, citizens will have three minutes to address the board, with additional time for questions and input for commissioners. Minutes can no longer be donated to another person to extend their time.

For a 2019 meeting schedule, click here.

The board also chose to change the chairmanship appointment order and to revert to the commission policy of appointment order in the future. Under this process, the vice chairman is now District 5 Commissioner Steven Barry, with District 3 Commissioner Lumon May serving as chairman.


6 Responses to “Escambia Commission Changes Meeting Times, Public Forum Policy”

  1. Stumknocker on December 11th, 2018 4:16 pm

    @Clay I believe you maybe wrong, I think the article was sometime around 2006 or 07 or 08 where the county commissioners voted for a pay raise for themselves. They also have the power to set other county employees salaries as well, not the state.

  2. Clay on December 11th, 2018 11:27 am

    @Stumpknocker their salaries are set by the state as are the salaries for all the other constitutional officers.

  3. Willis on December 11th, 2018 10:19 am

    3 minutes is too long for some of those folks!!!

  4. Stumpknocker on December 11th, 2018 6:44 am

    This is no more than some sort of a side job for them, I maybe wrong but I believe their pay is just north of $70,000 a year. And you can bet the topics that the working class will be concerned about, those meeting will occur in the morning meeting, while we’re at work. I’m sure their all gonna vote for a pay raise for themselves. They should not have ran for office if they had a conflict with their regular jobs, so now that their cutting back on their time spent maybe they should vote for a pay deduction,after all that’s what the big raise they got was suppose to have covered.

  5. curious on December 10th, 2018 6:48 pm

    Commissioner job should be full time not part time. how much do they get paid?

  6. just sayin on December 10th, 2018 9:33 am

    This is just a way to silence the public and keep one key note speaker who has the ability to speak in a way to relay one message for a group of citizens. The bocc fear that the citizens are becoming to well organized in demanding what the citizens in this county want. This is there way of shooting us down. Three minutes to speak on a serious matter that effects us all is a joke and they know it.