County Considers Contract For $24.5K Century Market Analysis

December 4, 2018

At their Thursday meeting, the Escambia County Commission will consider the final contract approval for a $24,500 market study for Century.

The market analysis will assess the feasibility of mixed use commercial and residential development in reference to various parcels and buildings within the town, according to the proposal. “The analysis will help define community needs, a profile of customers, potential for profitability and growth, as well as consider both competition and barriers to development onto the market,” it states.

The funds will come from a $95,000 economic development funding pool for the Century area that includes $55,000 from last fiscal year that was never spent, plus $50,000 from the current fiscal year. The Haas Center had proposed four additional projects that would have used the full $95,000 balance.

The marketing analysis will assess the feasibility of mixed use commercial and residential development in reference to various parcels and buildings within the town, according to the proposal.

The funds will come from a $95,000 funding pool that includes $55,000 from last fiscal year that was never spent, plus $50,000 from the current fiscal year. The Haas Center had proposed four additional projects that would have used the full $95,000 balance.

Work will begin when the agreement is reached, with a draft report due March 1. Community feedback will be solicited by April 30, and the final market analysis report will be due June 30. The agreement is between the University of West Florida and the Escambia County Board of County Commissioners and does not directly involve the Town of Century

Previously, the Haas Center presented the 2014 Six Pillar Community Economic Development Strategic Plan to the Town of Century after a successful completion of a DEO Technical Assistance Grant. The strategic plan was presented at the end of a yearlong collaboration between the Haas Center and the town.

The plan ultimately outlined a series of goals, objectives and tactics that could help facilitate change for the Town of Century. The vision was outlined as: “The Town of Century will be the model for rural economic redevelopment, excelling in cultivating its workforce, facilitating the growth of regional industry, and enhancing the quality of life for its residents and the surrounding communities.” photo, click to enlarge.


7 Responses to “County Considers Contract For $24.5K Century Market Analysis”

  1. Chelleepea on December 5th, 2018 12:16 am

    Unfortunately , the county took away the funding from the chamber of commerce because they were not marketing Century. They were wasting money on paying salaries to people who didn’t show any good results. Once the chamber comes up with a viable plan than they can get the funding back.

    We just need new people who have new ideas and know how to work a project from beginning to end.

  2. Trocarman on December 4th, 2018 8:19 pm

    I agree with OVERSIGHT. He/she has it exactly correct.

  3. chris on December 4th, 2018 2:53 pm

    “goals, objectives and tactics” “enhancing the quality of life for its residents” well you could start by dissolving Century and turning control to the county.

  4. Bama54 on December 4th, 2018 9:45 am

    Unreal, no one will never invest in CENTURY period!! The county keep throwing good money after bad. Who is more incompetent the county for repeatedly giving out money or Century for wasting the monies. There’s more deserving communities in the county who could use the funds (Molino, Cantonment)!! You build from Cantonment north not from Century south. Starting with sewer through Molino.

  5. M in Bratt on December 4th, 2018 9:34 am

    One market study after another, and Century is still dying on the vine. This 24g would probably do more good if given to the Century Chamber of Commerce to be devoted to MARKETING the resources that are already available. The County Commission should also get off their rumps and do something about the falling down and abandoned sawmill eyesore. If this dangerous eyesore were located anywhere else in the county, the problem would have been long since been addressed and taken care of.

  6. tg on December 4th, 2018 8:58 am

    Use that money to cut loses and dissolve Century.

  7. Oversight on December 4th, 2018 6:27 am

    I’ll cut the county a deal and save taxpayer dollars. Give me half of the $24.5k and I’ll give you market results right now: Century lacks infrastructure to support growth, and the town’s government is a soap opera. Businesses will not want to invest there. That’s it! Now pay me… LOL!