Century Council Minutes Remain Unapproved For Months Due To Theft, Staff Errors

December 20, 2018

The Town of Century still does not have council minutes approved for meetings dating back three months — partially due to a reported document theft and partially due to staff errors.

This week, the council approved minutes for multiple meetings dating back to mid-August. But no minutes have been submitted to the council for two regular meetings in September because the town clerk’s notes are still missing.

On November 27, Town Clerk Kim Godwin filed a report with the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office stating that on November 27 she discovered a memory card containing audio recordings of council meetings was missing, along with her written notes.

On December 4, assistant State Attorney Greg Marcille told NorthEscambia.com that most of the items were located by Godwin.

Mayor Henry Hawkins said this week the notes are still missing that pertained to the September regular council meetings.

Monday night, the council declined to approve minutes for October 15, November 5 and November 19. Brooks said the draft minutes contained “many, many errors.” Errors she cited including incorrect resolution numbers that were considered or passed by the council.

At a November 19 town council meeting, Brooks warned Godwin that someone could go to jail for violating the Sunshine Law, which stipulates minutes should be prepared “promptly.”

Godwin was not present at Monday night’s council meeting.


11 Responses to “Century Council Minutes Remain Unapproved For Months Due To Theft, Staff Errors”

  1. Pete on December 20th, 2018 5:36 pm

    And you wonder why Century is what it is, what its been and will continue to be look at the head clowns they have. Century will never amount to anything because of crooked administration and unqualified people in important positions
    Maybe escambia county should take over the operations as they did the police department about 30 years ago

  2. Bowhunter on December 20th, 2018 1:20 pm

    @ imho Hawkins tried to get the job for her but then it had to be advertised however she got the position ( imagine that ) I think and may be wrong but she was over the gas dept. that was losing money all those year’s so let’s put her in position of town clerk

  3. Dan on December 20th, 2018 12:12 pm

    What are the salaries of all these people.

  4. Help on December 20th, 2018 11:22 am

    Sending the town workers to South Carolina and SOAR with RESTORE and #taking back our town and #discovercentury and parties in the towns building and non profit organization are all clues. Can anyone connect the dots? If the people elected in every position all the way up the chain let this continue, what is the term for that?

  5. IMHO on December 20th, 2018 10:50 am

    Didn’t the Mayor hire Ms Godwin???

  6. chris on December 20th, 2018 9:54 am

    So in two days of reporting by NE.com, we go from mystery plane flights to mystery meeting minutes. and once again, prospective employers and businesses will take a wide detour around Century.

  7. Bob on December 20th, 2018 8:30 am

    I bet Town Clerk Kim Godwin is gonna be the fall guy or rather fall girl for this mess. If she is smart, she will get immunity and sing like a bird!!! Would comment more but I’m late for a plane flight per the Mayor.

  8. Willis on December 20th, 2018 8:15 am


    Seems to have started with new mayor and town clerk.

    Might end with new mayor and town clerk.

  9. tg on December 20th, 2018 7:34 am

    Can this go on forever? Take a guess when it will end.

  10. Sam on December 20th, 2018 7:17 am

    Will this mess ever end?

  11. James on December 20th, 2018 5:00 am

    It’s straightforward. The clerk is incompetent in her assigned job roles, and the mayor has proven time and again he is a pathological liar and not qualified to head a city government. There needs to be sweeping change sooner rather than later before corruption and whatever other illegal activities within Century leads to the revocation of its charter.