Vote Recount Begins In Escambia County, Across State

November 12, 2018

Election recounts are underway in Escambia County and each of Florida’s 66 other counties.

Florida Secretary of State Ken Detzner on Saturday ordered recounts in high-stakes races for U.S. Senate, governor and agriculture commissioner.

The Escambia County Canvassing Board met at noon Sunday to conduct the recount.  The canvassing board will meet daily Monday through Thursday at 9 a.m. until the recount is complete. All meetings are open to the public. The Escambia County Canvassing Board meets at the Supervisor of Elections office located on the second floor at 213 Palafox Place.

Across the state, the machine recounts will play out over five days, with county canvassing boards required to report results by 3 p.m. Thursday. At that point, races with margins of .25 percent or less will go to manual, or “hand,” recounts.

In a machine recount, all ballots are fed through voting machines. Ballots with “undervotes” or “overvotes” — in which voters may have skipped races or made extra marks in races, causing their ballots to be rejected by the machines — are set aside, or “outstacked.”

In races that go to manual recounts after the Thursday deadline, county canvassing boards will examine the “outstacked” ballots.

The results from the manual recounts must be provided to the state no later than noon on November 18. Two days later, the state Elections Canvassing Commission, comprised of Scott and two members of the Florida Cabinet, will meet in Tallahassee to certify the official election results.

Pictured top: Ballots running through a high speed scanner and tabulator Sunday afternoon at the Escambia County Supervisor of Elections Office. Pictured below: Escambia County Supervisor of Elections and the canvassing board. Photos for, click to enlarge.


17 Responses to “Vote Recount Begins In Escambia County, Across State”

  1. Concerned citizens on November 15th, 2018 2:19 pm

    Where’s the proof that the Russians did it but that’s all we hear from the loony toons but when people have common sense concern that’s when the left starts the nothing to see here crap

  2. David Huie Green on November 14th, 2018 11:51 pm

    “As far as I understand it, only 1 county had too many votes, Broward Cnty. It was obviously fraudulent.”

    They didn’t have too many votes.

    Claim: Broward County had more votes than registered voters.
    “False: Posts making the rounds on social media claim that Broward had 1,167,982 registered voters but 1,284,780 ballots in last week’s election, for 110 percent turnout and clear evidence of fraud. In fact, both numbers are wrong. The county has 1,174,851 registered voters, and a total of 714,859 ballots were cast on election day — making turnout about 61 percent.”

    This also addresses a bunch of other charges people have been making such as:

    Claim: Ballots showed up out of nowhere in Broward County.
    “But on election night, Broward County alone showed that it had counted about 34,000 less ballots than it was reporting for total turnout. Compared with other counties, that was an unusually high number of mail-in ballots yet to be counted, but it indicated that they were there, not simply “made up” or “found” over the next few days.”

    David for truth (since so few others seem to be)

  3. Mark on November 14th, 2018 10:24 pm

    As far as I understand it, only 1 county had too many votes, Broward Cnty. It was obviously fraudulent. Does not a machine count the votes? It was an inside job. The federal government should have the FBI investigate to find out how it happened and to insure that it never happens again. We will see more and more of this now that early voting is so nonchalant. (Not necessary for every county to recount.)

  4. Mike J. on November 13th, 2018 9:33 am

    In the 2000 election recount, it was Broward County and Palm Beach County plus two others that had trouble, now they are doing it again.

  5. so dangerous on November 13th, 2018 9:23 am

    Where’s the proof that dead person voted?? Where’s the proof that someone has tampered with a single vote??

    Automatic recount because of the closeness of the votes, all votes are not in yet, overseas votes has until the 16th.
    so keep it together, don’t get so upset.

    Get the facts first, don’t be a trumpin!

  6. Master Mechanic on November 13th, 2018 6:46 am

    I thought the ballots were counted after you voted & inserted them into the ballot machine ???
    So how did so many ballots get lost & were suddenly found after the left (democrats) lost the election ??Sounds like Ballots are delibertly hide to be found ,on purpose,at a later date.

  7. Brian on November 13th, 2018 6:17 am


    You are spot on. It would seem that some on here who claim to be “for the truth” overlook the fact that a lot of unaccounted votes showed up out of the blue and some elected election officials in the South part of the state feel as if the law does not apply to them which is very evident that some have been found to be in violation of the law.

  8. Wilykyote on November 13th, 2018 5:15 am

    @David Huie :
    When the “truth” is conveniently disguised the libs
    are always for it. When the “Truth” is inconveniently
    aligned the libs abhor it.

    Wily for “We The People “

  9. David Huie Green on November 12th, 2018 10:47 pm

    “Apparently only two of Sixty-six Counties caused the recount …..maybe
    the sixty-four who were competent, organized, and well run should send
    a bill to get reimbursed by the two (2) Broward & Palm Beach Counties. ”

    The recount was caused by the fact that that the law requires a recount when the difference in vote for each is that small. Individual counties were not the cause other than the fact the people there didn’t realize they were supposed to vote some other way.

    David for truth

  10. Wilykyote on November 12th, 2018 7:18 pm

    Apparently only two of Sixty-six Counties caused the recount …..maybe
    the sixty-four who were competent, organized, and well run should send
    a bill to get reimbursed by the two (2) Broward & Palm Beach Counties. Those
    (2) Counties can’t seem to handle Election Day and maybe the top 10 employees
    should be fired . They do work for the Citizens…right ?

  11. retired on November 12th, 2018 2:38 pm

    maybe we can find some more ballots just lying around or just fill in the blanks.

  12. No Excuses on November 12th, 2018 12:38 pm

    Maybe they’ll “find” some republican ballots that weren’t counted. NOT!

  13. Rex S on November 12th, 2018 11:34 am

    Vote auto recounts per law if within a certain margin. Scott filed the first lawsuit so who’s the biggest cry-baby?

  14. john on November 12th, 2018 9:41 am

    Like I have said, anyone tampering with the election process, tampering with ballots, falsifying ballots, getting dead people to vote, etc. In my opinion there should be a law that would have that or those individual(s) put to death! Make it automatic if they meet the criteria.

  15. voter on November 12th, 2018 9:21 am

    It’s like the 2000 Bush/Gore recount all over again.

  16. Amazed on November 12th, 2018 9:16 am

    Howie, I strongly agree with you. I’ll even take it further and say that the Democrats do not know how to take a loss and take a defeat gracefully! This is getting to be the norm. I am so glad that I changed my party from Democrat to Republican after forty years of that. ( I am pretty sure that the ole Dems will come out ahead in a recount due to “found votes”. So much hypocrisy!!)

  17. Howie on November 12th, 2018 12:52 am

    Hours of extra work that has already been signed off on. Thousands of salary dollars and late working hours for these people in Elections Offices. AND the struggling counties that were hit by Hurricane Michael like they have time to deal with yet another problem. Broward County and Palm Beach County Election Supervisors playing games and thinking they run the show. A deadline is a deadline. It doesn’t mean bring boxes of ballots out of hiding. What’s wrong with you people? You need to be fired along with your co-workers under your supervision.

    Howie is not for shady Government office practices.