Thomas Named Florida Superintendent Of The Year

November 29, 2018

Escambia County School District Superintendent Malcolm Thomas was selected as Florida’s 2019 Superintendent of the Year by the Florida Association of District School Superintendents (FADSS). Thomas was formally recognized Wednesday in Tampa during the joint meeting of FADSS and the Florida School Boards Association.

“As a superintendent, I strive to lead by example, as a collaborative, servant leader,” Thomas said. “My vision for the school district has always been to create a school district where parents want to send their children, students want to learn, teachers want to teach, and employees want to work,”  Thomas said. “When all those elements work together, a school district thrives.”

“Malcolm is not only an exceptional superintendent with a proven track record of success; he is a true servant leader committed to educational excellence,” said FADSS Chief Executive Officer Sen. Senator Bill Montford. “He is and has been an asset to the association and his leadership is valued by his colleagues throughout the state, in large part due to his ability to recognize the significant challenges statewide regardless of district size.”

Thomas was first elected Escambia County Superintendent in November 2008 and was subsequently re-elected to office twice and will complete his current term in 2020. Escambia County voters narrowly approved a referendum during the general election to appoint the county’s next superintendent, a move he supported.

Thomas is now in his 38th year serving Escambia County students having served in multiple roles including teacher, education specialist, coordinator and administrator. Throughout his entire education career, Thomas has continued to tutor students every week – just as he did when he first started working with the district as a teacher 38 years ago.

“Malcolm Thomas represents the finest in education leadership,” said FADSS Board Member and Santa Rosa District Schools Superintendent Tim Wyrosdick. Adding, “His passion for student learning is exemplified by his remarkable character and service to his community. He is well-respected as a visionary and highly committed to student success”

“Malcolm Thomas represents the finest in education leadership,”  FADSS Board Member and Santa Rosa District Schools Superintendent Tim Wyrosdick said. “His passion for student learning is exemplified by his remarkable character and service to his community. He is well-respected as a visionary and highly committed to student success.”

Thomas will represent Florida at the The School Superintendent Association National Conference in Los Angeles in February were he will be recognized and honored for his public education service in Florida.

Photo for, click to enlarge.


11 Responses to “Thomas Named Florida Superintendent Of The Year”

  1. shan on November 30th, 2018 7:25 pm

    How’s that possible with Escambia county ranking 57th out of 66 counties?

  2. Really Really on November 30th, 2018 2:37 pm

    I really can’t say too much on this but possibly the award was measured on superintendents who have been employed or in a role for multiple decades. Basically, who had the longest tenure.. I have met him, and dealt with him and he is selective and intentional with everything that he does. Obviously this award is not based upon any type of merit attributed to Malcolm Thomas. He closed schools here in the area, made students have to catch a bus in the early morning like prisoners. Everyone knows that he had a list of preferred principals, schools, and teachers who would all reap the benefits first with financial gains. To me this proves the good ole boy system is in work and the Florida Association of District School Superintendents can be bought.

    If this will help Malcolm sail away and gain closure with getting an award in pretense, good for him. I hope he has a happy rest of his life after his term is over.

  3. Bill M on November 30th, 2018 2:10 pm

    I love this award for Supt. Thomas after reading the smear campaign against this man that they ran on Rick’s Blog. I would have commented on Rick’s Blog as well but he’s gone over to the dark side, like the mullet wrapper. No way I sign up for Facecrook.

  4. I.B. Rashnal on November 30th, 2018 1:56 pm

    Congratulations, Mr. Thomas on a well-deserved honor. Thank you you for your leadership and devotion to our schools, students and community. I have often seen you go above and beyond the call of duty. Thank you for your steady leadership.
    Grateful, I.B.


  5. Bewildered on November 30th, 2018 10:37 am

    How can he be the best when Escambia County has the lowest paid Teachers and Support Personnel. Health insurance so high you cant afford to use it when needed. I pray we finally get a Superintendent that is for All the people not just his inner click.

    Carl…my thoughts exactly.

  6. billw on November 29th, 2018 6:25 pm

    Couldn’t Happen to a to a nicer guy.
    If you remember some of the previous Superintendents and the attendant problems they brought you can appreciate the quiet leadership Mr Thomas has brought to this office.

  7. anne 1of2 on November 29th, 2018 11:45 am

    I met this man one time at a play at Tate HS and he was very friendly and polite. I can understand why he has received this award . Congratulations Mr. Thomas!

  8. North end flash on November 29th, 2018 10:16 am

    To Carl: I was a Support Personnel for the County….I work on several committees for the employees, when you have some much money to work with, you do the best you can. When people in this county do not want to pay more in taxes, your hand are tied. The State only gives the County so much money, you use it where you can to help all employees. Mr. Thomas has done great with what he has to work with. He has cut out a lot of the fat in the District office to help the schools. Get in there and work on some of the committees, before you talk to much…Mr Thomas has done a great job!

  9. Anne on November 29th, 2018 6:43 am

    CONGRATULATIONS to You, Supt. Thomas.
    Well Deserved and your devotion to the children, teachers and schools is Tops.
    Have known you for many many years and your love for education has always impressed all of us.

  10. Carl on November 29th, 2018 6:40 am

    How can he be the best when Escambia County has the lowest paid Teachers and Support Personnel. Health insurance so high you cant afford to use it when needed. I pray we finally get a Superintendent that is for All the people not just his inner click.

  11. The Baggetts on November 29th, 2018 6:11 am

    Congratulations, Supt. Thomas! This is well-deserved.