Tax Collector Returns $1 Million To Escambia County

November 17, 2018

Tax Collector Scott Lunsford has returned over a million dollars to Escambia County during his first two years in office.

This fiscal year, he returned  $493,425.17 in unspent revenue to the county commission for fiscal year 2017-2018, bringing his two year total to $1,048,360.37.

“I am proud to reach this million-dollar milestone in just my second year in office,” Lunsford said. “We work hard to be fiscally responsible with the taxpayers’ money. We are proud to be able to provide the Board of County Commissioners these funds that can be invested in local services that make Escambia County a great place to live.”

The Escambia County Tax Collector office is fee-based, meaning its operations are funded through the fees it collects. At the end of each fiscal year and after its budget is funded, the tax collector distributes all unused fees to local taxing authorities.


22 Responses to “Tax Collector Returns $1 Million To Escambia County”

  1. David Huie Green on November 21st, 2018 6:53 pm

    “there’s streets to be fixed, areas that need to be renovated. Yeah, sure you did a “good” job but there’s a lot you’ve still gotta do. A lot of the things you HAVENT done cost money”

    The tax collector doesn’t pave streets. He gave the money to those who do. Therefore, complaining at him makes no sense.

    David for appreciation when due

  2. HW on November 19th, 2018 2:32 pm

    There’s money to give away, yet there’s streets to be fixed, areas that need to be renovated. Yeah, sure you did a “good” job but there’s a lot you’ve still gotta do. A lot of the things you HAVENT done cost money so the number goes up in whatever you’ve “saved”.

    But then you talk about wanting to make Escambia County a great place to live? Invest in training the police better or the roads or the homeless. Everyone can win

  3. Just saying--- on November 18th, 2018 8:02 pm

    The millage should be lowered for the next year if there is money to be given away. Property tax is unfair anyway. Penalizes the people who save their money and buy homes instead of renting. The renters use the county facilities, drive on the roads and their children go to school—they pay no property tax. The only fair tax (in my opinion) is sales tax—if you can afford to buy a lot —- then you pay a lot.

  4. Grandma on November 18th, 2018 8:40 am

    @ Anne, I can tell you how to return the excess money to the rightful owners, the taxpayers. The County Commissioners should lower the millage next year which lowers EACH taxpayers’ bill. Then each County department must adjust their budget down to the correspondingly lower number. I commend Lundsford for truly being FOR the Taxpayer.

  5. D.Mcnei on November 18th, 2018 7:57 am

    I want my money I don’t have any money to give away. Plus with interests, if I owned that’s the way it would be for me. that all steals too

  6. Tabby on November 18th, 2018 7:33 am

    I agree with John. It would be nice to see where this money goes (without anyone knowing we can see). Commissioners are loving this. Discretionary fund gets fatter. It’ll probably be used for some project with maximum news coverage to garner votes showing how generous the county is.

  7. John on November 17th, 2018 9:46 pm

    Don’t tell Morgan. LOL

  8. ELW on November 17th, 2018 7:26 pm

    Mr. Lunsford, you did a great and honest job. But the worst people around to give additional taxpayers money was the Board of County Commissioners. They will be glad to spend it for the people of Escambia County. Maybe they’ll hire more people to ride around to check on the people of Escambia County to make sure they are abiding by the county regulations. It would be a great Christmas present if the property taxes were lowered to compensate for the 1,000,000 savings that Mr. Lunsford was able to save.

  9. Anne on November 17th, 2018 4:56 pm

    Couple of things:

    Return to “rightful owners” — by that I reckon you’re saying you want YOUR tax money returned to YOU. How, please tell us, would you determine how many dollars per taxable property should be “returned” and to whom?

    Thank YOU to Mr. Lunsford and the hard working dedicated staff at the Tax Collector offices throughout the county.
    We went to the office in Warrington on Friday to pay property tax and to get the annual sticker for vehicle tag.
    Walked in and were pleasantly greeted by a gentleman who took our info and then we sat down and waited for all of TEN Minutes before being called by an agent. Our experience there was efficient, professional and we were treated kindly by the young lady helping us.

    Again Thank You for operating a well done office.
    Without our taxes we’d be whining and complaining about the missed or curtailed services offered us every day.

  10. Escambia Resident on November 17th, 2018 3:46 pm

    Good job, Mr. Lunsford. I hope the money is put to good use.

    To everyone saying the money should be returned to the tax payers, I sort of agree, and it sort of is being returned to the tax payers in this fashion.

    However, if you want a refund mailed to you, it’s not going to happen. $500,000.00 divided by the 314,000 residents of Escambia County comes out to a whopping $1.60. It would probably cost that much per person to have the checks cut and mailed.

  11. Jason on November 17th, 2018 2:46 pm

    In 2016-17 the BCC budgeted $4,421,000+ for the Tax Collector’s office. In 2017-2018 the BCC budgeted $4,228,000+ for the Tax Collector’s Office. While I am appreciative that the office didnt exceed its budgeted amount, How about the BCC cut the Tax Collectors budget by $450,000? Seems to be at least 10% fat there each year.

  12. clif on November 17th, 2018 10:49 am

    Thanks Mr. Lunsford, maybe other people could follow your good work. Your a good man.

  13. te on November 17th, 2018 10:29 am

    Good job. But how about returning it to the rightful owners. Would e a great Christmas gift to receive in the mail.

  14. reired on November 17th, 2018 9:46 am

    Maybe you can call Century mayor and advise him how to at least stay within budget. HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

  15. Ron on November 17th, 2018 9:08 am

    Don’t forget those fees are paid by the taxpayers. Another hidden tax. If the fees generate more revenue than needed to operate the tax collection operation then the fees should be lowered, directly benefiting the taxpayers.

  16. Phil on November 17th, 2018 8:59 am

    Unspent tax revenue should be returned to its rightful owner, the tax payer! Funny how government employees and some people in general, think that all money belongs to the government. That money belongs to the hard working people that pay the taxes, not the government.
    Phil for smaller government, and fewer govement employees!

  17. Jeff Meister Sr on November 17th, 2018 8:58 am

    Great job! A very good man doing an excellent job.

  18. John on November 17th, 2018 8:40 am

    Those folks down the hall won’t return it via a twx cut for sure. He might as well have thrown it up in the wind!

  19. James on November 17th, 2018 7:52 am

    Sounds like it’s time to reevaluate the fee structure and let the citizens directly benefit from reduced fees rather than pad the coffers for Sheriff Morgan to hold the commission hostage over.

  20. Oversight on November 17th, 2018 7:46 am

    Finally, a politician who is fiscally responsible! Scott Lunsford has set a new standard, and we should hold all elected office holders to it. All other constitutional officers should take notice along with the board of county commissioners. The voters need to remember politicians’ spending habits on election day.

  21. Ponderosa hill on November 17th, 2018 7:32 am

    Great job Scott Lunsford……not only did you operate
    the tax Collectors office within the limits of the fees
    collected but returned a million $$ over two years. We
    have some really good People in our County Government .

  22. Honest John on November 17th, 2018 5:50 am

    Thank you Scott Lunsford. I knew you would do a great job.