Not So Fast: Scott-Nelson Senate Race Could Require Recount

November 7, 2018

After Gov. Rick Scott declared victory late Tuesday in his race for a U.S. Senate seat, numbers posted Wednesday morning on the Florida Division of Elections website indicate a recount could be needed.

The updated numbers showed Scott with 4,074,001 votes, or 50.21 percent, while Democratic incumbent Bill Nelson had 4,039,498 votes, or 49.79 percent. Under state law, a recount is triggered when the margin is 0.5 percent or less.

Such a recount would involve running ballots through tabulating machines to determine the accuracy of the vote totals, according to state law

As of midnight, Scott led by about 56,000 votes out of more than 8 million cast, or a margin of 50.35 percent to 49.65 percent.

Nelson did not make a public statement. Shortly before midnight, Scott, flanked by his family, addressed supporters in Naples.He acknowledged the combative nature of the race, in which Scott and his supporters repeatedly characterized Nelson, 76, as verging on senility.

Campaigns are “divisive” and “tough,” Scott said.

“And they’re really actually way too nasty,” he said. “But you know what? We’ve done this for over 200 years, and after these campaigns, we come together.”

by The News Service of Florida


7 Responses to “Not So Fast: Scott-Nelson Senate Race Could Require Recount”

  1. Norah on November 8th, 2018 9:02 pm

    Lawyer’s from DC are in Broward and Palm county now illegally going through the votes cast in those county’s. They say they are here to see the Democrats win the election. Palm and Broward county’s are democratic strong holds and every time they count ballots they usually find 10,000 here and 15,000 there until the Democrat’s win. So beware. They might steal the Governorship to.

  2. Tom on November 8th, 2018 7:20 pm

    Please not Nelson!

  3. Donna on November 8th, 2018 4:39 pm

    I certainly hope Scott wins it.

  4. MC on November 8th, 2018 6:34 am

    Still slowing it down. That’s Bill Nelson.

  5. voter on November 7th, 2018 3:31 pm

    I’d say the winner will be the one in the black suit and red tie.

  6. db on November 7th, 2018 9:51 am

    Nelson needs to just go away. He has been nothing but a leech to the good people of Florida.
    He has no honor, just self righteous greed.
    Bye Felicia

  7. Mike J. on November 7th, 2018 8:56 am

    Note that in 2016 on election night, Hillary also did not come out herself for a speech in front of her party room supporters (Podesta spoke for her). Most candidates who lose will give a concession speech in an honorable way. Even when the results are close. What Sen.Nelson should have done was come out before his supporters and explain that he is not conceeding yet because of the close margin and recount possibility.