Ransom Middle, Kingsfield Elementary Placed Under Lockdown

November 29, 2018

For an update on the manhunt, click here.

Ransom Middle and Kingsfield Elementary schools were placed under a precautionary elevated security threat midday Thursday.

According to the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office, a subject ran from a residence near the schools when deputies attempted to serve felony arrest warrants.

Escambia County School Deputy Superintendent Norm Ross said under the threat level, there was still normal movement of students within the schools, but outsiders were not permitted access to the campuses.

As of 12:30 p.m., deputies were still searching for the suspect. Further details will be posted as they become available.

“Elevated security threat” is the Escambia County School’s new term for a “lockdown”.


10 Responses to “Ransom Middle, Kingsfield Elementary Placed Under Lockdown”

  1. Wally Pappy on November 30th, 2018 2:33 pm

    Around 12:30pm Friday 11/30 there was a Deputy Cruiser near traffic light at 297A & West Kingsfield. So he hasn’t been apprehended?

  2. I.B. Rashnal on November 30th, 2018 11:20 am

    I realize that the average story’s comment section is dedicated to those who have a gripe, complaint or criticism. I do trust, however, that I am not the only local parent and citizen who is grateful for school administrators who strive to make wise real-time decisions that affect the well-being of our kids entrusted to their care. They handled the off-campus situation yesterday with appropriate caution and common sense. Steady, level-headed leadership in crisis is a much harder and nobler task that comment-section reactions and critiques. So, from one parent to our school administrators, I say, “thank you and well done.” Also, to our local law enforcement: thank you for the time away from your families to keep mine safe as you search for another (alleged) felonious punk. Also, thank you for – by your presence- ensuring that yesterday was the absolute safest day of the year for our kids to walk hiome. Grateful, I.B.

  3. Concerned resident on November 30th, 2018 1:39 am

    Here it is 12:34 am and there are cops everywhere still !!!! They are all in the subdivisions just about every corner and all up and down kingsfield Rd. , Apparently this guy is very dangerous , for there to be 50 or more officers on the streets looking for him , so I am wondering why residence weren’t made aware of the situation and just how dangerous it is !!!!

  4. Helen on November 29th, 2018 10:53 pm

    Police cars were still there at 9:30 pm! I was also a bit upset that they took Ransom off of lockdown if he was still on the loose. When I got to Ransom this afternoon to pick my daughter up in the car rider line, there were police cars, dogs, unmarked vehicles, road prison trucks everywhere! I saw kids walking home in the middle of all that. Not a good call in my opinion.

  5. Mike on November 29th, 2018 9:54 pm

    Couldn’t be more flabbergasted at the way this was handled today. The initial message from the Deputy Superintendent was extremely vague that left me with more questions, and very uneasy. Said there was an off campus threat..was that threat towards the school? The message was very broken and not put together at all. There is plenty of training for this, and we are trusting people in his position to be ready in the event of an emergency. Now, at 8pm I get online to see what ended up happening, and I see a wanted felon is on the loose near school? Why were kids authorized to walk home?? We trust you with our children everyday and to see this handled in the disastrous way it was by the school board, leaves me in fear shall something more serious happen at the school. Is it safe for kids to show up tomorrow? Walk to school in the morning? Any updates?

  6. Eric Gordon on November 29th, 2018 8:05 pm

    I agree with the first comment! Why I was notified about 2:45 the school was no longer on code yellow and normal security levels resumed. Then driving home to Deputies flying up and down Kingsfield and Pickups with officers and dogs. I’m a bit miffed why my child was allowed to walk home through the middle of all this!

  7. Melissa Terry on November 29th, 2018 7:38 pm

    It’s after 6:30pm and deputies are camped out in all of our neighborhoods around Ransom & Kingsfield schools and on 297-A. Lots of unmarked cars patrolling. When will we know if it’s safe to send our kids back to school?

    Also, Ransom should have gone back on lockdown! 3:45 was when all the activity picked back up with cops everywhere! I followed my gut and checked my child out. I’m thankful she wasn’t walking home in that mess! Police dogs could be heard barking from my home on Kingsfield.

  8. Laura cook on November 29th, 2018 6:57 pm

    How is it that the schools when off lock down then school when off lock down with this guy still on run!!???!!?!?!???? the guy is still in area out running dogs and cops at 4:35 pm!!! Kids were walking home with cops every were! It was bad call to let the Radsom kids walk home and his still on run and his out running dogs and cops! At 4:45 his was running with kids on same street!!!!

  9. Beulah Boy on November 29th, 2018 6:31 pm

    Just left Ransom Middle and they were still all over the area from 297-A, down Kingsfield to Hwy 97. Hope they catch him.

  10. What's going on now on November 29th, 2018 5:44 pm

    After picking up my child from school, we passed 15-20 police officers in that area.