Proposal Takes Aim At Cell Phone Use By Drivers

November 23, 2018

A proposal that would allow law-enforcement officers to pull over motorists for using cell phones while driving will be back before lawmakers in 2019.

Sen. Wilton Simpson, R-Trilby, has filed a measure called the “Florida Ban on Wireless Communications Devices While Driving Law,” which would prohibit texting, reading data or talking on wireless handheld devices while behind the wheel.

Currently, texting while driving in Florida is prohibited, but it is enforced as a “secondary” office. That means motorists can only be cited if they are stopped for other infractions, such as running a stop sign or speeding.

House during the 2018 legislative session approved a proposal that would have made texting while driving a “primary” offense, allowing police to pull over motorists for tapping away on phones. But the measure failed to advance in the Senate amid concerns about issues such as minority drivers facing increased racial profiling.

Simpson’s new proposal, which is filed for consideration during the 2019 session, would impose a broader ban on use of cell phones by drivers and allow enforcement as a primary offense. It would allow drivers to communicate hands-free on wireless devices. Also, motorists would be allowed to use handheld devices for such purposes as getting safety-related information or for navigation.

by The News Service of Florida


22 Responses to “Proposal Takes Aim At Cell Phone Use By Drivers”

  1. Bob on November 25th, 2018 11:50 am

    No wonder this county is so screwed up. I thought this was a joke.

    “But the measure failed to advance in the Senate amid concerns about issues such as minority drivers facing increased racial profiling.”

    I am Americian, poor and trying to build a better life. Is is okay for me to rob a bank?

  2. That Guy on November 25th, 2018 10:26 am

    As a motorcycle rider its easy to spot the cell users at night seeing the all to familiar glow coming from the face of the drivers. Personally I just steer clear and mark them as a hazard and go about my ride. I agree there is a TON of single vehicle accidents and I think this is the root of many of them. Heck I saw a man in a truck with a laptop the other morning!

  3. Kane on November 24th, 2018 3:10 pm

    All the people complaining about this law well what do you suggest? Or are you okay with drivers that swerve from one side of the road to the other going off the road in many, many instances? It makes no sense that you want to fight this unless you are one of the offenders or you do not have any regard for your life or the life of others. Yes technology is convenient helpful and in this day and age necessary but it also must be handled with the appropriate care and safety for the user and everyone else. This law if anything is far to lenient, as for officers using there phones they should definitely be held to the same standard as any other motorist. Being an officer does not exclude you from the law, what excuse does anyone have to type and drive at the same time? What does an officer have to type while diving that could possibly be as important as not running people over? There is no excuse for ANYONE to look away from the direction they are travelling to look at a phone! Looking at directions on your phone in an age where phones can talk to you is ridiculous! I have personally seen so many people texting away on their phones and swerving wildly that I came up with my own system to deal with them. It is quite simple lay on the horn that is what it is there for to let people know you are there. Obviously if the motorist is texting, swerving, running off the roadway they are distracted and do not know you are there. It is quite satisfying to watch their heads suddenly “pop up” like a jack-in-the-box and their driving instantly improve. Be safe on the roads have your head on a swivel and always, always be on the look out because no one is going to keep you safe on the road but you.

  4. yeahbut on November 24th, 2018 12:23 pm

    More government control and tax collection opportunities by the enforcers (who are constantly on their own devices- for work? Yeah, right) that should be voted down by the State Congress. I am all for safe driving. But time and again, folks are looking to Big Brother to legislate them into safety. Thanks but NO thanks.

  5. nod on November 24th, 2018 12:15 pm

    I have always studied a map before taking a trip or going somewhere strange. unlike most people I then have it in my head for life and do not need the nav feature on my car or phone. too many people depend on electronic devices to run their lives and do all for them.

  6. ALEX on November 24th, 2018 12:11 pm

    shame on anyone that puts down our law enforcement officers the way one commenter did. I support our officers and am 99.999999999% behind them. if anyone abuses their power,”LOCK EM UP,” but do not make it harder for the good guys to protect us.

  7. Grandma on November 24th, 2018 9:51 am

    First cell phone have google to go nav. app. Just lay the phone on your shoulder and LISTEN to the turn by turn instructions. Pull off if it messes up. Second newer autos have blue tooth to the cell phone capability-hands free talking; talk to text; it speaks incoming texts out loud. Third newer autos have built in nav. systems that you set BEFORE you pull out. Just listen to commands. Finally, if all new autos had phone suppressors unless the vehicle was turned off, eventually drivers would be trained to pull over to use a phone. What are ya gonna do, when the cell is integrated into our arm? Granny for safety and advances.

  8. Wilykyote on November 24th, 2018 9:16 am

    How about getting a discount (50%) ? On Auto insurance if
    you agree (in writing) to Never use a communications device
    While driving a moving vehicle! Yes, there would be cheaters
    ( they’re everywhere) but if ticketed you’d lose the Insurance. Could
    do the same regarding (speeding) and driving under the influence. Don’t
    have to agree to the (extra) rules…..just pay the much higher price !

  9. Old Puppy on November 24th, 2018 2:44 am

    @CW. My phone attaches to a holder on my windshield.
    @ Anne. I study a map also. 1 that tells me when to turn. Get outta the 1900s and let technology help you.

  10. Tabby on November 23rd, 2018 10:23 pm

    All for it….with one exception; As LEOs are constantly on the phone or texting (non work related) much less all the filth they do on graveyard shift, I’d like a provision in the bill that once we pull someone over, if that person turns out through proof of their phone that they weren’t on it at all (just an excuse to further a search or chat up a female), they should suffer some penalty themselves. Incremental punishment, 1st, 2nd, 3rd offense so on so forth. LEOs are granted discretion by the public to do many things in the name of protecting the public. Yet some abuse that discretion repeatedly.

  11. CW on November 23rd, 2018 6:57 pm

    @Old Puppy

    Get a Garmin to attach to your windshield, then no need to look down at your phone.

  12. anne1of2 on November 23rd, 2018 4:37 pm

    Dear old puppy, I study these things called maps before I drive if I am not familiar with the area. Pulling over saves my life, might be worth it to me and others on the road..

  13. Willis on November 23rd, 2018 4:29 pm


    Dont be ridiculous
    There is already a law preventing DUI….

    I mean making it illegal.

  14. Old Puppy on November 23rd, 2018 1:30 pm

    @ Anne 1 of 2. I work in a place i’m not familiar with consistently and is the navigation on my maps to give me directions. You are suggesting I pull over everytime I need to make a turn? Yeah…. that won’t cause any traffic problems or accidents. Just cause you live in your lil home town and know where every one lives doesn’t mean we all do. THINK BEFORE TYPING A STUPID REPLY

  15. anne 1of2 on November 23rd, 2018 10:55 am

    If you don’t know where you are at on the road, why do you continue to drive? Using the cell for navigation? Is that crazy or what? Get off the road to study where you are at! It is as if the vehicle won’t run unless there is a cell phone glued to the ear, just sickening!

  16. Pam on November 23rd, 2018 10:48 am

    Something has to be done! The amount of accidents due to distracted driving has increased dramatically. People including children are are dying because someones phone is more important than keeping their eyes on the road! Make our roads safer! If this bill passes or one like it, we can only hope law enforcement enforces it!

  17. tooma on November 23rd, 2018 8:41 am

    Cell phone battery will last longer than this legislation – too many lawmakers as well as everybody else and their brothers and sisters texting while driving. Like shooting fish in a barrel for LEO’s. The only way to curb this problem is by motorists policing themselves – IT’S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN !

  18. Wilykyote on November 23rd, 2018 8:21 am

    Long overdue, got to be some “pain “ if caught. The “catch” was at
    the end. The use of these devices while driving is killing people and causing
    Billions (billion is a thousand million) in Insurance claims which affects us all. We
    humans are so important we can’t wait . Unfortunately the politically
    correct crowd ( profiling ) is already at work against it.

    Wily is worried “common sense” has gone bye-bye !

  19. fisherman on November 23rd, 2018 8:16 am

    Why does it always have to be minority racial profiling ?

  20. Harriet on November 23rd, 2018 7:56 am


  21. Niknak50 on November 23rd, 2018 7:56 am

    Offender: yes officer I was getting safety information.

    Officer: sorry to have troubled you, have a nice day.

    What sense does it make to pass a law prohibiting something, and within the law, provide a loophole???

  22. Henry on November 23rd, 2018 6:28 am

    Would safety related information include being able to *347 to report a drunk driver you are following in traffic?