Nine Arrested In Escambia County Prostitution Sting

November 9, 2018

Nine people were arrested in a prostitution sting in Escambia County on Tuesday.  The operation was conducted by the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office Narcotics Unit and High Intensity Patrol Unit in the Brownsville area.

Those arrested and charged with prostitution, according to the ECSO, were:

  • Kardale Devon Archie, 26
  • Tiffany Melissa Lovelace, 24
  • Heidi Noelle Macks, 31
  • Dana Oliveira-Spencer, 47
  • Melody Marlene Ortez, 42
  • Carie Stephens-Pless, 45
  • Carmen Nichole Reynolds, 32
  • Patricia Nichole Rose, 39
  • Toxsay Taney Warren, 29


21 Responses to “Nine Arrested In Escambia County Prostitution Sting”

  1. John on November 29th, 2020 5:08 pm

    I knew one of these ladies when we were teenagers. Haven’t seen her in so long and I miss her. Such a nice person and so sorry. Never give up hope!

  2. A Momma on November 12th, 2018 5:36 pm

    Tabby, I disagree with you about them hurting no one but themselves. Your wrong, they’re hurting God, yes God because he cares for them too, their loved ones that do care about them, no matter who whether a kid, parent or spouse, etc. They are passing the hurt to others, their clients that could get diseases, their clients loved ones. Not only are they hurting physically & emotionally but most importantly spiritually. I was once told by someone that there has to be a trial to have a testimony. Remember the country song about the preacher the farmer and the hooker? If not go find it on YouTube.

  3. Tabby on November 11th, 2018 9:31 am

    @concerned–Glad to see some on here still care about people. These women are hurting nobody but themselves. However, don’t hold up Teen Challenge. I’ve seen the women in the program over the years and very rarely is there a teen amoung them. I also know the couple that run the program. They are the most cold hearted two faced people you’d know. Coming to you as one thing but quite another. Very manipulative. You’d be surprised. Besides, watching Joyce Myers all day every day doesn’t change anything. These girls go through the program just to get out of their situation. No help within themselves.

  4. Concerned on November 10th, 2018 11:12 pm

    @Bartender & @A Momma it’s nice to see concerned people instead of the cold hearted comments. Teen Challenge is a wonderful place to help people of all ages get off addictions of any kind. Any of us could end up on the street and who knows what that would lead to. The cold hearted on here would change their minds if any of their love ones ended up this way. People need to be careful how they judge because you might have to walk through it one day yourself.

  5. Get It Right on November 10th, 2018 1:47 pm

    I love how ppl say addicts come from bad parents, they were poor, or they had a bad upbringing be for real ppl. They are grown women that are making their own choices. Do you even know any drug addicts? You will be suprised how many did have good upbringing, etc. but still became an addict. It is time ppl stop making excuses for the addict! Addict come from every walk of life and being an addict you yourself are the only one who can change that. Someone said for them to go to rehab well here in Pensacola that is easier done then said. ADDICTION IS FOR THE WEAK NOT POOR

  6. Howie on November 9th, 2018 11:06 pm

    Some of these comments are disrespectful. Not every living person is blessed with a great job, great looks, or great body. These people in this sting are trying to make a living which is illegal. They just happened to be the ones that got caught. Their lives are lacking life’s direction and love. God loves them just as he does everyone.

    Prayers for all those in need of many things to survive.

  7. M in bratt on November 9th, 2018 3:41 pm

    All I can say is that it must be very dark in Brownsville. or their customers must be blind.

  8. A Momma on November 9th, 2018 12:45 pm

    Second part of my first comment is: No sometimes we can’t do what we want for whatever reason. Money is one of them, everyone doesn’t have bulging accounts. Everyone struggles maybe not as bad as some but they struggle. I hope your neice gets help, thats sad. I’m not judging or assuming I’m just wondering could it be that someone in your family may be the reason she won’t or can’t get help or just don’t want to? Maybe she has been betrayed and afraid to talk and therefore feels she’s alone.

  9. A Momma on November 9th, 2018 12:27 pm

    bartender your right, it is sad that they live like that for whatever reason, they may or may not accept any program but what if they don’t know, what if they’re scared, what if they’re afraid to fail, what if they’re afraid they’ll get into more trouble, what if they don’t have anyone to fight for them & be there for them it can be hard on the ones helping too, if someone has been hurt over and over whether by action or word how long would it take for them to know their worth? Most people say they’ll be there but won’t. Your right there’s no telling what kind of childhood they had, it could be them or not.

  10. Lisa Watson on November 9th, 2018 12:21 pm

    They need to start arresting the customers too.

  11. Funny on November 9th, 2018 12:02 pm

    The one smiling is proud of them teeth. She’s probably the only who has them.

  12. DJC on November 9th, 2018 11:25 am

    Be nice. These women are human too.

  13. anne1of2 on November 9th, 2018 10:12 am

    Everyone has a story, I sure would like to be able to understand these women. We all deserve to be loved, not used.

  14. Grand Locust on November 9th, 2018 10:06 am

    I see first and second grade girls filled with dreams but dealt cards of drug abuse, neglect, and cruelty. Little girls who probably never had a chance with the choice of parents or being born into poverty. “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.” The cruel remarks about appearances are unnecessary. These are god’s children who need help.

  15. bartender on November 9th, 2018 9:11 am

    look at them,you think someone would hire them for a job? i think its sad that they live like that. there are out reach programs for these girls but would they take it? probably not. theres no telling what kind of child hood life they had.they have to want to change their way of living. i have a neice that lives like that.does she want mental help, no.we have watched her go down the drain for years and nothing her family can do.

  16. TJ on November 9th, 2018 8:57 am

    I’m sorry, but with faces like these they would have to pay me, and they don’t have that much money.

  17. Robin on November 9th, 2018 8:38 am

    Pretty Woman gave me false ideas of what prostitutes should look like.

  18. Tom on November 9th, 2018 8:26 am

    Omg, bet they broke! Pitiful looking!

  19. Pop on November 9th, 2018 6:27 am

    Some of these faces has been on here before i think? I’d like to see their customers! Had to be desperate men!!

  20. JustSaying on November 9th, 2018 6:07 am

    Where are the “Johns”? Takes two to make the deal happen, put some of their names and mugshots up here! I know these “ladies “ are guilty, but so are they! When the sting took place had to be some also hanging around area!

  21. Grand Locust on November 9th, 2018 5:57 am

    Jesus said to them, “Truly, I say to you, the tax collectors and the prostitutes go into the kingdom of God before you.