Molino Man Charged With Molesting Juvenile Girl

November 2, 2018

A Molino man has been arrested for allegedly molesting a juvenile girl.

Dennis Lester Odom, 59, was charged with lewd and lascivious behavior and molestation of a victim under the age of 12, which carries a maximum penalty of life in prison, and lewd and lascivious behavior and molestation of victim between the age of 12 and 16.

The offenses were alleged to occur at his home on Branch Crossing Road between early 2017 and August 2018. The victim told investigators that Odom touched  her inappropriately on multiple occasions on the living room couch as Odom’s wife was asleep in a bedroom, according to an arrest report. She said she told him “no” and objected to the touching.

Odom voluntarily spoke with an Escambia County Sheriff’s Office investigator and said he has known the victim’s father since he was a child. He denied the allegations against him.

Odom remained in the Escambia County Jail with bond set at $10,000.


7 Responses to “Molino Man Charged With Molesting Juvenile Girl”

  1. Leon on July 21st, 2019 7:06 pm

    Innocent until proven guilty I say, but if in fact, this man did do this wrongful doing against these precious children, then give him life with no possibility of parole. Personally, I think they ought to bring back public hangings and let the townsfolk watch sick bastards who harm children swing by the neck until dead, it could make sickoes have second thoughts and we can then save or children.

  2. RC on November 3rd, 2018 8:18 am

    If proven guilty-by all means give him the maximum allowed. But be sure he’s guilty first. I know someone personally who had this allegation brought against them and it was 100% FALSE….but they are traumatized by the fact that it was even brought up. As parents we want to protect our children,and our first reaction is to deal with the problem so it never happens again. But-when a charge like this is levied against someone it is a guilty until proven innocent thing. Personally,I think a noose is in order for anyone who does this to a child-just so that’s clear. But be sure first as some children have learned that saying this can get someone removed from a home or get them something they want-they don’t think of the severity of the charges. Be sure first-this man’s life depends on it. I don’t know this man but I’d want the facts straight.

  3. Taylor on November 2nd, 2018 4:22 pm

    Get the nuse ready!!

  4. bill on November 2nd, 2018 9:45 am

    if convicted no way this person will ever get out !!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Pop on November 2nd, 2018 7:33 am

    Hope he rots in prison if he’s found guilty

  6. Trocarman on November 2nd, 2018 7:06 am

    This thug should rot.

  7. Tabby on November 2nd, 2018 5:19 am

    How in the heck is this guy’s bond so low ? I understand how and why the bond process works so I don’t need responses from wannabe lawyers or constitutionalists sympathetic to the charges.
    I however come to a conclusion. Judges in our area don’t follow the Constitution when dealing with bond issues. That is fact. They issue bond based on the seriousness of charges. So the bond here is either based on poor evidence or a judge sympathetic to child molestation whether that be due to personal views or a liberal mind. Either way, that’s a sickness.