Gubernatorial Candidate Andrew Gillum Draws Crowds In Escambia County

November 1, 2018

Just six days before the election, Democratic gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum brought his campaign Wednesday to predominately Republican Escambia County.

“Are y’all ready to win,” Gillum said as he took the mic during an outdoor event at Arlene Williams BBQ.  “Y’all continue to overwhelm me here in Escambia County.

“Given the facts that the stakes are so high, a lot of people have said, ‘what are you doing up the Panhandle of Florida in the final six days of a race for governor? Aren’t all the Democrats down state?’,” he said. “And I said I am in Escambia County because there are voters in Escambia County….and so we are going there. And guess what y’all? I believe we are going to win this race.”

Gillum’s bus tour also made a stop  at St. John Divine Missionary Baptist Church.

With large chunks of the money coming from trial attorneys, a political committee backing Democrat Andrew Gillum’s gubernatorial campaign reported raising more than $2 million on Tuesday, according to the state Division of Elections website.

The Forward Florida committee reported $2.02 million in contributions dated Tuesday and had about $4.68 million in cash on hand heading into next week’s election. The latest influx of money included $250,000 from the statewide law firm Morgan & Morgan and $250,000 from the Pensacola-based firm Levin Papantonio.

An updated report for Friends of Ron DeSantis, a political committee supporting Republican gubernatorial candidate Ron DeSantis, had not been posted on the Division of Elections website late Wednesday afternoon.

The News Service of Florida contributed to this report.

Pictured top: Democratic gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum campaigned in Escambia County Tuesday at Arlene Williams BBQ. Pictured below: Gillum also campaigned at St. John Divine Missionary Baptist Church on Jordan Street. Photos for, click to enlarge.


42 Responses to “Gubernatorial Candidate Andrew Gillum Draws Crowds In Escambia County”

  1. bewildered on November 4th, 2018 2:54 pm

    As a registered independent voter I would like nothing more if this block voting on each and every bill would stop by both parties. Each side is accusing the other that one or a limited number of people decide what is being done. Trump runs the Republican show and Schumer, Hillary, Obama, Maxine and Pelosi order their sheep around and tell them what to say and do. I totally understood the Democratic Party vision in the 60’s. What did Kennedy say: don’t ask what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country!. Today the Party serves only the Elites and Welfare Recipients. They want as many as possible undocumented people in the country – not because they give a flip about them – their votes assure their future political success. Why do these young men who threw rocks at a helicopter in Mexico not band together and fight the gangs that supposedly make their life unbearable? Many countries in the world are facing the same problem and we should hold their citizens accountable to restore order themselves and fight for their right to live in peace. I am old enough to know that we cannot take in and support the whole world. . .

  2. don on November 3rd, 2018 2:22 am


    When ANY tax rates are raised (corporate taxes) the tax increase is paid by WHO?


    So YES it is a “TAX INCREASE” !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Bmr on November 3rd, 2018 12:56 am

    Chellepea, I am voting November 6 like my life depends on it.
    I am voting Republican.

  4. Bmr on November 3rd, 2018 12:53 am

    Rick, I have never been, as you say screwed over by the republicans. The rich need the tax cuts. They are the ones cresting the Jobs. If the corporate tax is raised, and let’s say that corporation taxes are raised $100,000.Guess who loses?
    It is the people that need jobs that lose. Current workers lose their raises, equipment upgrades get put on the back burner.
    NO TO ANDREW GILLUM. Any one who accepts money from George Soros is no friend of Florida.

  5. Tom on November 2nd, 2018 6:24 pm

    Should require all people to pass a drug test before being able to vote!

  6. Citizen on November 2nd, 2018 11:32 am

    People will never agree on two things; religion and politics. Why argue? It’s good when candidates visit this part of the state. We need to hear from them so that we can formulate the right decision when we vote. Whichever way you vote, education is key

  7. Concerned Citizen on November 1st, 2018 8:56 pm

    Jason, I agree with with what you posted. If Andrew Gillium is elected, the state of Florida will mimic that of California, a true cesspool. As far as healthcare, people should work for their healthcare, they should plan for their retirement and not depend on government to take care of them. Closing the borders and making immigrants take the proper way to citizenship is the only way. If not the USA will look like the hell holes that these illegal immigrants come from. As far as Gillium and State Prisons, it’s a know fact that he wants to close prisons. The only way I say to close prisons is actually follow through with the death penalty on those that are death row and are a drain on the prison system and on our tax dollars. Gillium also supports felons getting their voting rights back, imagine that, he’s won by a landslide if that was the case. These people knew the consequences of their actions when they broke the law, so they have to live with that, it’s on them and no one else. To keep moving forward with a safe USA, record 401k retirement plans, and lowest unemployment since 1969, you need to vote Republican. Vote Ron DeSantis

  8. healthcare 1st on November 1st, 2018 8:26 pm

    There is more than one way to kill the babies, not taking care of the children we have, to denies healthcare, unclean drinking water, not feeding the hungry. Which sin is worse???
    Both parties have blood on their hands.

    You can’t say one party has clean hands and the other don’t

    What does the bible say, lies are a sin, bearing false witness is a sin, to kill is a sin, greed is a sin. Which one does the bible is worse? All are sin!!!

  9. Bird on November 1st, 2018 8:23 pm

    Lee, how do you increase taxes on the rich, and not the middle class, in Florida? There is no state income tax here… yet.

  10. np630ss on November 1st, 2018 8:09 pm

    Look at the absolute mess he has turned Tallahassee in to. Locals there call it “Li’l D”, for little Detroit. He is ALREADY up to his eyeballs in corruption and under FBI investigation. A lot of people dislike Scott but you have to admit something. The state moved FORWARD and prospered under his direction. Businesses CAME here. Under Gillum’s Tax plans – they will LEAVE even more quickly. What about his plan to disarm LEO’s??? What will they use? Whistles? Think long and HARD before you vote for this socialist. Look at the cities they already control. Words are EASY for them. Look at the after affects.

  11. Chelleepea on November 1st, 2018 7:51 pm

    Ok Gillium didn’t talk about raising everbody’s taxes. He said he would like to take a billion of the corporate tax cuts back to invest in education. I’m sure all you informed voters know we have a teacher shortage in the state?

    If you’re pro-life you should want planned parenthood to provide birth control and education to reduce the amount of abortions. I mean that’s what we want right….less abortions.

    Single payer insurance is just basic insurance like medicare and just like medicare you can purchase an additional supplemental insurance to meet your unique needs. It’s like me paying taxes for schools even if I don’t have kids and paying for interstates I don’t use. I might have kids or travel some day so I’m paying my part now.

    And I don’t know where anyone gets this idea that the police force will be dismantled . ..I have no words for that. It’s just ignorance to think so.

    Please vote November 6 like your lives depend on it.

  12. Saddleupnride on November 1st, 2018 5:16 pm

    This man is a lying Socialist!!! Please don’t believe anything he has to say. If he gets elected he will ruin the state of Florida. Please vote Republican all the way!!!

  13. Rick on November 1st, 2018 4:49 pm

    Only taxes being raised are on the rich and should be. When the Republicans are in power the money is at the top and we get trickle fed by them . At least when democrats are in power the money is put in at the bottom and works it way to the top. And yes I’ve worked every year since I was thirteen years old and I’m 45 now so I’m not a freeloader as most would think by what I’m stating. Working man gets screwed by the Republicans everytime.

  14. Grace on November 1st, 2018 4:35 pm

    In the mighty name of Jesus Christ and all that is Holy !

    God Bless All but some of you are SO deceived which is the work of the enemy of us all.

    Look up ” PROJECT VERITAS ” and their undercover report on Gillum and his “team”. They are caught on video calling Florida ” Crackers ” if you know what that means, but loves to play the race card.He is saying anything to get elected while lying and cheating.

    Gillum is CORRUPT as the come…he is playing you.
    He is anti-Christ, anti-American, anti-law enforcement , pro choice(for abortion) just to name a few evil words out of his mouth.

    Vote Ron DeSantis for Governor if you love your family.

    Vote Rick Scott for Senate. Can’t be any worse than a career politician
    as Nelson who needs to retire.

    As for you precious Christians, of which I am one, ” Let he who is without sin , cast the first stone ” You think President Trump is bad because he is bold and rough around the edges. He speaks his mind, so therefore you know exactly what he thinks…no lies, just truth.

    “If my people (Christians) who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways(repent);then will I hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land.” 11 Chronicles 7:14 Holy Bible

    P.S. and by the way, Trump is exactly who the Lord wants as President of the United States for “such a time as this ” Esther 4:14 Holy Bible

  15. Coming Soon on November 1st, 2018 4:29 pm

    Y’all, if this Gillum guy and the poor old worn out Nelson get elected we’ll ALL be of one single accord, we’ll ALL be on street corners with our cardboard signs, the family dog and begging for handouts.
    Democratic SOCIALISM…..kinda like opening the door to Hades and asking to please be let inside.
    OUR family has talked this out and looked over each of the “AMEN–dments”.
    We will go To The Polls to Vote and vote REPUBLICAN — Anti-Socialism if you will. And Vote AGAINST Each and Every One of the AMEN-dments as they can be handled some way other than changing the Constitution of Florida. What you read in the short versions pushed forward is NOT what the real impact will be.
    From the text of this story: “…and $250,000 from the Pensacola-based firm Levin Papantonio.” Levin and his puppets Papantonio and Scarborough put their names on most anything that will leverage their personal influence and make money for them.
    God Bless America and Pray that WE are Rescued from these Dang Fools.

  16. tg on November 1st, 2018 4:27 pm

    Gillum spells State Income Tax. Gotta pay for handouts.

  17. Kate on November 1st, 2018 3:49 pm

    Everyone of you who engage in premarital sex, breeding like rabbits are the people who are forcing abortion. Cause guess what there would be no abortion if you weren’t out breeding like rabbits. Carnal pleasure is the game today and every time your engaging your committing a sin against your body.

  18. Wilykyote on November 1st, 2018 2:42 pm

    Will Medicaid/Medicare “for all” cost anything ? will everyone be
    covered by the same exact Program ? No more Insurance Companies ?
    All active & retired Miltary included ? All Federal ,State, County,City employees
    included ? All self Employed included ? All Citizens and Non- Citizens included ?
    Can any human walk-in to any hospital ( military hospitals included) and get
    treatment? No proof of anything needed? No Identification needed? Why not
    include Teeth,Eyes & Hearing….they’re important aren’t they? Who’s gonna pay
    the Providers….Doctors,Hospials,Dentists etc ? Rich or poor get the exact same
    deal at NO COST ? Man , this really sound good……

  19. Bama on November 1st, 2018 1:45 pm

    @Grand locust,
    Other than hearsay and Bob Woodward’s book that has been debunked as trash and lies, there is no proof that Trump made any comment about “dumb southerners”. Please get your facts straight.

  20. Please on November 1st, 2018 1:09 pm


    “Democrat = baby killer”

    Complete nonsense!! You’ve fell victim to being brainwashed and have shown just how considerate you are to other peoples beliefs and feelings. Have you ever done any research on democratic candidates? Most, not all, but most regularly and faithfully attend church and have strong biblical knowledge. Several have stated they personally would not choose abortion themselves, but they believe it is not the GOVERNMENTS place to tell a woman what she can and cannot do with her body. I don’t belief in abortion, but I’m not about to stand up and say all democrats are “baby killers”. That just shows flat out ignorance. Democrats believe a woman should have the right to make that choice without government interference. The Democratic goal is to make abortion more rare, not more dangerous by being unavailable or illegal. They support contraceptive research, family planning, comprehensive family life education, and policies that support healthy childbearing. For years our government was comprised of old, white males that controlled blacks and women by telling them what they could and could not do. Those days have changed and I feel for those that still have those deep seeded beliefs within them. Praise the Lord, we can all break bread and eat at the same table together, ride the same bus, drink out of the same water fountain. At the moment, women can still make choices regarding their own bodies. Last, but not least, women and minorities can VOTE. I’m not here to say abortion is right or wrong. I have my own belief in regards to abortion, but I’m not for the government telling a woman what she can and can’t do with her own body.

  21. Mike Honcho on November 1st, 2018 12:49 pm

    Well lee the democrats don’t want to follow existing laws they have shown that over and over and remember the hole “we have to pass Obama care to read it”on top of “of you like doctor and plan you can keep it,yea not so much. So the vote healthcare thing na

  22. Lee on November 1st, 2018 11:44 am

    Jason, he wants tax increases on the rich, not the middle class.

    As for open borders, they want to work within the existing laws, not just ignore them. Change the laws, but do it lawfully. And be aware that U.S. activities in some of the countries from which people are fleeing are the reason there are such problems there. Surely we have the minds and resources to work cooperatively with those countries in ways that are beneficial to us all.

    Facts prove that our current prison system is ineffective, unless you count it as a moneymaker for private contractors. Taxpayers are paying for that. We need to be using that money to make positive changes, not increasing the prison system.

    Don’t be fooled that taxpayers are not already paying for those without insurance or without sufficient medical benefits. Better we fund medical care so people can go to the doctor, rather than until they are so sick they have to go to an emergency room or require hospitalization. We need to be working at the front of this, not the back.

  23. Realistic on November 1st, 2018 11:27 am

    We have a prime example of what electing Andrew would do but on a much larger scale….Henry Hawkins. We see week to week why Hawkins isn’t good for Century and the problems we now face. Let’s not make the whole state of Florida suffer the same fate. Don’t vote parties and don’t vote race….VOTE SANITY and do not vote for Andrew.

  24. Lifendason on November 1st, 2018 11:10 am

    St. John Divine Missionary Baptist Church….shame on you for inviting politics into your pulpit and you let a man who believes in abortion in your pulpit? WOW!!! I’d be finding me another church.

  25. Grand Locust on November 1st, 2018 11:01 am

    Trump’s dumb southerners comment still sticks in my craw.

  26. Lifendason on November 1st, 2018 10:56 am

    Democrat = baby killer (abortion, planned parenthood)
    Republican = NOT baby killer

    So whose lost their moral compass? A vote against abortion should be your 1st choice when looking at the parties.

    If you vote democrat in any race you are voting to slaugher unborn babies and you will answer for it one day. shame shame shame on you!

    God help us!

  27. EMD on November 1st, 2018 10:52 am

    Thank you, Jason. Please, everyone who is not yet educated on the reality of what sounds good now…………… is not………….please study history. Educate yourselves as fast as you can on Socialism and Communism. I did an intensive study and wrote a long paper on Communism, in American History Class my senior year in high school. I have watched all of it and more happen in the USA. If you want to eventually be like the USSR, Russia and China and perhaps North Korea………….Vote Democrat…………IF NOT………..Please vote Republican. I am not crazy about any party, but the Democrats need to change their name to identify who they really are now, in 2018. They are NOT you mom and pop’s Democratic Party. Vote Republican, if for no other reason, you want to retain what freedoms we still have. Most do not know that we are not a Democracy, but ………..a Federal Republic. Do not believe most of what you hear on the main stream media. Most of our media, entertainment, schools, churches and unions have been infiltrated by those that want you as their pawns. Check it out. Please Vote red…. Do not become a slave of the state and see our Constitution totally destroyed. Study Russian, Chinese, and Argentina history. You would NOT be more prosperous for long under the kind of government the Left has in mind for you.

  28. Nana to 6 on November 1st, 2018 10:41 am

    Lawyers have a lot to gain if this becomes a lawless state. Think about that. Think about no police to respond to your emergency …or car accident or break in. It’s all on you then.

    Not to mention much higher taxes and income tax.

    Please DO NOT elect Gillum.

  29. healthcare 1st on November 1st, 2018 10:39 am

    One of the main reason Affordable Healthcare has problems is that the Republican governors failed to take money from the federal government money to cover healthcare for their state, which cause not enough people to be covered and cost to go up. The cost of healthcare is tied to those that don’t have healthcare and greed ( Mr. Scott).
    This must be done, cost will continue to go up and more employers will drop healthcare. We all are one step away from pre existing health issues. We all will get there, one day. Republicans have tried and tried to get this dropped from healthcare.

    Healthcare, Healthcare! VOTE!!!!

  30. Vote Blue on November 1st, 2018 10:32 am

    Get real folks. Quit drinking the conspiracy theory kool aid. Vote blue to keep from embarrassing yourselves. Republicans have let a moron take control of the Oval Office. He consistently tells 8-10 lies a day. Trump is all about himself. He used to donate to Democrats and records show he has only ever voted in one election his entire life. Never will I vote for a party that has lost control and been sabotaged by a self centered media hog that has turned the most respected position in the world into a Twitter troll.

  31. MLS on November 1st, 2018 10:30 am

    @ Jason
    Great comments!
    Everyone wants something for nothing! Who do they think is going to pay for their free rides??!! DO NOT vote for this man!

  32. Paul on November 1st, 2018 10:15 am

    Dump Trump and anyone affiliated with him. Total corruption. Even high ranking military officials distance themselves from this clown. Blue wave coming my friends.

  33. Heartbroken Republican on November 1st, 2018 10:08 am

    I was raised conservative by a conservative family and have always voted Republican, along with most of my friends and family. NOT THIS TIME!!! I have friends who have already voted via “mail in ballot”, including some serving oversees. None voted Republican and the others have no intention of voting Republican next Tuesday. Even my 90 year old grandparents can’t stand to vote Republican, which breaks their heart. They have all stated they cannot vote for a party that has lost it’s moral compass and has let a president spew hate and lies with such ease. My grandparents said they have never seen a president carry himself they way Trump has and a party that has no backbone to reign him in. At first this was difficult for my family and friends, but over the last year, they have become firm in their decision. With that being said, vote after seeking your choice through prayer. We all live in a wonderful country and we’re blessed to have the opportunity to let our voices be heard. Just make sure you’re being led by the Spirit of the Lord and not by the negative, hateful, agenda driven news programs that run 24/7 on TV. We live in a strange time. We live in the days of 24/7 news coverage that run hard left and hard right. Both have agendas. Gone are the days when the media was neutral and just presented you with the facts. Today you have to do lots of research to seek the truth. Thank you for letting me share my opinion. I respectfully value yours. God Bless America.

  34. Not my vote on November 1st, 2018 10:01 am

    Healthcare first? You mean like the failure of Obama-care and the continuous raising of prices and lack of funds? He’s a broken record looking to exploit what he can and be corrupt. He’s already being looked based on the company he keeps, any day now he is going to throw the race card.

  35. chillywilly on November 1st, 2018 9:43 am

    Here are the facts , under a Republican Governor the last eight years. I’m tired of the lies.
    I was a small business owner, paid through the nose for health insurance, Every single claim I ever filed was Denied because it was a pre-existing condition. Do we really want to go back to that. Republicans claim they will protect us from the pre-existing condition , clause that insurance companies use to keep from paying claims. Yet Republicans have voted to repeal and remove Pre existing protections in the ACA 70 times. Thanks to John McCain they where unsuccessful , A Republican. The State of Florida is in a lawsuit filed in Texas to remove Pre Existing protections. They say one thing and do another. If You truly look at your family and your love ones , Your children and your grand children, how many have Pre-Existing conditions. I have a special needs granddaughter , it’s close to home for me. These protections is all we have to protect us from insurance companies.
    Here is what the last Eight years has got us, Don’t be Fooled.Gov Scott signed legislation taking our beaches away, making private property owners property lines go down to the water line or wet sand. Taking care of his rich buddies.
    State of Florida is covered in toxic algae, waterways and lake Okeechobee
    is dying, Rick Scott abolished the state EPA and water management, Slashed funding and removed regulations for his corporate buddies.
    Rick Scott please just go away. He Took the fifth amendment 75 times in a deposition in the largest Medicare Fraud case in history.
    settled several million dollar law suits with our tax dollars for violating Florida Sunshine laws for open government, Google the firing of Gerald Bailey, former FDLE director
    Total disgrace what he did to a man with a impeccable law enforcement career..Keeps all his assets hidden in a blind trust in his wife’s name.
    Changed your automobile insurance, benefiting insurance companies so you only have 14 days after you have a accident. to file a medical claim, who does that benefit. Scott has already spent sixteen million on TV ads. Spent millions of our tax dollars building a sea wall around a golf course in south Florida.. Yet he vetoed most projects in our area. Scott has destroyed the department of health , department of corrections,Privatized prisons, to his campaign donors GEO group, Prison for Profit. remember when the tornadoes hit century , Scott was in Pensacola and would not even go to century to check on those folks. He privatized Silver Springs in Ocala Now looks like a dilapidated ghost
    town. I was there. Tried to cut funding for in home care for disabled children and put them in senior nursing homes , thankfully a judge stepped in and stopped it. Rick Scott and his wife attend a special Olympics for disabled children and
    the same day ,he goes back to his office and signs legislation cutting funding to disabled children, What kind of a man would do such a thing. need I say more. Please Vote. Oppose Criminals ., Oppose Dishonesty Oppose No Integrity , This is not Fake news, They are the Facts. You shall know them by their fruits.

  36. Honest John on November 1st, 2018 9:33 am

    @ Jason

    Good job on your post !

  37. healthcare 1st on November 1st, 2018 9:26 am

    Healthcare is the 1st reason to vote.

    We need a governor that would put us first, not party, he is the ONLY one of the two that will do this!

  38. Mike J. on November 1st, 2018 9:15 am

    So about how many people attended the rallies? Also, don’t Democrats usually scream about seperation of church and state?

  39. Lee on November 1st, 2018 7:32 am

    A welcome change from Rick Scott who has lined his pockets at the expense of taxpayers.

  40. Brian on November 1st, 2018 7:14 am

    He won’t be getting my vote.

  41. Sam on November 1st, 2018 7:02 am

    Hes being investigated by the feds. Hes a liberal democrat. Nuff said.

  42. Jason on November 1st, 2018 2:39 am

    I continually Shake My Head at how folks can be so eager to support any of the Democrat candidates currently running in any statewide race.

    Both Bill Nelson and Andrew Gillum have openly stated they want to raise taxes.

    Both Bill Nelson and Andrew Gillum are steadfast in supporting an “Open Borders” concept for America. Good Grief, just look at the conditions that other countries are facing and ask yourself do we really need that in America?

    Gillum sees Florida becoming a sanctuary state. Look at California and Nevada and ask do we really want to mirror those states?

    Gillum has signed a pledge with the anti-law enforcement group Dream Defenders. He is soft on crime. Wants to close prisons and release 30,000 criminals back to communities on supervised release. Heck, these criminals didnt make it to state prison on their first conviction. Many have been committing crimes their entire life. How much are law-abiding citizens willing to tolerate with thefts, burglaries, or other similar crimes repeatedly occur?

    Gillums desire to add 800,000 people to Medicaid sounds like a good step to take. But, the federal dollars the state will receive equates to about $1.75 per person per month. The only way to pay for this expense is to reach into the pockets of taxpayers or reduce the fees being remitted to service providers.

    Pushing a one-payer insurance plan such as medicaid to all Floridians, is like eating the same meal for breakfast, lunch and dinner, day after day after day after day. Hope you like sauerkraut and black beans cause that is all thats going to be served every meal for the rest of your life. Doesnt sound like a good option now does it?