Escambia Voters Chose Appointed School Superintendent
November 7, 2018
The next school superintendent in Escambia County will be appointed by the school board, not elected by the voters.
Escambia County voters narrowly approved a referendum Tuesday in favor of an appointed superintendent 50.36 percent to 49.64 percent according to complete, but unofficial, totals from the Escambia County Supervisor of Elections.
This was the sixth time voters had considered the idea of an appointed superintendent in the county. Current Superintendent Malcolm Thomas will serve the remainder of his term ending in 2020.
23 Responses to “Escambia Voters Chose Appointed School Superintendent”
I cannot believe that Escambia citizens voted to take our voting rights. How stupid can we be?
I have 2 major concerns…
2.A CLAUSE IN THE HIRING CONTRACT THAT PREVENTS THE BOARD FROM PAYING 2 SALARIES..the one they released and the newly the taxpayers are not liable for double salaries..I realize the intend of the amendment, BUT DO YOU REALLY THINK POLITICAL INFLUENCES CAN BE ELIMINATED??
An appointed Superintendent can not fix all of the problems that start at home and then are brought to school. An appointed Super can not fix the poverty stricken enter city neighborhoods that feed the F schools. Let’s all check back in two years from now and see if the same failing schools are still failing. The only way I see to fix the continued F schools is to close them down. Blend these schools into the A and B schools. This will be a sacrifice and will bring these down to B and C schools but at least we wont have F schools.
So thankful my kids will be out of school before this takes place
We are not smart enough to elect a Supertendent, but we elect the ones that are smart enough to appoint one. This doesn’t make sense to me.
Absolutely ridiculous!! Uninformed voters just “christmas tree answering” the ballots as they take a guess. Because of this we have just lost our voice in the matter and put it in control of the “good ole boy” system. So frustrating that this and all those stupid “bundled” amendments passed. We are working our way right towards socialism giving the government more and more control because of laziness & lack of educating ourselves on such important issues. SMH.
People are raising a generation of pansies that need a trophy and validation for everything and for Pete’s sake…let’s not offend said pansies by spanking them, speak harshly to them, or sheltering them from true life experiences (both positive and negative). Even my teenage kids were educated on what was being voted on by us (their parents) so they can learn what all this means and formulate their own opinions because for the next election some of our older teens will be of age to vote. It all starts with home training.
I certainly didn’t vote to give up my right to vote. More dollars to be spent searching for a new SUPERintendent.
The majority of votes to win on the other ammendments is designed that way to fail. Who are they fooling?
I know several voters that told me they voted “YES” on every ammendment. That’s about as dumb as a rock.
I say “Nothing good will come out of this winning moment to appoint a SUPERintendent”
Now people like Malcolm Thomas will be appointed by his people even though the majority don’t want anything to do with him. If you voted for this expecting a positive outcome then you’ve lost your mind!
I don’t believe people would knowingly give up their right to vote. These amendments are set up to be confusing so people wont know how they are voting. This has got to stop.
The next Superintendent will be a pawn to the School Board and if they didn’t do as they said, would be let go and some other pawn would take their place.
I don’t think that anything good will come of having the superintendent appointed. M
No local educator will be thought of as good enough for the position. The board will go outside our own community to find a superintendent…just as they did for the position for fire chief. I am so glad to be retired from teaching. This issue has been on the ballot 6 times in our history before passing. I hope you can live with the consequences.
Some people got bamboozled.
This was nothing but a play for no accountability to the voters.
If you look hard enough, you can see the corruption wheels already spinning.
chris, it would be easier to vote out one person than a whole school board, now elected officials will appoint . we the people just gave up another right/duty.
I agree that we gave up a voting right. now the SUP will be appointed by the “GOOD OLE BOY SYSTEM ” instead of elected “BY THE PEOPLE.” most people do rubber stamp amendments and judges.
The school board is accountable to citizens of escambia county. They can be voted out if they dont do their job properly.
I am disappointed in this outcome, but will move forward and hope for the best. This vote was about more than elected versus appointed, we lost some voting rights on this one, and I really hope we have not “shot ourselves in the foot.” When I read the disparaging remark one prominent city leader spoke about our last election and “the North end choice who worked himself up thru the ranks” I was livid! The “North end” is sitting on a wealth of experience, wisdom and most importantly ~intelligence~ good people who can and will rise to the occasion and prove themselves worthy.
I’m not sure why in the world anyone would give up their right to vote. The problem with the schools in Escambia county is not the fact that we vote for a superintendent, but Tallahassee. I lived in Jacksonville where they appoint superintendence and that was a fiasco. I believe this will be one vote that the voters of Escambia County live to regret.
When are you all going to stop just lazily voting yes on every amendment and to retain every court justice forever and realize that every one of these amendments give more power to government and less to citizens??
Why would you not want to decide who will run our schools and control the education of our children?
A Republican stronghold and yet continually votes in favor of bigger government. SMH
Very sad. When we surrender our right to vote for public officials, it becomes highly likely we will never get it back.
How sad.
The next superintendent will be chosen by the school board.
The People of the county will have no input as to who runs
the schools system. How sad.
This ballot issue should have required a super majority vote, like the one required to pass amendments. The superintendent of schools position just became an automatic rubber stamp for the school board, and voters just gave up their direct input to who will manage the day-to-day operations of the district.
Why in the world would people want this position directly unaccountable to the citizens?