Dept. Of Corrections Disagrees With Century Mayor’s Claims About Security Cameras, Inmate Labor

November 26, 2018

Century’s mayor says the town must purchase security cameras  in order continue using inmate labor, but state prison officials say that’s not the case.

“We are about to lose our inmates if we don’t get security cameras. People have been dropping off stuff over at Showalter Park and even at the maintenance shop for the inmates to pick up. This has happened now for three straight months. And if we don’t put in security cameras, they are going to pull our inmates,” Century Mayor Henry Hawkins told the town council last week.

“Everywhere that we put inmates, we got to have them. But our biggest traffic area for drugs right now is at Showalter and the maintenance shop. We actually need some at the roadside park (Nadine McCaw Park),” he said. Hawkins said the prison is requiring that the cameras be professionally monitored.

Hawkins said the inmates were pulled from the town last week, and the prison was going to give the town “one more stab at it” this week. “If it happens again, we will probably lose them for good,” Hawkins said.

But state officials say that’s not the case.

“The Department has not pulled any inmate work squads from the Town of Century or mandated the use of professionally monitored cameras,” Patrick Manderfield, press secretary for the Florida Departments of Corrections, said in an email response to

“Due to recent contraband discoveries in the community, work squad inmates were temporarily returned to the institution so staff could investigate the incidents. Century CI notified the mayor the scheduling of work squads might be affected the rest of the week as the institution gathers further intelligence,” Manderfield said last week.

He said the Florida Department of Corrections will continue to provide inmate labor to the Town of Century…. even without the cameras.

“The Department is committed to working with local partners to provide inmate work squads in accordance with best security practices and local contract agreements,” Manderfield’s email stated.

Hawkins presented the town council with two quotes for cameras – one from McCullough and Sons in Bratt and one from a company he did not name. The McCullough and Sons quote was for just over $21,000, and included five years of professional monitoring, he said.

He recommended that the cameras first be installed at Showalter Park and the town maintenance shop on Alger Road for a cost of about $4,800.


Pictured top: The Century town shop (file photo). Pictured inset: Century Mayor Henry Hawkins listens to discussion about security cameras during a recent town council meeting. photo, click to enlarge.


30 Responses to “Dept. Of Corrections Disagrees With Century Mayor’s Claims About Security Cameras, Inmate Labor”

  1. Dig Deeper 2 on November 30th, 2018 1:22 am

    @M in Bratt

    not sure you are going to come back to this article because it’s a few days old. My take is the neither the council nor Mayor would call to revoke the charter and I even had doubts that a binding referendum would pass by the citizens, at least not right away. Most do not see the need for it or pay much attention except many were happy to, and I’ll say it, have a black man of GOD #taking care of business. #taking back our town and #prayer is the key. They love it, it is identity politics to the max. I think this will simply have to play out the State revoke the charter. It had to get this bad and go this far downhill.

    Given enough may hang themselves by not knowing what they are doing. No need for blame games nor strife or finger pointing.

    So a state investigation and state recommendations will have to come into play. It seems to me the dysfunction is so far reaching and has gone on for so long that many many hands are dirty, even if they didn’t mean to be. (perhaps)

    People outside the town limits can contact their representative or ASA or SA and ask them to intervene.

  2. M in Bratt on November 28th, 2018 3:11 pm

    @Citizen; The Town of Century is chartered under State Law. There are only two ways to have the charter revoked under State Law. The first being the Town Council would have to vote to have a referendum on the issue, then go to the Legislature to have the Charter revoked. I see little chance of this happening because of the shenanigans this Council pulls including meeting and loaning each other money. The other method is to go directly to our local legislative delegation and ask them to intervene. They could outright revoke the charter, or they probably could call for a binding referendum on the issue. You have to keep in mind that the few services that The Town provides could and would be taken over by entities that are far more prepared to provide the services ie; ECUA, ESP, Escambia County.

  3. LQQking at the reality of the situation on November 28th, 2018 1:14 pm

    You are extremely juvenile to believe that not doing something to stop the contraband drop-offs is the answer. Suppose one day the inmate crews doesn’t make it out on a work squad when they are scheduled and the drop was made. Now suppose a child finds the stash in that public park. What if the drop is drugs or even a weapon. How are you going to feel then? The drop could be anything from cell phones, cigarettes, drugs, and even weapons. Think about it! Isn’t Century enough of a cesspool of danger due to open sale of drugs, without looking the opposite direction to what you have been warned about.

    M in Bratt,
    I didn’t even think about Century Correctional Officers in relation to this article. Those that came to my mind were the employees of the Town of Century that take out inmates from the Century CI Work Camp. Such an easy way to make a few extra bucks. Just a thought!

  4. Citizen on November 28th, 2018 3:11 am

    @M in Bratt

    What would be the best way to do what you advocate, as far as unincorporating?

  5. M in Bratt on November 27th, 2018 6:54 pm

    Some of you seem almost eager to cast dispersion’s at our dedicated and hardworking Corrections Officers. The vast majority of them are hard working dedicated family people that are part of our community. Yes, there have been a very few bad apples discovered, and they have been promptly fired, and sometimes prosecuted and jailed for their misdeeds. It seems to me that this article points out yet another case of Century Town Administration saying what they need to (regardless of the truth of it) to get what they want. I just wonder when the citizens of Century will get sick of this continuous clown show, and pressure the State Legislature to revoke this town charter and let The Town of Century and Mayor Hawkins fade quietly into the sunset?

  6. JDR on November 27th, 2018 10:49 am

    this has been going on since the beginning of will go on whether there are cameras or not, inmates are extremely resourceful and they will find a way to get the items considered contraband regardless of what is done. Its completely stupid for the town to purchase cameras when there is no extra money for such things. It would also be stupid for the DOC to pull the contracts because like I said this has been going on since the beginning, and will continue no matter what.

  7. retired on November 27th, 2018 9:08 am

    Mayor does not happy in this photo. someone must have caught him in a LIE
    or his hand in the cookie jar.

  8. Justathought on November 27th, 2018 9:08 am

    A lot of times those doing wrong are the ones being paid to do right. Sometimes cameras aren’t wanted because the officials in charge are the ones turning a blind eye to certain behaviors & contraband because they are getting a cut. I don’t see anything wrong with cameras.
    Now how to fund them is another matter. Century is in a bad place financially. Mayor needs to have a car wash or sell doughnuts to raise the monies needed. Go old school with it and see if that works.

  9. tg on November 27th, 2018 7:43 am

    Lets figure out ways to spend money we don’t have.

  10. Chelleepea on November 26th, 2018 10:55 pm

    We do need security cameras but we don’t need anything that expensive. Can we forgo the monitoring which seems to be the most expensive? If something happens we can rewind the footage to see what happened.

  11. Disgrace on November 26th, 2018 6:02 pm

    This information confirms beyond any reasonable doubt that the Mayor lacks the intellect to accurately carry a message to the counsel members or He is an out and out liar who is working his own agenda. I wonder how the counsel members feel about be played for suckers?

  12. chris on November 26th, 2018 5:27 pm

    “eight HD cameras at town hall ” hahaha that would be some interesting footage. No more secrets.

  13. Alex on November 26th, 2018 3:13 pm

    Instead of trying to spend the county and city money. Take a look at your crew that works there. 99 percent of contraband comes in through the officers. Dont play stupid. I did time there. I saw it all

  14. Kim on November 26th, 2018 2:38 pm

    I sure feel sorry for some of the residence of Century. They need someone that can really run that town. I know Pensacola is a lot bigger but maybe they should ask for advise from Pensacola. Residence you guys need to start really speaking up. You have rights just like the mayor.

  15. Old Coach on November 26th, 2018 2:08 pm

    Someone is lying. Another thought there is no mention of cameras at Anthony Pleasant Park. It has been vandalized twice in this past year or so.

  16. paul on November 26th, 2018 1:11 pm

    Cameras are cheap and easy, I even have them ;) I think a tag reader would help also..

  17. resident on November 26th, 2018 12:39 pm

    Seems to me that’s a law enforcement responsibility. Call ECSO.

    But yes when he was running for mayor and said he would bring back a school and a police department, I knew he didn’t know what he was doing nor understand the budget but some of the people here HAD to elect him and then his yes man.

    Still following the audits.

    Has the council figured out how to supply the sewer and running water for the population when the town goes under?

  18. Mr. Metoo on November 26th, 2018 12:29 pm

    Here are two things that need to be addressed. Any correspondence dealing with business should written on official emails or signed letterhead. Not on paper napkins, sticky notes or text messages. Also if someone breaks in or continues to damage your property you need some form of security measures. Cameras are very helpful in the prevention and capture of these people.Anyone remember the pictures of the guy who took the honor box money from the farmer. Mr. Mayor when at war don’t give ammo to the enemy. Just stick to the simple facts and put it in the councils lap.

  19. Bob on November 26th, 2018 11:35 am

    What about my $12,000 loan? Still waiting…

  20. Michael Weaver on November 26th, 2018 11:32 am

    How many years has there been inmates working without cameras?
    Don’t see the need for them now, as long as inmates are properly supervised.
    Lol McCullough and Sons is a A/C company. WTH mayor?

  21. Michelle D. on November 26th, 2018 11:03 am

    Well well, Mayor caught lying? AGAIN! Do all of the town citizens a favor and step down. You are a preacher and lie like this? What a shame! You are what makes us as Christians look bad! Step down and be done. You are making our town a laughing stock! Bye Mayor!!
    Can someone help impeach him??

  22. James on November 26th, 2018 9:37 am

    Hollywood needs to look no further than Century for inspiration to the modern day hillbilly comedy. Hawkins keeps delivering punchlines again and again with his absurdity. Shame on Century if this clown is re-elected.

  23. retired on November 26th, 2018 9:37 am

    maybe the mayor is a partner in the monitoring company????????
    maybe the mayor should park at night and monitor the parks as part of his mayors job, if he is so concerned.
    That is right Mayor Henry Hawkins spend money you don’t have!!!!!!!!!!

  24. David on November 26th, 2018 9:32 am

    One could also say..anywhere we have a mayor and town coucil..should have cameras on them 24/ far as drugs..I think some officials are trying to distract from legal issues in Century to put the limelight on it er things. Perhaps we need to stop giving free labor to Century from the prison. one needs caneras. Drugs have been an issue since before 02..the Mayor is no expert in security…or anything else it would appear.
    Just an opinion..

  25. Shay on November 26th, 2018 9:06 am

    With so many requests for security cameras one has to wonder what ol’ Mayor Hawkins is up to. This man is an idiot if he thinks people don’t see that he is up to something.

    I dated a LEO once who said he hated when criminals blatantly lied to him. He said if they were gonna lie “make it a lie he couldn’t confirm in 3 mins on a computer.” Reminds me of Hawkins. Don’t ask for cameras over a few months time and give multiple reasons as to why it has to be done. Some might begin to question your motives.

  26. Curious on November 26th, 2018 9:05 am

    Who didn’t see this coming? With all the problems the Town has, the need for security cameras is not one. What next, build a wall at the state line?

  27. Phil on November 26th, 2018 8:46 am

    This mayor is delusional, what world is he living in.

  28. sam on November 26th, 2018 8:18 am

    looks like the mayor tells it like he wants it, not like it is. not surprised at all. time for change.

  29. Susan E Smith on November 26th, 2018 8:04 am

    The Mayor may be on to something. I’m sure he has been given information regarding this matter. Maybe the Council should take a look at what he knows to insure the safety of the residents. If it is a problem and Supervised inmates still are able to get the drugs, cameras may catch the persons responsible.

  30. Your being played on November 26th, 2018 7:56 am

    They don’t won’t inmates that’s why a broke town has hired all the new people.. So if you do nothing to help find or control the drop offs to the point its so bad DOC has to step in and hold your inmates then “you’ll get your way” with the town council…