Trump Surveys Hurricane Michael Damage

October 16, 2018

Monday, President Donald Trump visited several areas in Northwest Florida that were damaged by Hurricane Michael.

“The job they’ve done in Florida has been incredible,” Trump said, speaking alongside Scott.

“You’re a great Governor. You really have been. He steps up in the biggest emergencies, the biggest problems, and he gets it done.”

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Accompanied by his wife Melania, Trump’s trip Monday comes as search and rescue crews continue to look for people still missing after the storm.

The President said that electric companies have been “really incredible and responsive” in getting power back to homes that survived last week’s devastating hurricane, but noted that many homes were destroyed by the storm.

At least 19 deaths have been blamed on the storm along its path from Florida to Virginia.

Among the hardest hit areas was Mexico Beach, a Florida Panhandle town that Governor Scott said now resembles a war zone. [See photos from Mexico Beach...]

Ahead of the Trumps’ visit, Scott toured some of the devastation with Federal Emergency Management Agency chief Brock Long, who said the damage in Mexico Beach is some of the worst he has ever seen.

Mexico Beach police chief Anthony Kelly said, “When you come here and see the devastation, it’s hard, it’s emotionally hard.”

“Looking in the debris, seeing photos of grandkids, people that we know that have come back here year after year, that’s the emotional side,” he said. “I’ve got officers that this is their first catastrophic event, and it’s hard to explain to them, you know, it’s going to get better, because they’re seeing reality.”

The town’s medical manager, Patricia Cantwell, said, “It’s extremely sad that the devastation has been so rampant throughout the Panhandle” of the state.

“Having lived through Hurricane Andrew in south Florida [in 1992], it’s going to take a while,” she said. “It’s one day at a time. It looks overwhelming to start, but, you know, one day at a time. It’s going to take years to get things back up and running.”

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19 Responses to “Trump Surveys Hurricane Michael Damage”

  1. david lamb on October 17th, 2018 7:44 pm

    I think that I have heard and read that Trump takes no salary, which he is entitled to, . A necessary fact about his travel is that as President , he must use the whole support of many entourage of cars ,trucks ,people, aircraft and the beloved football not as Donald Trump but as President of the best country on earth!

  2. The man who likes the President on October 17th, 2018 3:50 pm

    Thanks Mrs Grace! They can’t stand it when you call their hand on things.

  3. @Grace on October 17th, 2018 12:19 pm

    What’s your problem with Muslims? Swap Muslim with anything else and tell me that’s not racist.

  4. Pencil on October 17th, 2018 10:26 am

    Its a strange world that we live in that people get upset about things that Trump actually did. He did throw water and towels at refugees in Puerto Rico so its reasonable to say he may do it again.

    He has played an unprecedented amount of golf compared to the last President and every other President. Whether you agree with those things or not are another matter but the Faux News crowd getting upset about what’s on video happening is silly at best. Go watch the video footage on youtube if you’ve never seen it.

  5. Get off that soapbox on October 17th, 2018 10:09 am

    John Q. Public you tell them!
    What on earth will they pull when the whole country goes RED on November 6th? Need to get the riot squad ready to put them under the jailhouse because I am sure with these crazies we haven’t seen anything yet! Pray for our country and our President! Hate mongers need to just go to a country they can control. It is not longer the good ole USA!

  6. John Q. Public on October 17th, 2018 9:38 am


    The dates and figures are all a matter of public record. This is empirical evidence, not speculation.

    Speaking of speculation. I don’t know where you get your “facts.” I would assume from Alex Jones or any other number of non-journalism entertainers.

    My apologies for being off 2 days on the week. Although if you believe that Obama was of the Islamic faith and that his mother-in-law practiced witchcraft in the White House, I could probably sell you on the idea that a week is only 5 days long.

    Also, followers of Islam are Muslims, not Muslins. Muslin is a type of cloth. Just FYI.

    Anyway enough of this divisive garbage. Please support your Red Cross and local hurricane relief charities. These folks have lost everything.

  7. HA HA on October 17th, 2018 9:32 am

    @Grace: mus·lin – noun – lightweight cotton cloth in a plain weave.

    I just wanted to help you get your facts right. I didn’t think the previous President was a fashion designer.

    I also wasn’t displaying any hatred towards him just laughing at the picture. I’m happy he didn’t throw anything at the suffering people like he did in Puerto Rico. That is a fact and not fake news. Look it up.

  8. Grace on October 16th, 2018 11:01 pm

    @ John Q Public:

    Even though your comment was not directed to me, I feel the need to respond. Sounds like you have been fed a steady diet of misinformation which I would not wish upon anyone. Perhaps msm(main stream media)aka (also known as) FAKE or False news.

    The #s and $ you quoted are in no way correct re: President Trump. A man that works almost 7 days a week with very little sleep.Yes he has had a few days of time with family and yes played golf, which is his way of relaxing. Who doesn’t deserve some time off ? A Presidents job is 24/7, 365 days a year. I had a profession such as this, no picnic, and I wasn’t leader of the Greatest Free World.

    At least he doesn’t go around the world and apologize for America and bow down to his Muslin Brotherhood along with self appointing Czars , also Muslins, in the White House while his mother-n- law practiced witchcraft in the people’s house.

    I pray you will research and pray about ALL the POSITIVE things President Trump has done in less than two years and it’s so great the previous dictator, divider and liar in chief, is now taking credit for.

    Also, Hurricane Michael made land on Wed. 10/10/18. Potus and Flotus came on Mon. 10/15/18. There are 7 days in a week . Many preparations have to be made way ahead of a Presidential visit. He had scheduled a rally with people lining up for 24 hrs in advance. He did not want to disappoint the American people and a visit to a disaster area requires many military, law enforcement, security just to name a few and Search and Rescue was more important.

    I hope that I have helped your understanding of the Truth. “You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.” May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you and Jesus Loves You !

  9. John Q. Public on October 16th, 2018 8:22 pm

    @Person who likes the president.

    In reference to “the last president probably would have been playing golf.”

    Since his inauguration, Trump has visited golf clubs 149 times and played golf 68 times with an estimated cost to taxpayers of $79,000,000.

    On average, he has visited one of his clubs once every 4.3 days since he took office.

    Obama visited golf clubs 300 times in his EIGHT year term in office.

    If you want to make an argument, use facts.

    These people need help, not a man that waited a week to show his face because he’s too busy stroking his ego at a rally or arguing with his former mistresses on Twitter. But, as usual, the good people of our area will take care of each other and help those in need, and he’ll come take the credit when the heavy lifting is done.

    If I’m giving our President a hard time, it’s because he should be held to the standard befitting his office.

  10. Mike Honcho on October 16th, 2018 4:39 pm

    Thank you Grace you said it all

  11. Person who likes the president on October 16th, 2018 3:48 pm

    This president has done more for this country than any in a long time. Looking at the comments it tells me there is a lots of tiny heads. He had a lots of stuff in place already before he came. The last one would have probably been playing golf. All I can say is great job Mr President. You will get my vote next time!

  12. Grace on October 16th, 2018 2:37 pm

    The first three comments are despicable (aweful,hate filled, loathsome,vile,low,mean, shameful to name a few).

    Really people, most of these precious ones have lost everything including family members, and all you get from the story is negative comments about President Trump.

    President Trump and Melania came to give Hope and Encouragement and Help to people in their time of great despair and pain.

    You have no idea how much they do for others in secret and have for years.

    We ALL need to PRAY for each other and help when and where we can !

    “May the Lord bless you and keep you, make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you and give you PEACE.” Numbers 6:24-26 Holy Bible.


  13. keeponhatin on October 16th, 2018 1:32 pm

    For the haters, just keep it up. This man thrives on you trashing him. You think it’s something new? You think your trashing him is something new? Keep finding any little thing to complain about, to moan about. I didn’t really care to have Obama visit here when the Oil spill happened, but he did, and despite the backed up traffic and inconvenience, it was a show of support for our area. It was appreciated. You guys don’t know what gratitude is. And it’ll be a beam of support for the president come November of ‘20. Keep talking, he’ll keep winning.

  14. Get off that soapbox on October 16th, 2018 12:47 pm

    Good grief. You people just cannot say anything nice. We appreciate him coming. He didn’t have too. Yes I am going to remember him in 2010. So deal with it!

  15. John Q. Public on October 16th, 2018 12:36 pm

    A week late. He didn’t cancel fundraising rallies for an election that’s 2 years away to get there sooner. He “didn’t want to disappoint his fans.”

    Remember that in 2020 folks. This man serves himself. Not you.

  16. Mike Honcho on October 16th, 2018 10:24 am

    One of the worst hurricanes to hit and this is what you post.
    And you wonder why people don’t like democrats.
    Good job stay classy

  17. Pencil on October 16th, 2018 9:58 am

    I’m surprised he’s not throwing water at refugees again and telling the crowd he knows more about rescue and recovery than FEMA.

  18. HA HA on October 16th, 2018 9:54 am

    The last pic is hilarious! She looks like she did not want to shake his hand! LOL!!!

  19. Rational on October 16th, 2018 9:41 am

    Well, at least he didn’t throw out paper towels! I wonder what product he used to keep that ‘hair’ from frizzing?