Fighting Back: Northview Chiefs Deliver Hurricane Relief Supplies To Blountstown

October 22, 2018

A funeral was held Sunday for the mother of a Blountstown Tigers football player.

It was only about a month ago that the Northview Chiefs traveled to battle it out with the  Blountstown Fighting Tigers on their football field. Today that football stadium is in shambles from Hurricane Michael. The bleaches are a tangled mess, stadium lights are down and portions of the school’s roof were ripped off.

The Chiefs football team, volleyball team, FFA, students and the community gathered supplies that were delivered Sunday by students, parents and volunteers.

For Blountstown resident Deborah Horst, seeing a Chiefs shirt was a heartwarming moment. “My niece and two nephews graduated from Northview so when I saw the shirts I felt a kindred spirit and deeply moved,” she told She just had to meet the Chiefs and snap a few pictures (some of which you will find on this page and in our photo gallery).

“Thank you so much for helping our in our community! What a blessing you were for us,” Horst said.

The eyewall of the monster hurricane directly hit Blountstown, 40 miles away from landfall in Mexico Beach. Most homes were damaged; many were destroyed. Trees were snapped like toothpicks. Power is just beginning to return inside town, and a handful of businesses were back open Sunday. Outside the town, most residents are still in the dark. The tarps — the blue roofs — arrived Sunday.

And Blountstown plans to play football this upcoming Saturday. The are the Fighting Tigers after all.

For more photos, click here.

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8 Responses to “Fighting Back: Northview Chiefs Deliver Hurricane Relief Supplies To Blountstown”

  1. Molino resident on October 25th, 2018 11:07 am

    While politicians are busy slinging mud at each other, it is extremely heartwarming to see the next generation reaching out and helping others. Thank you adults for sponsoring these students and encouraging them to be kind to others! Thank you students for your response to those in need.

  2. Bonnie Exner on October 23rd, 2018 1:29 pm

    Children learn from the actions of others..THANK YOU ADULTS FOR RAISING,KIND COMPASSIONATE, husband and I are retired teachers and mentor students at NORTVIEW HIGH..and we can guarantee you that FAMILY IS THE NUMBER ONE INFLUENCE ON CHILDREN FOLLOWED BY FRIENDS AND ASSOCIATES…this kind of compassion doesn’t just happen in a vacuum!!

  3. FaithinUS on October 22nd, 2018 11:03 am

    Thank God for the generosity of our fellow humans!
    Having been thru my share of hurricanes–including Ivan and Michael–I know that FEMA can do better than this. Ten days to get tarps to cover damaged roofs? That’s just ridiculous.
    In 3 days the Salvation Army had a food truck out to our neighborhood, not that far east from the core of the storm, where everyone has a private well and no one had electricity, offering cooked food, water and snacks.
    The day after that, FEMA set up a distribution center for ice, water and MREs.
    Meanwhile, little towns directly in the path waited a week for any sort of help to arrive, while cable news networks focused on Mexico Beach and Panama City. It took buying a generator (not reimbursable thanks to Guv Scott not including our county) to be able to see TV reports on how badly towns far inland but near us were hit.
    Eight days after the hurricane our rural community just west of Tallahassee, which had limited structures damaged but plenty of trees downed, power was restored.
    I don’t recall seeing a Red Cross vehicle at all. I guess with the wrath Mother Nature has shown the US this year, they were stretched thin.
    People are still suffering badly in places you’ve never heard of. God bless all the volunteers for sending aid to some of those.

  4. Kitty Day on October 22nd, 2018 10:11 am

    So proud of the Chiefs. My son is a graduate of Northview, and he and his wife went to Fountain near Bonifay Sunday to help prepare and distribute food and are planning to go back this coming Sunday.

    Northview Chiefs are Great kids!!!!!!

  5. Northview Dad on October 22nd, 2018 8:46 am

    Glad to see our students are willing to give their time and love to those which they compete against. Their care and compassion are shining examples of the human spirit. You young men and women are all champions of your community and the greatest game we all play, life. Go Chiefs!

  6. Willene & Preston Bryan on October 22nd, 2018 8:17 am

    So proud of our Northview Chiefs and others for helping and going to Blountstown to help in a time of need. God bless you all.

  7. Mrs. Cook on October 22nd, 2018 6:14 am

    I have never been more proud to be a Chief. Thank you to all involved.

  8. Bratt Fl resident on October 22nd, 2018 2:03 am

    So proud of everyone who worked together to make this mission possible. God bless all!