ECSO: Grandfather, 94, Points Gun At Grandson, Threatens To ‘Blow Him Away’

October 23, 2018

A 94-year old Cantonment man was arrested after allegedly pulling a gun and threatening his grandson.

Lee Conner Hagler, Jr., was charged with felony aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. He was released from the Escambia County Jail on a $3,500 bond.

The juvenile told a school resource officer that he got into a verbal argument with Hagler and went to his room. Hagler then walked into his grandson’s bedroom and pointed a firearm at him, making a comment similar to “you do want to mess with me” with at threat that he was going to “blow him away”, according to an Escambia County Sheriff’s Office arrest report.

Hagler told a deputy that he got into the argument, pointed an unloaded firearm at the juvenile and threatened to “blow him away”, the report states. Hagler said he “did not tolerate disobedience from anyone and would blow anyone away for disrespecting him”, the arrest report continues.

The Sheriff’s Office said Hagler possessed a firearm that matched the description the juvenile provided to the resource office.


39 Responses to “ECSO: Grandfather, 94, Points Gun At Grandson, Threatens To ‘Blow Him Away’”

  1. Tabby on October 26th, 2018 8:25 pm

    @John Q Public—Your right (in a sense) that every generation has said “the world is going to crap”. Problem is, never has this nation been so upside down. People being indoctrinated from cradle to grave through technology, media. Media BTW, that has an agenda. There’s a culture war going on against those with morals, values, and firm beliefs. They are trying to steamroll their globalist ideas into being. By your past comments, I know you agree with them. It’s so very sad that I am completely ashamed at what this “once” great nation has become.

  2. John Q. Public on October 26th, 2018 8:57 am

    Every generation is “better” than the one following it. This is the gripe from old people everywhere since the dawn of time.

    You only point a firearm at something you intend to destroy. If you think that it is an acceptable form of disciplining your child, then you should reconsider being a parent.

  3. Bring it on on October 25th, 2018 11:33 pm

    Mr Hagler if I were you I would’ve cracked that boy over the head with that unloaded gun. I don’t tolerate disobedience neither. Go grandpa!!!!

  4. ALEX on October 25th, 2018 4:52 pm

    Hagler told a deputy that he got into the argument, pointed an unloaded firearm at the juvenile. all I know is what the article said.

  5. Mother on October 25th, 2018 9:46 am

    I agree Really Now. Where are the parents!! It sad how many grandparents are raising their grandkids because of sorry parents. At 94 years old he deserves peace and quiet time. Not this crap. I stay behind you papa!!

  6. Carl on October 24th, 2018 5:49 pm

    Alex, do you have substantial proof that the gun was unloaded? You think Grand pa would have an unloaded gun? Or, do you think he took the time to go and unload the gun?

  7. Carl on October 24th, 2018 1:17 pm

    To “Telling the truth”. The juvenile had went to his room. Grand Pa went and got the gun. “Hagler then walked into his grandson’s bedroom and pointed a firearm at him,”.
    Grand Pa was in no danger from this youngster. If this was your son, good or bad, would you want anyone pointing a gun at him and threatening his life?

  8. ALEX on October 24th, 2018 12:06 pm

    one question, is a gun a weapon without a bullet?
    I had a guy point a bow at me but it didn’t have an arrow in it.

  9. Molino Mom on October 24th, 2018 11:32 am

    We know very little about what exactly the teen done or said to Grandpa. He may be one of those teens that love attention from others but didn’t realize the consequences of what would happen from there. We don’t know…he may be feeling horrible right now at his Grandpa being arrested.
    Just to be clear-I definitely do not agree with a grandparent (or anyone else for that matter) to pull out a gun (loaded or unloaded) to make a point. BUT at the same time, the kids today WHEW! I don’t EVER want to raise ANYBODYS teenage kids! Parents/Guardians hands are tied on discipline so it ends up with a bunch of spoiled brats who think they are entitled to everything and they are OUT OF CONTROL! Where do you think all these thugs come from that are on the street killing people over parking spaces or because “he looked at my girlfriend?”
    Sad thing is – its not going to get any better, it will only get worse from here, if you can even imagine that.

  10. One Time on October 23rd, 2018 10:44 pm

    It took me 1 time to argue with my father. I was a fast learner lol!

  11. Stephen on October 23rd, 2018 9:56 pm

    Anyone who thinks that this is OK is sick. Regardless if the young man was disrespectful, you don’t pull guns on people unless you’re defending yourself. People who think this is ok should not be allowed to own firearms themselves, because they aren’t mentally stable.

  12. Telling the truth on October 23rd, 2018 9:48 pm

    It says the kid was a juvenile but it doesn’t state his age. The man is 94 years old and I highly doubt he could man handle a teen male. He did what he had to do to get his point across without getting beat down and possibly killed by the disrespectful teen !

  13. Carl on October 23rd, 2018 8:40 pm

    To Bewildered, the Kid didn’t have Grand Pa arrested. The child, a juvenile, did the right thing by seeking help from authorities. He could have sought retaliation and shot or stabbed Grand Pa. The juvenile probably was now in fear for his life. I am sure you people realize that the comments you are making about the younger generation has been said for hundreds of years.
    Most of you here sound like the kind that would beat a puppy for tinkling on the floor.
    Howie said, “Hagler is a good man, and everyone that knows him, he don’t put up with no crap.” Sounds like Grand Pa has a mean streak,.

  14. Mimi on October 23rd, 2018 7:43 pm

    Thank you Christ Alone. You are correct in all you’ve stated.

  15. MR REALITY on October 23rd, 2018 7:33 pm

    Christalone…he is 94…you do realize that dont you? I dont doubt he would kill this kid in a second!!! Sadly, in life, our decisions have consequences. THe old man let the boy know what his would be.

  16. Sherry Graham on October 23rd, 2018 7:03 pm

    Good Good job Grandpa! Kids these days are COMPLETELY OUT OF CONTROL. My grandmother is 88 and I wont disrespect her or id get the same. Kids DO NOT HAVE ANY RESPECT anymore. The older generation was raised better than that and wont tolerate it amd shohkdnt have TOO.

  17. Bewildered on October 23rd, 2018 6:40 pm

    Comments that it should have been handled differently are correct. They are missing the point that a 94 year old individual gets frustrated because he is no longer able to control today’s teenagers who are brought up without discipline. The parents should have intervened – talked to both of them and should have settled it within the home. To have the old gentleman arrested was spiteful on the kid’s part – hopefully both – the kid and the grandparent – will live happily apart in separate residences.

  18. Christopher osborne on October 23rd, 2018 5:25 pm


  19. By Christ Alone on October 23rd, 2018 4:41 pm

    Poor, poor grandpa. I can’t hardly stomach to see the comments on here. Everyone blaming the kid, but no blame towards the grandparent. Granted, none of us know the whole story or their family life, but we can decipher a few things from the article. Mainly, as a responsible gun owner myself, you should NEVER point a gun at anyone or any animal unless your objective is to kill. You don’t run around pointing a gun at people making threats. What a great role model. As adults we are to lead by example. Nothing wrong with strong discipline, but pointing a gun at a child is not setting a good example. Thanks for teaching your grandson how to handle a stressful situation. I pray this young man makes something of himself and doesn’t follow in papa’s foot steps. If not, he’ll grow up repeating the cycle. Pulling a gun on his wife, child or some stranger that angers him in the Tom Thumb parking lot. Where has the real America gone? People need to get back in church, open the Word, live for Christ, pray as a family. The world will be a better place the day we as a nation start living a Christ centered life again. Pulling guns on grandchildren is far from a Christ centered life. Prayers for this whole family.

  20. Carl on October 23rd, 2018 4:07 pm

    There are much better ways to handle a situation than point a gun at anyone, especially your juvenile Grandson. Was the gun really unloaded. What kind of psychological problems does a Grandfather have that would cause him to threaten his own Grandson with death? They should never occupy the same dwelling again. All of you that seem to be enjoying this must have never lived with abusive parents.

  21. Charlene Ward on October 23rd, 2018 4:01 pm

    Way to go, I don’t put up with disrespect on my property or in my house either, same rule here and I pull guns! If more people did, young people would respect or get out, people are too lenient now days!!

  22. Jojo729 on October 23rd, 2018 1:40 pm

    Kids and especially teenagers these days are so disrespectful! The government needs to butt out and go back to letting parents raise and discipline their children. It’s not hard to figure out what most likely caused this gentleman to do what he did. Had he whipped the boy’s butt, we would be reading about this man being arrested for child abuse. Ridiculous!!! I don’t know either of them but I would send this kid back to his parents and enjoy my life to the fullest!!!

  23. 80's baby on October 23rd, 2018 11:28 am

    Good for grandpa! These kids are totally out of control. I’m sure he wasn’t going to literally blow him away BUT scare the living daylights out of him. Grandpa is 94 years old and its obvious he doesn’t play that….and shouldn’t have to!
    An arrest of grandpa is why this world/society is so jacked up. Discipline has been removed from the home, school and anywhere else. Some of these kids fear nothing and are totally reckless.
    I support Grandpa!

  24. anne1of2 on October 23rd, 2018 11:15 am

    Mr Hagler told the truth. I wish I had met my Grandfathers who both passed before I was born. I do not coddle any of my grand kids. We all give respect to receive respect. God bless this man who was raised in a better time. He should not live near this grandson.

  25. Robinhood on October 23rd, 2018 11:02 am

    Throw the kid out of the house and make him grow up on his own. I guarantee you that the Kid did more than is being told here. Grandpa just does not threaten without a reason to. Just saying !!!

  26. Howie on October 23rd, 2018 10:45 am

    Hagler is a good man, and everyone that knows him, he don’t put up with no crap. Respect and obedience is how Hagler was raised. It’s not hard to follow that, but these young kids today test the patience of old people.

  27. bill on October 23rd, 2018 10:29 am

    apparently there is more to this story 94 yrs old you got to be kidding me this man should not be trying to take care of anybody but his self . he is right and wrong at the same time . first send this kid else where . he is better off second of all leave this man alone to live the rest of his days in peace he dont have much longer i promise you very sad !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  28. Concerned Observer on October 23rd, 2018 10:13 am

    Classic class of three sides to every story, my side, your side, and the truth. Maybe he reacted poorly. But in the article it states that he said he “did not tolerate disobedience from anyone”. The man grew up in a different and BETTER time really. Kids respected their parents (and no, I’m not all that old, I just know better). It’s no different than Law Enforcement. Understand who is in authority and submit to them. That tends to lead to some valuable life lessons learned and many hard times avoided along the way. Unfortunately, most younger people today will never understand. For what it’s worth, I’m not defending Grandpa here. His example and use of firearms is a bad example for others.

  29. Deborah Daugherty on October 23rd, 2018 9:07 am

    You don’t mess with Ole Grandpaw….

  30. Shari on October 23rd, 2018 9:05 am

    There are better ways then pointing even an unloaded gun at a child. If they are being disrespectful take things away like computers,cakes ,cell phone. Make the child earn them back ground the child.

  31. Really Now on October 23rd, 2018 8:35 am

    This is to sad. Would not family counseling been the alternative? Young people do not respect their older family members. The man is 94 years old, really the young man is a hateful, vindictive person to have him arrested. Where were the boys parents? This is shameful!

  32. nod on October 23rd, 2018 8:08 am

    I bet he will not disrespect his grandfather again.

  33. lzhome on October 23rd, 2018 7:33 am

    Likely a learning experience gone wrong. Hope he judge gives the ole guy a break.

  34. JustSaying on October 23rd, 2018 7:30 am

    Well you can’t spank these kids anymore! Got to do something, that was a little too extreme! He probably was not going to do a thing to the kid, but as a grandparent raising a teenager myself, sometimes you get to your wits end. When as a grandparent, you should be enjoying the weekends with them, not a full time roll! We love them sometimes too much and they will take advantage!

  35. Chris Saul on October 23rd, 2018 6:34 am

    The boy like so many other kids probably needs a swift kick in the hind end. A 94 year old man grew up in a different time where respect was earned just like a wage.

  36. Well on October 23rd, 2018 6:11 am

    I would probably believe him.
    Maybe a little delusional but at 94 I bet he doesn’t have many concerns or reasons to put up with anything.

  37. Bewildered on October 23rd, 2018 5:42 am

    Sad – I hope the family made different living arrangements before the old man bonded out. Three generations under one roof is extremely stressful for everyone and juveniles showing respect for themselves or anyone else is a thing of the past.

  38. tooma on October 23rd, 2018 4:51 am

    O’l gramps he’s a hoot!

  39. Sandra on October 23rd, 2018 2:02 am

    That poor man. Wonder what the rest of the story is. What lead up to that point. He lives to be 94 and gets arrested.