Century Workers To Help With Hurricane Florence Recovery

October 2, 2018

The Town of Century is sending two workers to the Carolinas in the near future to help with Hurricane Florence recovery.

The town council voted Monday night to send the two employees and two trucks to either North or South Carolina for a week. They will be paid for a straight 40-hour week.

Mayor Henry Hawkins said he wanted the town to help because Century has been on the receiving end of assistance in the past following natural disasters.


11 Responses to “Century Workers To Help With Hurricane Florence Recovery”

  1. JByrneville on October 4th, 2018 12:55 am

    Why do the readers find so much negative things to say about Town employees? Yes they have plenty of work, yes they do their jobs, if they didn’t then you really would have something to complain about. Instead of bashing the hard/working employees, give them a break and a thank you once in a while…. and for those of you who have so much time to sit around and watch…. maybe y’all need to find a job for yourself… stop blaming town employees because you won’t pay your bills. This city is not your mama or daddy, and you are not kids: act responsible and pay your debts and stop blaming others for your crappy life…. only you can help yo make it better.

  2. jack on October 3rd, 2018 6:24 pm

    @ wow/ Look up straw man.

  3. Wow on October 2nd, 2018 9:50 pm

    @ upset resident, why are you so upset with the mayor? This is not his decision but simply a suggestion. I believe the council had to have a majority vote for it to happen. I I also have heard nothing about any employee not being able to cash their paychecks

  4. Wow on October 2nd, 2018 9:37 pm

    @Sam, so if another storm hits here you will not want help from any outsiders? @ century resident, have you ever considered someone else other than yourself? You should write a a letter to a Carolina family and tell them you’re sorry for their loss and you’ll be praying for them. It will make you feel better. @ jack, the town is not a normal business. It is a town and i don’t have enough space to explain the difference to you

  5. Upset Resident on October 2nd, 2018 7:56 pm

    Well lets just take more of the tax payers’ money. Century has trouble making payroll and they need more employees to do the jobs right here in the city according to the mayor. Lets pay two of our workers to go somewhere else. Who is paying for their food, living space, fuel, wear and tear on the vehicle. This is just some of the cost. Yes I agree that the people in the Carolinas do need help but if the mayor wants to help, let him pay for it himself. I had to pay for it on my own. What makes him any better. This town can’t afford to throw away any more money. This town is so broke that’s why they had to raise our water bill 58 percent. That why they charged us for trash pick up even though they didn’t pick it up one week. That why we are paying one of the towns employees over 20 dollars a hour, and the mayor wants to give more. I guess that why the mayor has to go out and read the water meters sometime because we have so much help. Maybe he’ll raise the tax on gasoline again and force everyone to go to AL to get it. When do the people in this town do something about wasteful spending? How much more can the people with jobs and the ones on a limited income give to this town? How long before the working class people move away for good?

  6. Chas on October 2nd, 2018 1:37 pm

    I can see why the Mayor is trying to give something back. So many times Century has received help from other communities. It would be good to help someone else for a change. How about some of you citizens helping out your community. Mow the grass that you see that needs mowing, or whatever. Oh, not a citizen…..?? Then what is your complaint? Support your town or be quiet.

  7. jack on October 2nd, 2018 12:16 pm

    The benevolent aspect of this is understood but the business practicality is not. The citizens pay the employees to work for them. If they want to help someone outside the scope of their normal duties let them take vacation time or unpaid leave. That’s what a normal business would do.

  8. Wilcat on October 2nd, 2018 11:42 am

    I met the Mayor a few weeks ago, he seemed like a great man.. my brother in law works for the Town of Century…great job Mayor and I don’t even live in Century

  9. Chelleepea on October 2nd, 2018 11:33 am

    I remember when hurricane Dennis hit there were many people from other states who came to help. I also remember when the tornado hit 2 years ago many people outside of Century came to help. It is right that we pass it on. One week won’t hurt anybody.

  10. Century Resident on October 2nd, 2018 10:09 am

    I don’t know you Sam but I happen to agree with you. Century has a lot of things that could be spruced up. It seems there is grass that gets cut every few weeks which needs to be cut every week. The worker that use to keep it cut every week passed away and it has been a hit and missed ever since. If the two workers that go doesn’t do any more than they do around here it is useless and a waste of money.

  11. sam on October 2nd, 2018 8:00 am

    we have that many extra employees? if there is not enough work to keep them busy in century, why are they needed on the payroll? this town has a lot of things that need improvement, just take a ride around the community. large cities with a healthy budget can afford to help those states. century can’t pay its own bills.