Two Cantonment Men Arrested In Double Burglary After Crime Stoppers Tip

September 10, 2018

Two young Cantonment men were arrested for two burglaries after a tip to Gulf Coast Crime Stoppers.

LaDarryl Derrell Paige and Larry Jerome Clay, both 19, were each charged with two counts of burglary and two counts of criminal mischief with property damage.

The burglaries occurred at adjacent townhomes on Balfour Place off Gulf Beach Highway. At both homes, kitchen drawers and cabinets and upstairs bedroom drawers were riffled, but nothing was taken, according to an arrest report.  The report notes that several expense jewelry items were in sight but untouched.

In both cases, a rear sliding glass door was shattered with a large paving block.

A break in the case came when an anonymous tipster call Crime Stoppers. According to an investigator, a photo on Clay’s Facebook page showed him wearing what appeared to be the same gloves seen on video surveillance from one of the townhome burglaries.

Clay was release from the Escambia County Jail on $12,500 bond, and Paige was released on a $12,500 bond.


6 Responses to “Two Cantonment Men Arrested In Double Burglary After Crime Stoppers Tip”

  1. Freda on September 10th, 2018 10:52 pm

    Page has been given to many chances.

  2. Facetious Bob on September 10th, 2018 3:02 pm

    @ justathought….you can be assured the military does not want, and will not accept these type of clowns. Military service is not punishment these days, however, in a “kinder and gentler” age, it was a mutual option within reason.

  3. Justathought on September 10th, 2018 10:18 am

    19yrs old. Shameful. Their life will be much harder to navigate with these charges. It would be nice if we went back to military time instead of jail time to help these people get some kind of order in their lives and avoid having a blemish on their record.

  4. bill on September 10th, 2018 10:09 am

    get a job and you wouldnt have time to steal as much or as often . oh no im to late to tell you that lol!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. tg on September 10th, 2018 9:03 am

    If you know something say something and the world will be a safer place.

  6. Steve on September 10th, 2018 4:02 am

    They was looking for pills or keys to vehicles. even if they did not take the cars then. They later would have came back and drove off with them