TS Gordon: Thomas Discusses Decision To Open Escambia Schools Wednesday

September 5, 2018

Escambia County School Superintendent Malcolm Thomas said Wednesday morning that the decision to open schools today was based upon the best information available at the time.

“I did not expect what we had this morning when I got up,” he told NorthEscambia.com. “You make a decision on the best information you have.”

And Thomas said that information relayed Tuesday afternoon by weather experts and emergency managers called for Tropical Storm Gordon to move faster, drop much less rain and have fewer wind impacts than actually materialized during the early morning hours.

“It’s easy to Monday morning quarterback,” he said. “I would have canceled (for Wednesday) if I had known. This one did not play out like any of them expected.”

“We use the best information we have. In 10 years years looking back, this is the one time I wish I had back. I’m not blaming anybody at the end of the day….I regret it. I’m sick we exposed students and staff to it.”

He said once the decision was made Tuesday to open schools on Wednesday, it is hard to turn back and make a last minute cancellation because many bus drivers  and the school day process are already “getting in gear’ at 4:00 to 4:30 a.m.

Attendance was down significantly at school across the county, he said, adding that all absences on Wednesday will be excused.

“Parents that kept their students at home did what they thought they should have; they made the right call,” he said.

All schools had electric power Wednesday morning, and any indoor after-school activities or sports will continue at the discretion of school leaders.

Thomas said schools were closed on Tuesday because the best forecast information for Monday called for 40-45 mph winds in Escambia County – a huge issue for a high profile vehicle like a school bus. But the forecast for this morning did not.

“We have almost zero wind this morning, and we go to school in light and moderate rain, but I’m not downplaying what we had during the early morning.”

Thomas said he did not anticipate an early release Wednesday because that creates problems for parents and childcare.

“Now that they are in school, they are safer where they are,” Thomas said. “When we have one of these storms in the middle of the night,  in the future, we will take the next day off and burn it.”

File photo.


65 Responses to “TS Gordon: Thomas Discusses Decision To Open Escambia Schools Wednesday”

  1. We turned out okay on September 7th, 2018 8:05 pm

    Well said Granny, clap, clap. Kids today are missing out on the days when we had to walk to school in a Tropical Storm and walk home in a Hurricane. We seem to be getting a little too soft as a society.

  2. Tabby on September 6th, 2018 7:44 pm

    @Granny–best comment by far. Love you. God bless.

  3. Kane on September 6th, 2018 1:28 pm

    I get it that it was a bad call on the school boards part but what I like seeing here is that the Commissioner is not trying to point fingers or place blame elsewhere. I see that a lot in the government these days with “he said she said” and of course the wildly popular “I did this but what about so-and-so they did this” it is refreshing to see and elected official owning up to their mistake and giving an honest apology.

  4. H. Tripp on September 6th, 2018 1:25 pm

    It is my hope that the sixty plus comments come from parents who are involved daily in their child’s education. The days that your children were not at school begs a question. Did you spend that missed “day” working with, assigning educational activities, such as reading and math, for your child and are you the one compIaining? I know some parents don’t want to hear that. My experience though is that some children spent time on the phone, watching tv, or playing video games, Only you know.
    Thanks to the parents who offered something educational on those missed days!

  5. Hoosier Daddy on September 6th, 2018 12:18 pm

    I will allude to a comment made in another newspaper (Louisiana.) Mr. Thomas’s decision was not one that could be made as if he was sitting around the dining table discussing family business. There are a lot of logistics involved in many departments. Sort of like turning an ocean liner. Everything does not happen in a split second. There is an old military saying concerning trying to disseminate information….2 percent of the people involved will not get the info.

  6. anne 1of2 on September 6th, 2018 11:51 am

    OK, OK, so we will make him take a weather predicting course Weather reporting isn’t what he does for a living.. He admitted he was wrong and excused the students for the day. What else do you want?

  7. granny on September 6th, 2018 9:32 am

    If we stand back from this situation, look at it from a different perspective…we will see all the dynamics that led to Mr. Thomas’ decision. He did not make it lightly, nor alone. If we take away the named storm, turn off the media sources, this would have been just a strong thunderstorm with a lot of rain. Very similar in nature to what we experienced this past Spring. We had winds, copious amounts of rain, some wind, and flooding in low lying areas. We all managed to navigate our schedules of getting to work, our children off to school, and we are none the worse for wear. Let it become teachable moments in our lives, moments of giving the “benefit of the doubt” and letting our children see honor, respect toward authority, grace given to others in the midst of our examples of integrity. And really, are there any serious horror stories of our children being injured.damaged by one day of attending school in the rain? Count your blessings, forgive mistakes, and move on!!

  8. northofI10 on September 6th, 2018 9:00 am

    It’s not second guessing it’s having been through storms before–there are free weather apps for phones that were showing heavy rains and winds on Wednesday. There was nothing to gain by opening but there sure was a lot that could have been lost and that should have been in the front of the decision making process. Superintendent Thomas rolled the dice and this time there were no consequences but is this the process going forward? Applaud all the parents that did what they [with their best information] did to protect their children. It’s easier and less tragic to make and/or explain a decision with safety first. Again, not second guessing but been through this and will go through more in the future.

  9. Gman on September 6th, 2018 6:11 am

    At least you manned up and admitted it.

  10. Sherry vinton on September 5th, 2018 9:57 pm

    Glad its my daughters last year in this awful school system

  11. Allison on September 5th, 2018 9:56 pm

    The one bright spot about the schools being opened on Wednesday were the children who rely on the free breakfast and lunch programs. They got two warm meals they might not have gotten if they stayed home on Wednesday.

  12. Well on September 5th, 2018 8:48 pm

    It’s always so easy to second guess someones decisions.

    Especially after the fact.

  13. Tabby on September 5th, 2018 8:06 pm

    @Babbs—You shoulda been the superintendent. I guess PF was enough.

  14. EscCitizen on September 5th, 2018 7:55 pm

    I find it obsurd that Mr. Thomas didn’t find it appropriate to cancel school due to the statement, “because many bus drivers and the school day process are already “getting in gear’ at 4:00 to 4:30 a.m.” I grew up in ice and snow storms. As previously stated, we were glued to the television up until the last minute awaiting a school cancellation. Safety was erred prior to the worry of some already starting their day. Matter of fact we got up a couple of hours earlier than normal just to watch television to see if a cancellation was posted yet. Hopefully Mr. Thomas modifies his process of decision making in the future.

  15. Molino resident on September 5th, 2018 7:46 pm

    No doubt it would have been best to have school off today (Wednesday). But, life goes on and no one is perfect. I got out this morning to go to Publix at 7AM. Wow. The weather was bad. But, I sure did enjoy having the store to myself. Like the book that came out years ago……Don’t sweat the small stuff because it’s all small stuff”. Move on. I know I have.

  16. Momma E on September 5th, 2018 7:39 pm

    Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain – and most fools do. -Benjamin Franklin

  17. Trent's Mom on September 5th, 2018 7:10 pm

    I called his office at 7pm last night left a message stating my child would not be in School
    His job is to obverse the outcome we as parent’s sure did .
    Now tell me how come Mobile to Slidell canceled school us on the back side of the storm our children have to ride bikes walk or stand at bus stop in poring rain !!!!
    My son will be in class tomorrow
    at 7pm last night looking at radar an listening to all channels of weather all of them ABC didnt even show its 8pm show for weather coverage so it didn’t even take a intelligent person to know No School should be open in our area !!!!!!!!
    My son is lucky to have a mother smart enough to watch the weather Malcolm try that next time.
    OThoseOur local weather guys are actually smart & educated oh wait they make more also .. No more time 4 new he has to GO !!!!

  18. Tman on September 5th, 2018 6:35 pm

    I agree with the 2nd post made at 11:48AM. You need some better real time info Mr Thomas. I thought the original call to cancel Tuesday was overdone, but as you said in your recorded call, Out of an “abundance of caution” you made the decision and i supported it. And you put peope at risk this morning because you should have used your same out of an “abundance of caution”. I drove my high schoolers to school since i didn’t want to put my Senior in a bad situation. You know out of an abundance of caution. I agree very much with other parents comments about the absence policy in High School. It can really hurt a student with inexcused absences.

  19. Parent on September 5th, 2018 6:18 pm

    I’m amazed at the people on here bashing officials for not making the “right” call. We all know that either call on either day would have made people mad no matter what! We are Floridians… Really people! We have rain and wind all the time and most times it isn’t called a tropical storm or hurricane and yet we all go to school and work with no mention of officials thinking about the safety of our students, teachers admin and everyone else out there!

    Thank you Mr. Thomas for doing the best that you can everyday for our schools!

  20. Native 1950 on September 5th, 2018 6:10 pm

    Geeeeezzz, ya’ll….It’s not like Mr. Thomas ‘profited’ from closing or opening the schools! He was just doing what he HAD to do with THE information he was given! For goodness sakes…give the man a break!

  21. Scooter on September 5th, 2018 5:56 pm

    Some of this reminds me of growing up in Wisconsin. There were MANY times where a decision on closing due to snow didn’t happen until the last minute. I recall eating breakfast with all fingers crossed the TV would announce schools closed. Why would it be the end of the world to announce closing them for any storm, simply because some people are already getting ready or started the day? Send them back home. It seems pretty simple. Or, if enough staff is available, announce there is no bus service but schools will be open for students on a voluntary basis. (Saw that one a lot as a kid too, hated that one though, lol)

  22. Melanie Collins on September 5th, 2018 4:40 pm

    The call could have come this morning when you could obviously see the weather was going to be bad. When the call was made to cancel school Tuesday why not cancel it both days just to be safe. Your darn right a parent is going to do what they feel is right for their child. I personally do not care if its excused or not at the end of the day my child and his safety is all that matters. Maybe this will be a learning experience going forward and the school board and superintendent will make the right call next time

  23. SF on September 5th, 2018 4:31 pm

    I have a feeling this is more about some parents wanting a reason to call in to work. Those of you with Facebook can see it all the time. Just like people who are amazingly only sick on work days. Rarely ever are they sick on weekends! Just sayin

  24. Parent on September 5th, 2018 4:17 pm

    Mr. Thomas should commend all bus drivers, teachers/staff, parents, and students
    who got out and dealt with this. More so than those who choose to stay home.

  25. Stacie on September 5th, 2018 4:11 pm

    People are always looking for something to cry about.

  26. Mary on September 5th, 2018 3:09 pm

    …..BTW Joe, there’s no such thing as a “free lunch”. Taxpayers pay for it all.

  27. Parent on September 5th, 2018 3:05 pm

    Everyone has their own opinion on Mr Malcom and this situation. As the parent YOU are ultimately responsible for making the decision to send your child into the weather situation or not; I felt sure if my child did not go to school today he would receive an excused absence. Any parent with a high school student should have been well aware that it would be an excused absence. Here is an idea to some of you ….why don’t you run for Escambia County School Superintendent on the next term and if you win you can make better decisions than what you thought Mr. Malcom decided upon. To Mr. Malcom….It is virtually impossible to make decisions for the ENTIRE COUNTY SCHOOL SYSTEM and make everyone happy. THANK YOU for filling the position; YOU ARE APPRECIATED!

  28. Jason on September 5th, 2018 2:51 pm

    I often wonder what all those disagreeing with closing the schools on Tuesday and re-opening on Wednesday did with their day on Tuesday? Did they prep their houses/yards in any way? Stow away anything that might become a flying object should the winds get bad? I know I did, along with many of my neighbors.

    With this in mind, dont you think the school personnel needed to batten down the hatches at every school on Tuesday? Maybe even need to take the same effort at their own homes?

    This storm was forecast to make landfall somewhere along the Louisiana/Mississippi state lines. Instead, the storm made landfall along the Mississippi/Alabama state line – some 65-80- miles closer to us than expected.

    Had the storm made landfall as expected near Louisiana, all this rain we received would have fallen closer to Gulfport Mississippi and we would have only seen light showers or misting rain. Not the continued deluge of the rain from one of the strongest outer bands of TS Gordon.

    So many folks always look for a reason to criticize officials. I think that Superintendent Thomas and the school board made the best call with the forecast that was provided to them. For all those whose crystal ball provided a better forecast, do me a favor and provide me the winning numbers to Saturday nights Powerball drawing. I doubt you will be successful.

    For those complaining that “voters will remember” come election time – here’s good news: You wont have to remember. After 30 years of service – of which 12 years as the Top Boss – Thomas has already announced he isnt seeking re-election. I dont blame him for taking the retirement. You just have to grow tired of dealing with all the naysayers.

  29. John on September 5th, 2018 2:43 pm

    What a bunch of whiners, it wasn’t that bad, toughen up!!! man up!!!….. and for you women!!!woman up!!! be though!!!

  30. my thoughts on September 5th, 2018 2:42 pm

    This is the one time he wishes he had back? How about last school year when the governor had to over ride him and close all the schools after Mr. Thomas said they would be open? You could tell how mad he was about having to make a call out then to update the information.

  31. Karen on September 5th, 2018 2:28 pm

    Everyone that’s saying keep your kids at home. The schools have gotten very strict with the excused/non-excused missed school days. With having a high school aged child, an unexcused absence results in a zero – which affect my child’s grade average. It wasn’t known this morning that had we decided to keep our kids at school that it would have been an excused absence. And no I wouldn’t lie and say that my child was home sick because what does that teach my child?
    Thank you!

  32. Sue on September 5th, 2018 2:22 pm

    On Tuesday afternoon, we all knew there would be a 10pm update. He should have looked at that update and made the call to close schools while local bews was on. Roads were flooded, people had no power, we were under flash flood and tornado watchers, and the rain was still coming.

  33. JAMIE on September 5th, 2018 2:08 pm

    Everyone has a right to their opinion but it is ultimately your choice as a parent not to send your child to school and I feel quite sure it would be an excused absence due to the situation . Maybe some of you should run for Escambia County school superintendent on the next term so you will be able to make better decisions than what you thought Mr. Malcolm should have decided. Thank you Mr Malcom for the job that you are doing It cannot possibly be easy to make decisions for the entire county and make everyone happy at the same time

  34. my thoughts on September 5th, 2018 2:07 pm

    There was plenty of time to cancel school last night. Plenty! Mr. Thomas blew it. Luckily, many parents were smarter than him and made the right decision to keep their children home! He put many peoples’ lives at risk though.

  35. Hindsight on September 5th, 2018 1:57 pm

    I understand it is a difficult decision and hindsight is 20/20. However, my biggest issue is that the decision to close schools can wait until 6pm or 7pm at night, which also cause working parents issues but the decision to open school was made before 4pm. I’m no meteorologist but by 4pm I was already noticing the storm had moved more north than projected. I could’ve predicted worse conditions than expected by 6pm or 7pm just by growing up here, living through hurricanes and made a wiser decision. But, too little, too late. We learn from mistakes and I have not heard of any incidents related to the weather for school kids this morning. So we move forward.

  36. Doug on September 5th, 2018 1:27 pm

    Mr. Thomas,

    You have a responsibility to monitor the weather closely during tropical storms and other events that place our children at risk. Yesterday at noon, we learned from the local weather stations that landfall would be late in the evening and heavy rain for the first half of Wednesday with flash floods possible.

    As for “getting in gear” at 4:00 AM, we are already up and moving to get our kids on the bus. Our two handicapped children get on the bus at 5:05 AM and arrive at school at 8:00 AM. That is 2 hours and 55 minutes they are exposed to traffic and weather. They get back on the bus at 2:00 PM and arrived home at 4:30 PM. That is 5 1/2 hours each day they are exposed to the hazards of driving and the high winds and rain only increase that risk. They are at school for 6 hours and on the bus for 5 1/2 each day.

    As parents, taxpayers, and voters, we expect and demand that the leadership of our school district demonstrate accountability and prudence when making decisions that affect our children.

  37. Kimberly on September 5th, 2018 1:25 pm

    This was a “counting the chickens before they hatched” typed situation. In the future maybe it should be taken into consideration that most children in elementary and high schools are on their way to school before 7 am. Does the county really have the ability to check for debris, water on the roads and possible down power lines in that amount of time? It was a dangerous situation for anyone to be out driving today.

  38. Todd Johnson on September 5th, 2018 1:24 pm

    We were watching Weather Channel all day on Tuesday, and I don’t know where you got your information saying the storm would be fast moving and not drop a lot of rain, because that’s the exact opposite of what they were saying. All you needed to do was turn on the TV.

    Also, saying that all the schools had power when students arrived when students got there is a flat-out lie fitting of the current Presidential administration: there were first-hand accounts of students and teachers arriving to their schools with no power this morning. So, you not only had our students riding in hazardous conditions in buses and cars to get to school, you had them arriving in schools with no power, and now are lying to cover up the incompetence.

  39. Wyatte on September 5th, 2018 1:22 pm

    Parents you are in charge of your kids and if the weather was bad you should have kept them home. If they went this morning it was your fault and nobody else.

  40. Concerned Person on September 5th, 2018 1:16 pm

    He’s wrong, it IS possible to cancel school the morning of, it has been done before. Yes, it’s inconvenient as bus drivers and food workers have started their day, but they CAN be recalled. And it was quite clear from about 8 – 9 pm last night that this was going to be a bad day. Did he honestly just look at the weather report Tuesday afternoon and not checked it again until this morning??? or at least have designated someone to keep updated during the night???? Was there not ONE person in the county to have said “Hey….wait a minute here.” After all, thousands work for the school board, are you saying none of them knew the weather had changed?

  41. Parent on September 5th, 2018 1:12 pm

    For MT is all about making sure he MT receives his funding from the the State of Florida. The School Board has Hurricane dates Built into their schedule. If MT has to work then so does everyone else! Truly if MT cared he would have erred on the side of safety first.

  42. Rita Mattson on September 5th, 2018 1:07 pm

    I totally understand the decision making but after last night’s weather warnings at 10p and the rain predictions for today, as well as Flash Flood warnings, the decision could have been made last night and posted on 10p news.

  43. Babbs on September 5th, 2018 1:04 pm

    You would think he’s new in the area, duh, common sense they would need to have been off today

  44. paul on September 5th, 2018 1:01 pm

    Bad call.. They need an educated person in charge.

  45. College student on September 5th, 2018 1:00 pm


    Im sure nobody would have been mad if you would have cancelled at 4 in the morning. Keeping your staff and students safe should be top priority and if that means making a last minute call to cancel schools… you are the man with the power to do it. But you didnt. You failed those students i saw standing at their bus stops trying to hold their umbrellas in the rain. You failed the students waiding around their flooded high school with soaking wet feet and shivers. You failed the teachers whose homes are flooding and trees blocking their way..but hey got to get that education. I am a college student, so i had my own control over attending class today… but those students who didnt.. you failed them. Good job, and enjoy your last year as superintendent. You have failed time and time again at your job. The news gave us all the evidence this would happen. And you were poorly informed. DO BETTER MALCOLM

  46. Paola F on September 5th, 2018 12:57 pm

    Malcolm Thomas has been a piss poor superintendant for 10 years.

    We need to elect someone new, who will put the lives of our children first!

  47. Elizabeth on September 5th, 2018 12:47 pm

    I’m not sure where the hesitation to cancel school came from. I never saw any reports that said it would be safe this morning, and I scoured every news source I could find. Yes, you’re right, people will complain either way. He’s damned if he does, damned if he doesn’t. Yes, you can keep your kids home from school if you don’t think it’s safe and it doesn’t really matter if it’s excused or not because of how many unexcused days they can have. BUT – those teachers still have to report. Even if their classroom is empty, or only has one child, they still have to report. They can’t just call home and leave because they are bored, or because there aren’t a lot of kids at school. The bus drivers still have to roll the buses, because there may be ONE CHILD standing out there, and they cannot leave them waiting. There is no choice for these people – some of them coming from other counties or even from Alabama just to serve Escambia County’s children. All school personnel risked their lives this morning getting to work, driving students to school on a bus, taking their own kids to school, etc… because Malcolm Thomas wouldn’t change his mind based on the “best available information”. It became very clear very quickly that this would not just blow through and leave us untouched and he claimed. Not changing his mind when it became dangerous does not look like the decision of someone who didn’t think they could contact everyone, it looks like the decision of someone who does not care. Likening this to a normal storm that rolls through is not only unfair, but it is ignorant. Call it like it is – Thomas messed up. He is not admitting it, he is blaming others. I just hope everyone makes it home safe and no one suffers any ill effects because of his decision.

  48. Parent on September 5th, 2018 12:45 pm

    OK folks…tropical storm forecasting is not perfect. Thomas gets the info from the experts…the National Weather Service and the Hurricane Center, and from the emergency managers in our county and the state. There are dozens and dozens of people working to provide him information..he’s not just watching a “we’re all going to die” TV weatherman that’s hyping the storm for ratings. Schools have been canceled before when it turned out to be sunny when a storm turns away or moves faster. Did you complain then. Grow and be a parent to your kids…ultimately it’s your decision to send your kid to school, not “the man’s”.

  49. TAllen on September 5th, 2018 12:44 pm

    This response is to this “Really” person…
    Are you Really as smart as you think.you are? While reading your response you dont actually make much sense to me. More or less just babbaling in my opinion. But in can say this, Thank goodness You do not make the big decisions where our children are concerned. I’m afraid their lives would be at risk many times more than tthis risk today. At least Mr. Thomas admits he would go back and change his decision in this situation if only he could turn back the clock.That he is just sick knowing his community was put at risk like this on his call.. especially our children..But someone like you would have a hard time admitting a bad judgement call. Really…you are as smart as you sound! Btw i use my Real name, why don’t you?

  50. Stephanie Cole on September 5th, 2018 12:43 pm

    At 10:00 pm last night we had high water , flooded roads, death in the county, and 10 thousand people out of power, flood warning watch abs tornado warning , the call should have been made then . Down town abs the north end of the county always has flooded roads. Please follow Al they always get it right . Not the first bad call righter I remember standing with young children waiting fir a bus in 7 degree weather and 35 buses did not run that day , Al closed missed the boat then too

  51. Agree with "PARENT"!! on September 5th, 2018 12:36 pm

    Parent said it as point blank and brutally honest as could be said.. I did not send mine either. So I am glad that they are going to be excused. Bc there is no good reason for any parent to have sent them out in this mess!!

  52. Parent on September 5th, 2018 12:30 pm

    Agree with the above- I am sure that almost all staff has phones and they all have television. The call should have been changed and all parties involved alerted nearly instantaneously. I understand there are difficulties, but the excuses are pathetic.

  53. Steven on September 5th, 2018 12:29 pm

    Malcolm, made the decision based of what is provided to him by Emergency Management. He has someone that who is assigned to a desk at the EOC, Emergency Operations Center that relays information to him to make a sound decisions. If he put kids in harms way you complain and if kids are out of school you complain about day care issue. I’m assuming you are the people that would complain about winning the lottery and having to pay taxes. Get a grip, I’ve sat in that EOC multiple times and you get the information from the Weather center and make your decision based of what is provided to him.

  54. Suzie B. on September 5th, 2018 12:28 pm

    Common sense is what we’ve always relied on. If you feel it’s unsafe for your child/family – make a decision!! He even mentions this in the article -> Attendance was down significantly at school across the county, he said, adding that all absences on Wednesday will be excused.
    “Parents that kept their students at home did what they thought they should have; they made the right call,” he said.”

  55. Cindy on September 5th, 2018 12:25 pm

    @Parent…..you were “shocked” by a great decision for closing on Tuesday, when high winds could easily flip a bus? “Landfall” is determined by when the eye is over land. The tropical storm force winds were forecasted to arrive by mid-day Tuesday. So what you’re “shocked” over was a great call by Mr. Thomas. For Wednesday, he also went by what was forecast. Forecasting is not an exact science and he could only rely on the info in the forecast, a fast moving, little rain-producing type of storm. Instead of being disappointed, be grateful that Mr. Thomas has stated that all absences are excused as parents chose to keep their kids at home. Funny thing is, some of those same parents that were griping yesterday about child-care issues are also griping today about sending their children to school.

    I say, THANK YOU, MR. THOMAS. You obviously have a thank-less job so let me be one who shows appreciation for the tough job you have.

  56. Confused 1 on September 5th, 2018 12:25 pm

    Obviously, reading the weather is not his strong point. This wx is not surprising. It’s what happens in tropical storms.

  57. Jj on September 5th, 2018 12:24 pm

    He watched CNN TO GET HIS INFO

  58. Jaime Burns on September 5th, 2018 12:21 pm

    You did what you felt was Best. If parents feel that their kids are not safe then they will keep them home regardless. I sent mine to school. My oldest got there and stayed till 10:30, he wanted to come home because almost the whole school was empty. My youngest loves school and just wanted to go and doesn’t want to come home till time to get out. I feel that my children are safe. The communication with the teachers and I are outstanding. They would contact me if they felt they needed to be home. Coming from Dallas Fort worth all this weather is new to us but still feel safe. Thank you for what you do.

  59. Concerned Parent on September 5th, 2018 12:13 pm

    Seriously… you need hours to decide if school is open or closed ….i don’t think so.. a decision could have been last night to close the schools today. So instead we exposed everyone to flooded streets and bad weather. Even though power is on, the campuses are flooded and who wants their child wet sitting in a cold classroom.. What happened to the good old days when you didn’t rely on technology and made a gut/best decision for the well being of everyone.

  60. Suzie on September 5th, 2018 12:13 pm

    Bottom line he messed up, and the voters won’t soon forget

  61. College student on September 5th, 2018 12:09 pm

    I agree with Marie.

    I attend PSC and called and was given no sympathy I had to drive through flooded streets to get to campus to be met with cops blocking entrances due to flooding also to hear classmates say they were scolded for being late that had to come over bridges an flooded streets to get here. School should have been canceled at midnight someone could have made it happen. But let’s put everyone in danger because let’s face it ppl dont know how to drive on a sunny day so let’s add flooded roads and debris on roads.

    Easy for ppl to say well common sense says keep your kids home well when u have non essential jobs and your bosses make you come or colleges basically dont care and u cant miss because u will be behind and are suppose to graduate this semester it sucks. But let’s have ppl risk their lives for a degree they may never see if they die on way there.

  62. Really on September 5th, 2018 11:55 am

    You will never be able to win…if you cancel school people cry “what are we going to do with the kids” and if you don’t cancel they cry “I can’t believe school is open in this dangerous weather”!!!! People, GET A GRIP …they are your kids .. if you feel it is dangerous to go out,,.then keep them in!! If school is canceled , do as you would if you were having to keep them home when they are sick . Try as they may, with all the technology that we have today, weather forecasting is not an exact science !! Use the brain that God put in your head and be reasonable! So tired of all the whining and blaming …!

  63. Marie Langham on September 5th, 2018 11:54 am

    I understand you do what is best for what forecast is given. But coming from Northern Schools schools get canceled in matter of hours, they do not need hours notice. Last night the weather got back before midnight, tornado warnings and extreme winds and rain. If it was called off when the storm got bad before midnight, teachers, parents, & students wouldn’t of gotten on the road this morning.

  64. Parent on September 5th, 2018 11:48 am

    Mr. Thomas,

    Clearly your “best information” is not very good at all.

    The rest of us must have had better information than you. We were shocked that school was canceled on Tuesday, as all the forecasts had the storm making landfall during the overnight hours, with today being far worse than yesterday.

    I realize that making the decision to cancel schools is difficult to make in the morning for logistical reasons. However, you put our children at risk by asking high school kids to drive and buses to run in the poor conditions this morning.
    I did not send my child to school today and would never have thought to do so.

    Poor decision on your part. Very disappointed in your judgement regarding this one.

  65. Joe on September 5th, 2018 11:47 am

    It’s funny, anybody looking at the weather yesterday at around noon time could have predicted the rain and storms of this morning. Stupid decision after a knee jerk reaction to shut down school Tuesday. But no worries, I’m just a old country boy. Still smart enough not to send my children out in this weather. Stupid decision just keep coming from the school board. Just like the free lunches for most schools. But leave out Ransom and Tate. Still believe that’s a class action lawsuit waiting to happen