New Traffic Light At 297A And Kingsfield To Be Activated

September 13, 2018

Escambia County is currently constructing roadway improvements at the intersection of Highway 297A and Kingsfield Road in Cantonment. New overhead traffic signals will be installed and placed into flash mode today and will remain in flash mode until Monday when the signals will be fully activated.

The intersection improvement project also includes the installation of turn lane improvements, pedestrian amenities and drainage upgrades, and is anticipated to be completed within the next few weeks. All activities are weather dependent and may be delayed or re-scheduled in the event of inclement weather.

The project will greatly improve both general and school traffic flow along the two roadways. Drivers are advised to be aware of the new traffic improvements at the intersection and take caution when driving around construction areas. If lane or roadway closures are necessary at any time during construction, another notice will be issued.


13 Responses to “New Traffic Light At 297A And Kingsfield To Be Activated”

  1. Archie Yarbrough on September 16th, 2018 4:15 pm

    Good improvements but now we need at least a 4 way stop at Kingsfield and 97 for us living west of 97. Traffic is tough at that intersection and those on 97 are not going slow.

  2. John on September 16th, 2018 1:01 am

    Why always the blame Navy Federal game? Do you want those jobs to go somewhere else? If you choose to remain unincorporated, then you get county services not city services so traffic issues get ignored folks and that’s the way it is.

  3. Rick on September 15th, 2018 3:59 pm

    It’s going to get worse . Over on hwy97 between muscogee Rd and 297 they are putting major subdivisions in on hwy 97. There’s got to be a way to curb this madness of building new homes without the infrastructure to support it. Evidently our commissioners don’t care that all this development is becoming and has been a safety issue

  4. Glenda J on September 15th, 2018 10:05 am

    Oh, yeah! This County’s idea to regulate the traffic is to stick up another red light. At least with a four way stop most people were stopped. Now you will have people running a red light. I’m so sick of red lights in this town because people can’t wait a minute at a stop sign. Now, too many intersections you have to wait for a long light when there is not a car in sight even on the busiest roads

  5. Tabby on September 14th, 2018 8:11 pm

    Here’s your progress. You asked for it, you got it. I remember when you’d be hard pressed to find another vehicle at the intersection at the same time as you. If you did, they were probably courteous and almost certainly waved to you. It wasn’t really that long ago. Now, everyone is in such a rush. They get so darned mad when they gotta wait whether it’s on the road, at a restaurant, or even the grocery store. I’ll give you a hint, chances are, it’s not the person born and raised here. It’s the transplant Yankee, the millennial, or the new age hippy from town who now think themselves “country folk”. Hardly.

  6. "Safetious" on September 14th, 2018 1:36 pm

    @ Well….just being safetious….every knows at a four-way stop, whoever is going the fastest has the right-of-way!

  7. Walter on September 14th, 2018 10:47 am

    If someone needs prayers then that someone is me! I live on sw corner of Kingsfield & 297A! I hope school traffic will continue to be courteous to let us in & out!

  8. Well on September 14th, 2018 5:29 am

    Much worse than before trying to figure who goes next.
    8 lanes waiting no one sure what to do.

    Turn’em on.

  9. GetterDone on September 13th, 2018 10:14 pm

    It’s 12 lanes of traffic! Why wait until Monday? So we can get used to the new flashing light that replaced the old flashing light? They need to fully activate those suckers, right now!

  10. Charles Odom on September 13th, 2018 8:42 pm

    Instead of asking for a red light at Pine Cone, why don’t you use the lights that are already present at pine forest? Too many people are too freaking lazy and stupid to use the lights that are already in place.

    Here is an idea…why not put a stupid red light at every single crossing in the county, since apparently, no one knows how to drive.

    The red light at 297a and Kingsfield is a complete waste of time and money. Instead of spending the money on a red light, they should spend that money on teaching people how to drive properly. Too many times at this intersection, people are too preoccupied or stupid to know when it is their turn to go.

  11. Linda Hester on September 13th, 2018 7:18 pm

    It’s about time. But, PLEASE, FOR THE LOVE OF EVERYTHING HOLY, put up a light at Exit 5 coming off I-10 East! It is impossible to get off at this exit except at 10:32 in the morning. And, even that is risky. Navy Federal’s expansion is actually risking lives every day.

    And, while I’m at it, who in the San Hill has the contract for Orange barrels? There are 1000 on every street in Escambia and Santa Rosa counties. Someone’s relative is making millions. Why in the world don’t they concentrate on one stretch of road at a time and finish it? And, 99% of the roads have no one working on them. Just barrels and red dirt. It’s infuriating!

  12. jimbo on September 13th, 2018 4:48 pm

    This should have been done before the new school opened!

  13. Jan on September 13th, 2018 10:45 am
