Mayor, Councilman Seek To Control Public Information Flow From Century

September 20, 2018

Century’s mayor and a council member are seeking to control the flow of information from the town.

Background: Loans From The Town

In July, the council approved a $12,000 refinance of a delinquent loan for a sitting council member. Sandra McMurray Jackson received a $60,000 loan from the town in April 2003, prior to her election. Current council president Ann Brooks said she received a $50,000 loan in 1997 and made her final payment in 2011. Brooks was not in office at the time the loan originated. She ran unsuccessfully for a council seat in 2003 and mayor in 2006 before being elected to her current council seat in 2007.

A $60,000 loan was also made to “Purrfect Creations” in August 1999, and it was paid off in June 2015, according to a spreadsheet provided by the town. Mayor Henry Hawkins said the loan was to former “council member/mayor” Evelyn Hammond, but document provided do not reflect a personal guarantor. He loan was made prior to her election, he said.

“If you are going to throw dirt, let’s throw dirt all the way around. It wasn’t just one. Now we just happened to allow one to make payments on a reasonable time to get that bill paid,” Hawkins said.

Public Information

“This information is being put out without the council’s knowledge or my knowledge. We need to either designate one person to be a spokesperson for this town. which I think it should have been me. And if we are going to do anything off the cuff, the council better know about it,” Hawkins told the council this week.

“Who gave Ms. Brooks the authorization to represent the town via TV or any other public broadcast without Council approval,” Hawkins wrote in his letter presented to the council September 10.

In a WEAR 3 followup to a story, Brooks told the TV station that she learned about the town’s financial problems through public records. She told WEAR in an on-camera interview that “We need to tighten our belts and we need to cut expenses but instead we have department heads asking for more…We have a gas department that is losing money and is bleeding.”

WEAR 3 and are media partners, often sharing news, photos and videos. WEAR 3 and do not share ownership.

“I did not need authorization from anyone to give my opinion when Channel 3 News came to my office and asked for it,” Brooks told the council this week, reading from a prepared statement.  “I have just as much right to free speech as anyone else.”

She also expressed lack of communication from the mayor and town staff to the town council, including insufficient information about town finances discovered by auditors that found “the town’s overall financial condition demonstrated signs of deterioration which, if not corrected, could result in a future financial emergency. The audit found that there were many material weaknesses and deficiencies in the handling of the town’s finances,” she said.

Brooks also expressed concerns after she discovered “that payroll checks were being written when the money was not in the bank account to cover the checks and that payroll taxes were not being paid to IRS because there was not sufficient funds in the payroll bank account”.

“I do not claim that wrongdoings did not happen before the current administration, but no one informed me or the council about them, so we could not be expected to be aware of it. This is the reason we need to be transparent in the town’s affairs. The mayor, the town clerk, and the town’s accountant have a responsibility to inform the council when such issues occur. The town council has a right to know and a duty to act upon such knowledge,” Brooks concluded.

Councilman Gomez Takes Issued With The Media, Public Expression

“I don’t know a whole lot about the loans, but I know that there was three loans,” Councilman Luis Gomez, Jr. said, pointing out that the loans all originated prior to the borrowers being elected to office.

“I don’t need people walking up to me, ‘when is Century going to give me a loan’,” Gomez said.  “I wasn’t a councilman 20 years ago…I didn’t agree to issue nobody a loan, and neither did this administration….we just gave a refinance to one of the people sitting on this council.”

“But if you read the story, Century, and the mayor and the council are going around giving out loans when we can’t even pay our gas bill. You see what I’m saying? It just looks crazy in the headlines, but the reality of it was this was given 20 years ago.”

The $12,000  loan refinance for current council member Jackson was approved by a 4-0 vote, including an affirmative vote from Gomez, on July 16, 2018. . Jackson did not cast a vote. An independent auditor noted that the “transaction may constitute a violation” under a Florida law that governs the standards of conducted for public officers.

When publisher William Reynolds pointed out to the council that many of the newspaper’s public records requests for loan documentation and payment documents made two months ago have not been fulfilled,” Gomez said those public requests are irrelevant.

“If the press or anybody else making public records requests actually got those records, we might know what you are doing,” Reynolds said.

“My point ain’t what you just said,” Gomez responded. “They point of what you saying is you are looking for a request. My point is it should have been hashed out at this table prior to it getting to you and you putting your version out…If you had of got the correct story from this collective bargaining agreement through this council, you would had got the story right the first time, rather than trying to correct it for the next six months.”

“I have not tried to correct anything, and the law doesn’t dictate what this council tells me, the law dictates that you provide the public records that are requested,” Reynolds said.

“The thing that ends up on your paper, blog, or whatever it is, it needs to be discussed among us so we don’t look like country bumpkins in Century anymore. I don’t know what you gonna print tonight, but I’m just telling you it’s real simple…You know it’s two or three ways you can spin a story…If we get the most accurate, and fair and balanced version of the story, it’s just less hassle and it just makes the whole operation run a little bit more smooth.”

“If it’s something that we can handle in house,” he said, “I’d rather hear it from Mrs. Brooks rather than hear it from William ( or Gretchen,” he said. “Gretchen” is a reporter for the Tri-City Ledger, a weekly newspaper that routinely covers most Century council meetings. “That’s what I thought all of us was at this table for, try  to advance Century to a better light and a better way of living for all of the citizens….not making it look like we’re idiots.”

Gomez also took issue with comments made on stories that portray Century in a negative light. allows public comments on a variety of platforms – the web, multiple Facebook pages and Twitter.

“When everybody at this table is dumb,  nobody’s educated, and Century just needs to fold up and sell it to the county and become a become a dust ball in the wind,” were some of the public comments Gomez cited.

“If I offended anybody, I apologize,” Gomez concluded. “And, let’s make,  like Donald Trump says, Century great again.”


38 Responses to “Mayor, Councilman Seek To Control Public Information Flow From Century”

  1. Chelleepea on September 22nd, 2018 3:00 pm

    With the refinance of Ms. Jackson’s loan this administration is owning up to knowing about this economic development program. For their sake it is essential for them to let the public know about this program. If there’s no wrong doing then the information they provide will settle it.

    But if there was some sort of violation by any administration, this administration will end up holding the bag because now their hands are in the pot too. For their sake I hope they will provide all info regarding this. Just provide the truth instead of complaining about the criticisms.

  2. Century REsident on September 22nd, 2018 11:56 am

    “loans that occurred when the current members weren’t even in office”

    They were not in office in July when they made a new loan refi for a current council member?

  3. Wmr on September 22nd, 2018 10:37 am

    I don’t understand why people are coming down so hard on this council about loans that occurred when the current members weren’t even in office. Heck, they probably don’t even have records from those loans and if they do, it still doesn’t have anything to do with this present council. It amazes me how people can’t seem to follow the facts and progression of things.

  4. Citizen on September 21st, 2018 11:13 am

    Be nice if they would under go sunshine law and open record law training,..If they had their own web site they could attempt to publish a more favorable image

  5. Britnney Freeman on September 21st, 2018 10:36 am

    He don’t need to be mayor of Century at all because he don’t know what he is doing

  6. Clueless Bob on September 21st, 2018 12:03 am

    @Concerned. Sir or Ma’am, Both?? I do agree with you about me being confused. I am confused as to why you are SO angry and mad. You almost sound as angry as Hawkins – as you stated in another post. So now you two have something in common. What the heck man (or woman or both)?? I’m not a fan of any of them, neither am I a fan of ones that may be next to join, but I do like witnessing dignity and respect whenever we see it. Even if it’s just a small attempt at it. Heck, if a guy can humble himself enough to apologize publically, turn the page, and start working more with his counterparts with respectful dialog, there is nothing wrong with that. If he’s not genuine, time will tell, but it sounds like the right step forward. I just don’t know of any God-fearing and fair minded person who would think that gesture is a bad thing. And I am confused as to why you would discount that.

    Also, I have no doubt that this site will continue to report accordingly those issues pertaining to the town. That’s why we continue to come back here and read the updates. I know I do.

  7. Concerned Citizen on September 20th, 2018 7:34 pm

    Clueless Bob… Again you are clueless and might I add confused!!! There is no “light” in anything that Gomez stated. He says that the council needs to work “together” in this statement and then wants to keep everyone in the dark about what is actually going on at the council table. The headline of the story tells all this plainly! I’m certainly not “hating” on these people as you suggest. I am really concerned for our town!!!

  8. Get Smart on September 20th, 2018 7:06 pm

    Never pick a fight with a news site that everyone in the county reads.

  9. Bowhunter on September 20th, 2018 5:10 pm

    Hawkins and most of the council member’s and the town clerk just need to quit and reopen ( burger king ) because then they can have it there way .

  10. Clueless Bob on September 20th, 2018 5:01 pm

    Hey, it’s the ghost of @Concerned Citizen, haven’t heard from her-him in a while but I remember shutting it down in another post. I think He-She ?? was waiting for that moment. Applause. Ok. I can be the big person here and turn the other cheek.

    All I’m saying is, in all of the facts reported in this story, I see a light in Gomez’ statement, so don’t crucify the man for saying the council needs to work together. I think that is true and a good thing right? @Concerned Citizen, sorry but just can’t wake up and automatically hate certain people so don’t get mad at me for not casting stones because I realize that I’m not worthy to do so.

  11. Willis on September 20th, 2018 4:31 pm

    If you live in Century might you consider a run at office….

    You always seem to come out supporting of facts not looking at only the bad nor only the good.

    Council and Mayor are not trying very hard to work together for the betterment of Century. Their all busy trying to have it only ther way. WORK TOGETHER, COMPROMISE, AGREE TO DISAGREE QUIETLY.

  12. elmerpsuggins on September 20th, 2018 3:52 pm

    Sounds like they won,t to hide public information to me there good at that anyway

  13. Love The Logic on September 20th, 2018 3:22 pm

    Wait……..Did they have a meeting basically saying
    “Lets not change what we are doing. Lets keep people from finding out.”
    I love it………sounds like good government to me.

  14. Joe Public on September 20th, 2018 3:04 pm

    Man, Gomez needs to take some speaking classes. And possibly some ethics classes.

  15. Concerned Citizen on September 20th, 2018 3:01 pm

    Clueless Bob… You are definitely clueless!! Why should things be “hashed out at the table” before the citizens of Century know what is going on? Thank you William Reynolds ( for trying to help us understand what is happening in these meetings!!! I think Gomez and our “illustrious mayor” Henry Hawkins need to just step down and get out of the way to help benefit our town!!! We, as citizens of the town of Century, are sick and tired of these two trying to run the town into the ground to satisfy their HUGE egos!!!!!

  16. David Huie Green on September 20th, 2018 1:24 pm

    It is interesting to admit that you would like to meet behind closed doors and keep the citizens from knowing what you are doing with their money and the power they gave you.

    It would be nice to remember that such actions are illegal, though. Thus, proposing an illegal act comes extremely close to conspiracy to commit crimes — which is a crime. Being charged with crimes can be expensive even if you get off based on ignorance or insanity. Being convicted can put a damper on travel plans. And there is the risk of loss of good name. A good name is a valuable thing to lose. This would be especially sad if it came from the desire to protect your good name.

    David for considering the cost

  17. Sam on September 20th, 2018 12:59 pm

    Personal loans out of city funds? What was the interest on the loans? For what length of time. What amount of taxes were avoided?

  18. Sandra on September 20th, 2018 12:48 pm

    When you have council members like Gomez that cant even speak proper English in a formal interview you have to wonder what somone of his education level brings to the table to advance the town. Not to mention his ignorance and blatant disregard of the Sunshine laws. Hawkins, although seemingliy a tad more educated, only knows enough to get himself into hot water. I cant wait for the day when Bill Eddins opens an investigation into these idiots and William is publishing photos of the whole bunch in handcuffs.

  19. Chelleepea on September 20th, 2018 11:33 am

    “The mayor, the town clerk, and the town’s accountant have a responsibility to inform the council when such issues occur. The town council has a right to know and a duty to act upon such knowledge,” Brooks concluded.”

    The above statement is the only statement that is worth reading from the council.

    As far as the press goes, as a citizen of this town and of this country, I am disappointed that this town’s administration and this country’s president feels that the only real news is positive news and can’t tolerate any criticism and wants to control what is put out there. This flies in the face of our democratic principles.

    As far as NE or any other local media outlet putting a spin on a story, that is ridiculous. NE has always put in the detailed facts as soon as it is available. Especially in the article about the loans to council members, they have listed dates and status whenever possible and most who read it knows that the loans occurred before this administration but we still need more answers on how this came about.

    Let’s get smart folks!

  20. deplorable me on September 20th, 2018 10:59 am

    I am the dictator, I mean mayor of century. I will do as i please and you all had better stay in line. what happens in century stays in century.

  21. David on September 20th, 2018 9:13 am

    If there is nothing to hide..give up the PUBLIC records so everyone can see the busines transactions of the city that they are trusting these bozos to run are on the up and up…if they don’t have anything to hide..what’s the proublem????

  22. Sunshine on my shoulder on September 20th, 2018 9:08 am

    mayor as the century spokesperson, that is laughable. why does he want to control the info? does he understand the freedom of information act? sunshine law?

    gomez, are you saying you will release info to whom you choose? that’s not illegal or deceiving or anything. if you feel as though you are a “country bumpkin”, let us decide when the info gets to the public. north escambia doesn’t paint you in a negative light, you’re doing fine all by yourself. and do not quote trump and spin his motto… y’all gotta lotta explainin to do

  23. retired on September 20th, 2018 8:56 am

    they want to keep everyone in the dark. they think the citizens of century are not smart enough to know the differance.

  24. Clueless Bob on September 20th, 2018 8:56 am

    Hello @Resident, I am Somebody, nice to meet you. Please provide your address, mortgage payment amount, age, first and last name. Does that count as a public request or record? Not sure.

    Hey, Im just saying, I am in this site regularly and the comments from Gomez were the best and brightest that we have heard in some time and minus the usual finger pointing. I’m trying to stay positive here, why not join me and plus I’m not qualified to sentence folks for crimes that may or may not have occurred.

  25. C Gulf on September 20th, 2018 8:55 am

    The words some of these council members use just shows why people feel the way they do about the group; words like “ain’t, “what you saying” . To be in public office you really need to work on your grammar. This council has earned the reputation they have because of poor decisions and not having the knowledge to run a government entity.

  26. Preston Hardy on September 20th, 2018 8:52 am

    I have never before heard of public tax monies being used for personal loans. It certainly seems a practice which invites abuse.

  27. DLo on September 20th, 2018 8:52 am

    The purpose of a free media is not to show government in a positive light and “spin” stories in favor of those in power, it is to the truth. The very notion that what is reported ought to go through the council goes against everything the press is supposed to be about, and I am offended at that notion. I promise, Mayor and Councilpersons, an abundance of transparency is not the source of the tribulation taking place in Century, but a well established pattern of abuse of power, and disposition to cover it up is at the heart of the issue. Stop looking for someone to blame, look at yourselves, stop acting as if none of this is on your hands and start doing something to better the situation. Read and understand the charter. Provide information when it is requested under Sunshine Law. Acknowledge past wrongdoings and work to rectify them. If you can’t do that, then it’s time to dissolve the town government. In a world of easy transportation and effortless communication, it is no longer necessary, and should only exist if it betters the lives of ALL the citizens of Century, not just those on the board.

  28. M in Bratt on September 20th, 2018 8:46 am

    The State Attorney General, or The State Attorney’s Office need to investigate this whole mess for among many other things, violations of the sunshine law. You have to guess that with them trying to hide information, there has to be some very stinky things hidden. Lets bring it all out in the sunshine.

  29. JustMe on September 20th, 2018 8:42 am

    Hey Gomez, if you don’t like the comments on here don’t come to the site. Easy fix.

  30. chris on September 20th, 2018 8:30 am

    Mayor should manage Century Whataburger. Obviously knows how to manage sensitive data.

  31. Mr Sunshine on September 20th, 2018 8:22 am

    Dumb Democrats. Sunshine open government .. Public office..

  32. Duke of Wawbeek on September 20th, 2018 8:22 am

    What does he plan to do, shut down North

  33. Resident on September 20th, 2018 8:22 am

    ” If you listen to them, it really was a plea for those at the table to get on the same page and think of the town first when speaking”

    Not giving out the public records when asked by somebody is a crime.

  34. Bumpkin on September 20th, 2018 8:18 am

    My 6 year old speaks better english than Gomez….

  35. Clueless Bob on September 20th, 2018 8:18 am

    Applause (well somewhat) at least the end of this story. Councilman Gomez actually had good content in his remarks. If you listen to them, it really was a plea for those at the table to get on the same page and think of the town first when speaking. Not coming from some selfish agenda to “appear” like the only grown up in the room, or making some brain numb comments about being “a black man gettin it done”. No, but represent the town as you would yourself or some other cause that you truly cared about. I give Gomez an “A” for putting this out and his effort to just say it. Let’s see what comes of it. It is still a political season ya know.

  36. tg on September 20th, 2018 8:03 am

    Lets keep the Century folks in the dark they don’t have a need to know.

  37. Jan on September 20th, 2018 7:42 am

    I don’t get why they should be able to make theses loans at all. It strikes me as totally inappropriate.

  38. HTWilliams on September 20th, 2018 3:34 am

    WOW!!! These “country bumkins” (as Councilman Gomez describes himself) need to be investigated and removed from office. The dirty politics taking place here is a reflection of how backward Century operates and the disbandment of Century which must take place. Where is the State Attorneys Office concerning all of this?