Mary Rice Guilty On All Charges, Including First Degree Murder

September 28, 2018

Mary Rice has been found guilty on all charges against her  in her crime spree with Bill Boyette, Jr., including murder and accessory after the fact. She was sentenced to life in prison on a charge of first degree murder, plus consecutive 30 years terms for accessory after the fact in two other homicides.

She was convicted of first degree murder for the death of Kayla Crocker in Beulah and accessory after the fact for the homicides of Alicia Greer and Jacqueline Moore at the Emerald Sands Inn in Santa Rosa County. Crocker, a 2006 Tate High School graduate, was found by her mother on February 6, 2017, with a gunshot wound to her head.

Rice was arrested after surrendering peacefully at Georgia hotel. She was an accomplice of quadruple murder suspect William “Billy” Boyette, who took his own life in Georgia rather than surrendering to authorities.

Rice also faces a capital murder charge from Baldwin County for the murder of Peggy Broz.

Pictured top: Mary Rice in court, courtesy Jason Robbins, WEAR 3. Pictured below: The scene at the home of Kayla Crocker in Beulah shortly after her 2017 murder. photos.


14 Responses to “Mary Rice Guilty On All Charges, Including First Degree Murder”

  1. Stephanie Price on October 1st, 2018 1:14 am

    As heinous as this has been, she’s still a human being. And as a Christian, as many of you are, I will be praying for her, as she is in dire need of fervent prayer.
    So many families have been forever changed.

  2. Tabby on September 30th, 2018 8:59 pm

    I’ll gladly pay for her to sit there till she dies. Some in there should be out here working. But her, I don’t mind. If you think about it, it’s only six and a half cent per person for everyone in the Pensacola metro area. Not bad at all to keep a filthy beast off the street.

  3. horse lover on September 30th, 2018 11:10 am

    If the black widow got the electric chair why not her/ shes done just as the tax payers has got to pay the price to feed her the rest of her life.not right we have to pay the bill.public hangings should come back in the picture.she help take that poor babys mama.thats enough right there.

  4. Fred on September 30th, 2018 4:52 am

    Tooma, I’ve thought a lot about her sentence, and on on level I wish she was headed for the needle. But, this way, she can languish in jail year after year. I wish she were made to listen to the names of her victims every day, just to remind her why she’s there. Hopefully, others will think of this wasted life, and strive not to be like her.

  5. tooma on September 29th, 2018 10:52 pm

    So the accomplice of that despicable coward boyette gets life? you breathe your sigh of relief for now as your boyfriend roasts in the fires of hell. Society is going to house and feed you for now, your boyfriend is waiting for you…

  6. Shauna Thompson on September 29th, 2018 10:22 pm

    I went to high school with this woman and while yes even back then she was a little different kind of a outcast but nobody would have ever in their wildest imagination thought that she would be someone who had the capability to commit such horrific acts! It just goes to show that everyone is capable of doing some pretty dark stuff if under the right circumstances and that drugs can and do change you even at your most personal fundamental level not that I’m making any kind of excuse for her behavior and actions because I certainly am not she deserves every single second of those lifetimes behind bars but I do agree with others that have said that it’s unfair for the taxpaying productive good members of society to have to pay for her every meal her housing and supply her every medical need as well which coincidentally is better medical care than I will ever receive being a decent societal contributor which is beyond sad to me that rapists child molesters murderers and the like get better treatment than a single mom who owns her own business and spends every penny she makes taking care of the people around her but that’s a whole other rant! I would just like to ask her why how did she drift so far into codependency that she allowed a piece of human garbage like bill boyette to get her involved in such a senseless awful and totally unfair crime spree /relentless murders? !!

  7. anne 1of2 on September 29th, 2018 11:54 am

    She could have stepped up to prevent this loss of life. Skipper is so right, I would have tried anything to stop that guy from murdering. Going into those stores alone proved she was on his side, I would have been screaming for help.

  8. retired on September 29th, 2018 8:17 am

    She gets life , so the tax payers have to support her for ever?
    maybe Al. will save the taxpayers

  9. Trocarman on September 29th, 2018 7:33 am

    Great job ECSO. Rice should have received the death penalty. She is not worthy of feeding and housing. My prayers for all the victim’s family.

  10. Dave on September 29th, 2018 3:33 am

    I am a close family member of Peggy Broz.
    Although Mary Rice may never stand trial for my sister in law, My wife and I feel a little closer knowing she was found guilty on all counts and was sentenced to life plus 30 in Florida.
    We miss you Peggy. RIP

  11. Finally on September 28th, 2018 10:37 pm

    The justice system got it right on this one!!!

  12. Skipper on September 28th, 2018 10:36 pm

    Some closure for the families is justice. I’m glad the jury returned to verdict as guilty. No man could ever make me follow him as she did. I’m so glad they were able to prove she was at her own free will. Prayers for the families of all.

  13. Rebekah on September 28th, 2018 8:25 pm

    I am so glad. She killed my friend Peggy Broz. She went in EVERY store by herself. She claimed victim and survivor. She was beither. Karma.. May the Broz family have some sort of peace. Peggy was an amazing woman.

  14. Jason on September 28th, 2018 7:56 pm

    No one will ever know for sure but I will always believe she was the one actually shooting these poor women, whether he made her or she was trying to please him, or she was the real psychopath! Just something about the victims being women! RIP to the victims and prayers to the families of the victims!!