Flomaton Hurricanes Blow Past Northview 41-20 (With Gallery)

September 1, 2018

The Flomaton High School Hurricanes stormed into Bratt and beat the Northview Chiefs Friday night 41-20.

Daquan Johnson was the eye of the hurricane, with five touchdowns for Flomaton.

For the Chiefs, Aunterio Minor sent the crowd to their feet when be broke free from a pile that included almost the entire Flomaton team and emerged upright and on his way 53-yards for a touchdown.

Northview’s other scores were an 83-yard  touchdown pass from senior quarterback Seth Killam to junior Adam Aliff and a 10-yarder from Killam to junior Trent Kite.

For a photo gallery, click here.

Coach Derek Marshman said it was the “little things” that cost the Chiefs the win.

“It was a game down in the fourth quarter when they busted one on fourth down and short,” he said. “We just never could get back within a single score.”

He said multiple missed tackles cost Northview the game.

“I thought we threw the ball really well tonight.  I thought we played the run well interior-wise,” he said. “We had some kids step up and really run the football well. I thought Aunterio Minor played a heck of a game. We had some young guys step up, like Tyler Ray. He’s a sophomore that had been playing JV this season.  He stepped up and made some big plays for us at the receiver position.”

The Chiefs will play host to South Walton next Friday night, while Flomaton will have an off week to prepare for a trip to Excel, AL, on September 14.

For a photo gallery, click here.

(A photo gallery with Northview and Flomaton bands, cheerleaders and fans will be posted this week.)

NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.


6 Responses to “Flomaton Hurricanes Blow Past Northview 41-20 (With Gallery)”

  1. Old Coach on September 6th, 2018 5:14 pm

    Winning is not a character flaw. Not caring one way or another is a character flaw for any athlete playing a competitive sport
    If winning is not important then why keep score.
    Obviously Flomaton is a better team. All that hard work the players put in is not just so they can lose

  2. Here's and Idea on September 4th, 2018 2:28 pm

    Hey here’s an Idea, maybe, just maybe, Flomaton came in with a better football team. That does sometimes happen you know.

    Brian, you state that many teams “like Flomaton” think winning is life and death.

    So now a burning desire to win is a character flaw.

    All I have to say is Go Canes, Roll Tide, and God Bless America

  3. Betty Killam on September 2nd, 2018 9:02 pm

    Congratulations Chiefs for a great night of football. You guys made a lot of great plays and were great sports! That game is over—-win the next one. Go Chiefs!!!!

  4. Chief parent on September 2nd, 2018 8:31 am

    It’s easy to blame the coaches, why not try supporting the coaches all of the negative comments from parents are really affecting the kids. They look at their parents and see how they or their lack of support is and follow them. It must be really hard because we are small and if he cuts kids no team not to mention that the parents can’t imagine their kids not being perfect angels. Coach Marshman coaches on the 2012 state team, he coached special teams that group of young men scored the touchdowns that won that don’t believe me look it up so the homelike I did he’s a good coach he’s lacking good support. He goes so far to help struggling players so they can play are the parents doing that no if they were he wouldn’t have too.

  5. Well on September 1st, 2018 9:35 pm

    They were in the right positions more often than not. Missed many tackles and played hard over all.

    Our players had as much attitude in loosing as Flomatons did in winning.
    Tough loss for chiefs, good game canes.

  6. Brian on September 1st, 2018 11:51 am

    I feel bad for the kids because they played their hearts out last night. It looks like to me that the coaches are not putting them in the right positions to make plays and have a chance to consistently win games. We’re seeing the same mistakes week after week just like we saw all last year such as defensive backs just standing there and watching the other team’s receivers catch long passes and letting one player on the other team beat them single handedly. Good coaches would be able to make adjustments and make the other team have to try something different other than quarterback left and quarterback right. With decent coaching I believe we would have had a chance to win that game last night Having said all that winning football games is not life and death like so many teams we play seem to think like Flomaton did.