Facing A Navy Commander: NJROTC Students Undergo Inspection

September 26, 2018

Northview High School’s NJROTC Annual Inspection was held Tuesday at the school, with cadets undergoing  face to face scrutiny with a retired Navy commander.

Commander Merlin Ladner, USN (Ret) conducted the inspection. The day’s events began with a personnel inspection, drill demonstration and a pass-in-review in the school gym. The commander also conducted a financial record review, briefings, administrative inspections, supply inspections and more.

For more photos, click here.

One by one, Cmdr. Ladner went face to face with each cadet, asking them questions about their NJROTC experience and conducting a complete inspection of their uniform.

“Yes, sir,” the cadets answered as they faced the questions about their NJROTC service, their ribbons, their uniforms and some less than expected questions about every day life that left some cadets trying not to crack a smile.

“Who pressed your uniform?” Ladner asked one cadet.

“Sir?” She responded.

“Your mom? You didn’t take it to a dry cleaner did you? he asked. “It looks good.”

Several cadets were promoted and received awards or ribbons.

Petty Officer Third Class:
Cadet John Bashore
Cadet Sarius Davis
Cadet Ethan Kilburn
Cadet Dallon Rackard

Exemplary Personal Appearance award/ribbon:
Cadet John Bashore
Cadet Jasmine Benjamin
Cadet Grace Johnson (not pictured/identified by the Inspecting officer following the awards ceremony)
Cadet Julie Keith
Cadet Colby Morris
Cadet Dallon Rackard
Cadet Adrianne Shanks
Cadet Melissa Sunday
NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.

For more photos, click here.

NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.


4 Responses to “Facing A Navy Commander: NJROTC Students Undergo Inspection”

  1. Nancy Braun on October 18th, 2018 4:51 pm

    So proud of our Braun Twins ( Jackob and Zachary ) and all of the cadets, Chief and Captain are so patient with the cadets!

  2. Steve on September 26th, 2018 9:30 pm

    Such a great experience for these young men and women. They may not all join the military but that’s ok. They still gain great life skills, self discipline and teamwork. Good job NJROTC!

  3. Proud Parent on September 26th, 2018 10:08 am

    Great article recognizing these young men and women, Would like to see more of these features that show there’s still kids out there who love this country and plan on doing their part after high school. While we live in the Pine Forest area,my son attends Pensacola High in the IB Program and he absolutely loves being a part of the Air Force ROTC Program there!

  4. Mary Rackard on September 26th, 2018 6:17 am

    Very proud of Dallon, he loves being in NJROTC. Also proud of all the young ladies and gentleman, everyone looks great. Keep up the good work, this is a wonderful program.