ECSO: Beulah Man Charged With Attempted Murder After Lighting Pregnant Girlfriend On Fire

September 20, 2018

A Beulah man has been arrested for attempted murder for allegedly pouring lighter fluid on his live-in, 20-week pregnant girlfriend, lighting her on fire and hitting  her in the head with a sledge hammer multiple times with enough force to cause a brain bleed.

Kenneth Dauine Swanger, 45, was charged with attempted first degree premeditated murder and false imprisonment. His bond was set at $1 million.

Tuesday, the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office was notified that the victim was at the USA Medical Center in Mobile.

She told ECSO investigators that Swanger became angry about two weeks ago and accused her of having an affair before pouring lighter fluid all over her body. He then lit a blanket on fire and threw it on her, causing her to catch fire. Swanger placed her in bath because of her screams, telling her that if she was not screaming so loudly he would have killed her, according to an arrest report.

About a week later, Swanger became angry and hit her in the head with a sledge hammer at their shared home in the 10000 block of Beulah Road.

Last Saturday, the victim was able to escape to the Tom Thumb on Nine Mile Road at Beulah Road and call her grandparents in Mississippi to pick her up. She waited at the store about two hours for them to arrive. Once back in Mississippi, she waited two days before going to a hospital, and she was transferred to USA Medical Center in Mobile for her burn injuries.

According to an ECSO report, the victim also suffered severe burns to her stomach, chest, shoulders, neck and back, along with multiple bruises, a laceration to her head, multiple other scratches and broken fingers.


34 Responses to “ECSO: Beulah Man Charged With Attempted Murder After Lighting Pregnant Girlfriend On Fire”

  1. MMcClint on September 24th, 2018 1:19 pm

    CHRIS said – it’s my uncle and wife’s uncle. Are you trying to say that you and your wife are cousins ?

    The woman came from a man’s rib. Not from his feet to be walked on.
    Not from his head to be superior., but from his side to be equal.
    Under the arm to be protected, and next to the heart to be loved.

    AC said – Point is: Just walk away, no violence, no temper tantrums, no stalking; things will get better if you don’t make them worse by doing something stupid.

    If things don’t get better for yourself, then take a step back and say “It’s me , I’m the problem”. Seek professional help before making another man/woman miserable. The next person may not be so nice and patient.

  2. So yeah I said that on September 23rd, 2018 4:10 am

    A toxic relationship only gets worse.
    Probably drug and or alcohol related.
    He ain’t a bad boy, he is a punk.
    A grown punk.
    Let him go to prison, they will teach him a lesson.

  3. ROBERT on September 22nd, 2018 9:09 am

    If this is a “good” man ..I would hate to see a bad one. He has a criminal history and was on the run for 3 years after an escape…..He should have never been on the streets…He is a monster….

  4. Betty on September 21st, 2018 3:35 pm

    A good man???!!! Yikes!

  5. Skeptic on September 21st, 2018 12:07 pm

    @ChrisPollard Did I understand your comment correctly that he is your uncle AND your wife’s uncle? Hmmmmmm…..

    /keepin it all in da family

  6. 429SCJ on September 21st, 2018 11:08 am

    @Sylvia; many of these women stay with their abuser for lack of facility/resources, self confidence degraded, degradation period!

    He needs to be restrained/isolated.

  7. Sylvia on September 21st, 2018 10:46 am

    I would not have stayed after the first incident and I would have had him arrested after the fire incident. Some folks are glutton for punishment. I know she didn’t deserve that but she was stupid for staying there.

  8. Nokomis rd woman on September 21st, 2018 7:02 am

    There are some men in prison for life, that we tax payers have to house, feed and care for, that should not be taking up space on this planet. This may be 1 of them! It’s a no win, situation. These type of violent control freaks should be euthanized like a biting dog. Not live free on tax payers money, endangering other souls!!

  9. Matchbox on September 21st, 2018 3:57 am

    @Chris…if you really and truly think this is the definition of a good man I can only imagine the horrible example of men you have grown up with….please try to find a really good man and compare them to each other…I pray you figure out the difference…God forbid you have a daughter and she winds up with this kind of “good man”

  10. lone chief on September 21st, 2018 12:10 am

    All I can say is wow! That new TV show the Purge is starting to make sense. Thought it was a stupid ides to “light that fuse” but it looks like some drastic actions are needed as the current system is so broke. Man, that would get ugly quick. If his relatives think this is appropriate behavior…well, add them to the list. I do agree we do not have all the facts, however if he is quilty he needs to leave (prison cell, box, or crab trap).

  11. John Q. Public on September 20th, 2018 11:05 pm

    @Chris Pollard

    I will absolutely judge a man that sets a woman on fire and then beats her with a sledgehammer. Get real.

  12. billy on September 20th, 2018 10:13 pm

    Good person? Check his record…….this aint his first time…….I strongly disagree

  13. Janet on September 20th, 2018 9:42 pm

    He doesn’t look as if he feels remorse! @ Joe Public, I agree with you that this is more than likely the same man. Why he’s walking the streets free to repeat his horrible crimes is a CRIME in itself. Hope they bury the key to his cell extremely deep so it can’t be found.

  14. Thor on September 20th, 2018 9:39 pm

    He’s not a man, boyfriend, father or grandfather he’s an abuser. If you set a pregnant woman on fire you have proven you are not worthy of the previously mentioned endearments. Even if she did something to make him angry a REAL man would walk away. We need to stop making excuses for these animals and prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law. These women need to be given a safe place they can go where they do not have to every worry about being found.

  15. Concerned on September 20th, 2018 9:12 pm

    Chris Pollard If you think that is a “good man” you seriously need to re-evaluate this situation. He set her on fire!!! He hit her with a sledge hammer!!! not to mention the prior record from 2006. Lord only knows how he got outta that one. Hopefully he won’t get outta this. “Real good man”. Maybe the other “real good men” incarcerated with him will give him a “real warm welcome” to his new home..CASTLE GREY SKULL.

  16. Eye for an eye on September 20th, 2018 9:03 pm

    Chris Pollard, so your uncle was charged with a similar offense in 2006 in Mississippi, then in 2011 was on the run for 3 years before being captured in Gulf Shores Al….among other arrests………and you’re defending him??????? Yeah, poor guy is being unfairly tried by the media…you’ve got to be kidding me?

  17. Cupcake on September 20th, 2018 9:03 pm

    So sick omg this is horrible are we sure drugs aren’t involved he kinda appears to be on drugs also this is just evil how can anyone do this and be stone cold sober ain’t no dang way. He needs to be done the same or a little worse than he done a pound her this is horrible hope he never sees day light again just let him suffer locked away somewhere hopefully he will run across his match before to long!!! So sick what has Beulah turned to #Beulahisntthesameanymore

  18. Olin on September 20th, 2018 9:01 pm

    True we should not judge but true also that no man (if that’s what you want to call him) should EVER and I say again EVER put his hands on a woman. This is the lowest form of human being on the face of this earth. That’s not judging, that’s FACT. I have seen women time and time again coward down to men and that’s not acceptable. Go look at his prior records and see for yourself what type of monster he is. It gives men, including myself a bad name and I don’t care for abuse. My prayer is that all women that are abused has the strength to go to the authorities and stop these brutal acts. AMEN!

  19. Chris Pollard on September 20th, 2018 7:34 pm

    people shouldn’t judge who they don’t no or what happened it’s my uncle and wife’s uncle hes a good person so any negative comments keep to yourself hes a dad and grandpa

  20. Concerned on September 20th, 2018 6:56 pm

    This is so sad. I’ve seen soooo many people in and out of this residence, you can’t tell me none of them didn’t know what was going on over there. There were several small children at this residence also, where are these kids at??? He held her captive against her will after torturing her, what a sick devil. Purely the devil to do this to any one. As for the other people that stayed in that place too. You all should be held accountable as well !!

  21. John on September 20th, 2018 4:03 pm

    Grand Locust, but have you had deer meat??? That stuff is delicious, it deserves to be protected!!!

  22. AC on September 20th, 2018 3:26 pm

    You know, I once had a cheating wife. But I didn’t light her on fire. I didn’t hit her with a hammer or choke her or hit her or anything else. I just simply left her and we divorced (amicably) and went our separate ways. We both remarried and I have been happy for over two decades now. She – not so much. She cheated on the one she was cheating with on me and has been in and out of relationships for the past two decades. Point is: Just walk away, no violence, no temper tantrums, no stalking; things will get better if you don’t make them worse by doing something stupid.

  23. tallen on September 20th, 2018 3:24 pm


  24. Joe Public on September 20th, 2018 2:17 pm

    Is this the same guy from this 2006 story?

    The age matches up. If so, why was he released from jail?

  25. PLS Remember on September 20th, 2018 1:52 pm

    Please try to remember innocent until proven guilt, even for the most egregious crimes, then if he is found guilty we should hang him high. Otherwise we become a pitchfork and torch carrying mob.

    Again if he is found guilty I agree with all the comments made, but not until then.

  26. William 2 on September 20th, 2018 1:45 pm

    Why would you stay an additional 2 weeks with someone that set you on fire?

  27. Heather LaCoste on September 20th, 2018 1:15 pm

    How much of a disgusting human being do you have to be to burn your pregnant girl friend and beat her with a hammer. Thank God she got out alive. Women need safe places for circumstances just like this. Praise the Lord she had a family who were able to help her! So many women don’t and get ask why they stayed! He doesn’t deserve to be called a man he is a monster.

  28. paul on September 20th, 2018 1:15 pm

    he needs a slow death..

  29. Grand Locust on September 20th, 2018 12:45 pm

    I am glad this woman is now safe. In this day and age people still do not believe women when they tell folks that they have been abused. This perp had a great deal of anger when using lighter fluid and burning someone intentionally. We as a society have to protect woman from abusers, and give credence to their allegations and not sweep it under the rug like we have done for years as women are still treated like property owned by a man. This man is exactly the type of violent offender who needs to be in jail. Of course deer meat gets better protection than some women when dealing with the criminal justice system.

  30. David Huie Green on September 20th, 2018 12:40 pm

    She should probably break up with him.

  31. anne 1of2 on September 20th, 2018 12:36 pm

    Could we call the abusers instead of men? This is no kind of man.

  32. Adam on September 20th, 2018 12:07 pm

    Hang him high.

  33. single on September 20th, 2018 11:55 am

    Most women seem to like the ‘bad boys’ at first. Next thing they know they’re being lit on fire. Then, ‘A WEEK LATER’, they’re being hit with a sledgehammer. There must have been some red flags earlier.

  34. Concerned on September 20th, 2018 11:49 am

    This guy is a monster and needs to be locked up for a long time. I hope the inmates that he comes in contact with, will take care of him and give him a dose of his own medicine. How awful to do something like this to a woman, much less, a pregnant woman.