Driver Shears Off Power Pole

September 16, 2018

A driver sheared off a power pole on Pine Forest just south of  Highway 297A, near Publix, Saturday afternoon. There was no immediate word on injuries. The accident remains under investigation by the Florida Highway Patrol. photos by Kristi Barbour, click to enlarge.


7 Responses to “Driver Shears Off Power Pole”

  1. JoAnn on September 17th, 2018 2:17 pm

    The commissioners each represent their own District. District 5 is the largest district in the County. Historically, we were a slow growing district. Until . . . Our problem is that now with NFCU coming in, the powers that be were not ready for that type of influx of people, poor planning indeed! And, I ask you, when was the last time you saw District 5 Co Commissioner out and about addressing the growth issues of District 5? He didn’t even come to the Town Hall Meeting on the NFCU Parkway, a/k/a the Beulah Beltway. No, Co. Commissioner Bergosh came. He was the ONLY Co Commish who came. WTH? When was the last time our commissioner went walking the neighborhoods talking to constituents? Election time? I have seen a couple of “town hall” photos of meetings up around the Walnut Hill, Bratt, etc., in our northern area, but nothing down here where we want to vent about these issues. And folks, this growth is coming your way very quickly! When was the last time our commish had a town hall meeting in Molino, or Cantonment, or Barrineau Park, or Quintette Park? And when he did, how many of y’all went to it to voice these concerns? How many have written him letters? Maybe it’s time for a new county commissioner for District 5. One who is about District 5 and who doesn’t mind telling the other commissioners it’s time that District 5 demanded the same treatment meted out south of the interstate. We could start with decent roads. We’re not greedy. We still have most of the worst rated bridges in Escambia County, and unpaved clay or dirt roads too. We currently have 2 bridge that have collapsed and been out of commission for at least a year. And all the subdivisions, etc., going up is for NFCU and their employees – it’s not for the people of Escambia County – whatever this County can do for NFCU, they will do, damn the torpedos, to use an old expression! Half or more of those employees are not even from this area. They’re brought in from Virginia, Texas and other military cities. Remember that, and remember all of these things at election time. I believe his term is up in the next couple of years so start thinking about doing your research and electing someone by the people and for the people in District 5.

  2. JoAnn on September 17th, 2018 2:00 pm

    No, the commissioners as a whole do not represent District 5 – therefore they don’t all think of each district. District 5 is the largest district in the County. When was the last time you saw District 5 Co Commissioner out and about? He didn’t even come to the Town Hall Meeting on the NRCU Parkway, a/k/a Beulah Beltway. No, Co. Commissioner Bergosh came. He was the ONLY Co Commish who came. WTH? When was the last time he went walking the neighborhoods talking to constituents? Election time? I have seen a couple of “town hall” meetings up around the northern area, but nothing down here where we want to vent about these issues. When was the last time he had a town hall meeting in Molino, or Cantonment, or Barrineau Park, or Quintette Park? And when he did how many of y’all went to it to voice these concerns? How many have written him letters? Maybe it’s time for a new county commissioner for District 5. One who is about District 5 and who doesn’t mind telling the other commissioners it’s time that District 5 demanded the same treatment meted out south of the interstate. We could start with decent roads. We’re not greedy. We still have most of the worst rated bridges in Escambia County, and unpaved clay or dirt roads. And all the subdivisions, etc., is for NFCU – it’s not for the people of Escambia County – whatever this County can do for NFCU, they will do, damn the torpedos, to use an old expression! Half or more of those employees are not even from this area. Remember that, and remember all of these things at election time. I believe his term is up in the next couple of years and I for one will be assessing the need for a new District 5 County Commissioner.

  3. Karen on September 17th, 2018 12:21 pm

    It’s my understanding that this gentleman had a heat stroke. Prayers to him.

  4. Linda Hester on September 16th, 2018 7:01 pm

    Why are they doing every single road in Escambia County? Seriously, do all the County Commissioners have a contraft tor orange barrels? Somebody is making a killing of those things.

    I am so sick of trying to decide which screwed up way i wpuld like to try to get somewhere. On a Saturday at 10. Don’t when get ne started on Pinecone at 7 am on a weekday. Nor about the off Ramp from I-10 Eastbound. All the planners ought to be fired.

    I guess it’s going to take somebody actually being killed before anyone cares

  5. Suzie B. on September 16th, 2018 3:25 pm

    I agree with area resident. With all the construction already going on, they have Detroit Blvd blocked along with Cove Ave so a possible alternate route is even gone which dumps everyone back out on 9 Mile Rd. Then, don’t even mention the Hwy 29 nightmare. Maybe they are trying to improve a few things but it seems like it all hit us at once. Traffic was already bad and by doing all of these projects together, it bottlenecks everywhere in this area. Just hurry up and wait… We try to allow and extra 15-20 minutes every time we leave the house now. I, too, hope everyone was ok on this one.

  6. Anonymous on September 16th, 2018 1:16 pm

    Does anyone notice the half pole looks like a cross under the persons car??

  7. area resident on September 16th, 2018 7:23 am

    First and foremost, I pray there were no serious injuries.

    Second, have the members of the county commissioners, Planning and Zoning, etc. even been in this area for years. We need help with traffic improvement. They keep adding new neighborhoods and apartment complexes with more people and more cars, but do nothing about the traffic.

    How about calling a meeting to include those of us who have lived in this area for twenty years plus and allow us a few minutes to tell you what it’s like trying to get to the grocery store. With the addition of Starbucks, Dollar General (without a turn lane), and now O’Reilly’s Auto Parts, not to mention people on their phones, it’s no wonder accidents have increased!