Century Woman Charged With Bribery Of Escambia Sheriff’s Deputy

September 7, 2018

A Century woman was charged with allegedly bribing a sheriff’s deputy with cash so he would not take her to jail for trespassing.

Valene Alaine Walker, 33, was charged with misdemeanor trespassing and felony bribery.

Walker’s ex-boyfriend called the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office  to the 6000 block of North Century Boulevard after Walker was allegedly banging on the window of his residence. An arriving deputy reported that he observed Walker on the property causing a disturbance as she walked from the backdoor to the front yard of the home. Walker was previous trespass-warned from the property by the ECSO.

While Walker was being transported to the Escambia County Jail on the trespassing charge, she tried to bribe the deputy, according to an arrest report,  by offering to give him the bond money in her possession so he would let her go. The report notes that audio and video were captured on the deputy’s in-car camera.


13 Responses to “Century Woman Charged With Bribery Of Escambia Sheriff’s Deputy”

  1. payattention on September 8th, 2018 12:10 pm

    Everyone on here saying it’s overkill, that’s probably what the families and friends said just before someone, somewhere, in a abusive relationship got killed because the other person couldn’t let go. Do whatever you feel you need to do to protect yourself. If someone makes you feel uncomfortable you better pay attention.

  2. mmkk on September 8th, 2018 9:35 am

    If roles reversed and a guy had done everything this chick has already done the guy would be in prison for a couple years plus 5 years probation. Society allows crazy chicks like this WAY to many chances and/or forgiveness’s.

  3. Matchbox on September 8th, 2018 4:17 am

    Awe….this crazy thing called love…lol

  4. Stumpknocker on September 7th, 2018 9:26 pm

    @grandlocust, again you write something here on NE.com and your absolutely clueless. This female had been given so many chances but she continued to return to the point of her sitting in a plastic chair on the sidewalk for days right in front of the residence, when that didn’t get the attention she wanted she went up to the house and began banging on doors and windows and refused to leave. At that point after many warnings it was time to take action. She had been issued a trespass warning by the renter there and still refused to comply with their wishes. And as far as the bribery charge, good job for the deputy , I guess grandlocust maybe you should become a deputy to really show everyone how much you know ,lol. Oh yeah the chair is still there go take a look for yourself.

  5. David Huie Green on September 7th, 2018 9:11 pm

    First cousin once removed. We are all very proud of her.

    “When we agreed to press charges we were told we needed five No Trespassing signs in order for the Deputy to charge the lady who was going to fish our pond and had stuck her car to the axles making a mess of our backyard.”

    Deputies were not all members of the National Honor Society.
    You may have gotten one who wasn’t.

    You did not have to allow anyone on your property to remove the illegal vehicle. I knew of a lady who would not allow the trucking company to recover the wheel which came off their truck and hit her house. She used it as a $1,000 planter.

    One fellow called me, threatening to press charges against me for having the car he was hiding on my property towed away. He maintained a neighbor gave him permission to hide it there. I explained the neighbor had no say on what I did with my property.

    It confused him.
    Some people have no understanding of property rights.

    David for cousins and clarity

  6. Criminal history on September 7th, 2018 8:35 pm

    This thing has a criminal history 3 miles long, it’s public record. She cannot be rehabilitated. This charge will be handled probably with minimal jail time then probation. She has probably never worked a single day in her life and should now be considered a blight on a normal society.

  7. Anne on September 7th, 2018 7:43 pm

    SAD and yet Funny that this woman would be carrying Bond Money with her.
    That sorta tells me that she had put some serious prior thought into her actions.
    SO, end of story please.
    Was she held at the county jail?
    The money she offered the LEO should have been held as Evidence.
    Yep, she needs to figure out this guy For Some Reason wants Nothing to do with her.

  8. Phil on September 7th, 2018 5:04 pm

    Escambia county has a history of corrupt government employees, and politicians, she was just playing the odds. I have to agree, this was a bit overkill.

  9. Citizen on September 7th, 2018 3:34 pm

    sorry ..this seems like overkill..

  10. Christopher Knotts on September 7th, 2018 2:22 pm

    You wanted someone arrested, complain when they weren’t, and then complain when someone else was? Florida State Statute provides specific signage requirements for trespassing in the absence of a prior warning. In the case detailed here, a warning had been previously issued, so your suggestion of simply telling her to leave didn’t work. The felony charge with which you seem to have such a problem isn’t for trespassing, it’s for attempting to corrupt a public official. The deputy could easily have taken the money and no one would “ever” have known (until she made the allegation, which she surely would have), but society would have been a little more corrupt. The deputy did what was right and charged her for her criminal behavior. Instead of berating the police response, how about we applaud the honesty of the deputy?

  11. CenturyLady on September 7th, 2018 10:19 am

    She needs to get over him. She makes herself look dumb every week over this guy.

  12. bill on September 7th, 2018 10:03 am

    now that was dumb!!!! its the judge you are suppose to bribe not the deputy it would have been alot easier and probably would have worked [ premature ] !!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Grandlocust on September 7th, 2018 3:59 am

    I have had a neighbor call in a trespass to the sheriff as people trespassed on my property and rutted up our yard as they got stuck back by our ponds. When we agreed to press charges we were told we need five no trespassing signs in order for the Deputy to charge the lady who was going to fish our pond and had stuck her car to the axles making a mess of our backyard. We only had three. NOPE……deputy would not allow us to bring charges…..officer discretion, yet this woman gets felony charges here……..why was she even arrested unless there was a prior court order. The usual up charging where taxpayers just love to provide free room and board for another non violent person who gets up charged. Is it possible to be arrested without a felony charge in Escambia County? .How about this unique idea……” Miss, please leave the property as the owner does not want you here, or you could be subject to arrest”……….nope…..up charge everything to a felony.