Blackwater State Forest To Grow By 800 Acres

September 15, 2018

The Blackwater River State Forest will expand by 800 acres  due to the acquisition of the Florida Forever Project Area Wolfe Creek Forest.

The land acquisition is home to a number of rare and endangered species and serves as a major wildlife corridor with frontage on Big Coldwater Creek. The land will also act as a buffer for the Naval Air Station Whiting Field.

The Florida Forest Service will manage the tract as part of the Blackwater River State Forest, Florida’s largest State Forest with over 211,000 acres, by applying sound forest management practices.


3 Responses to “Blackwater State Forest To Grow By 800 Acres”

  1. don on September 18th, 2018 1:34 pm

    WHY would anyone want more bears ????

    One day someone is going to get hurt !!!
    That’s like having a 300 pound pitt bull roaming around –

    Not to mention the cost –
    Who wants to pay extra for a bear proof garbage can ???

    (A bear is not likely to stay where you want)

  2. Lloyd on September 17th, 2018 3:34 pm

    Wouldn’t it be great if FWC would start introducing the Black Bear back into the Blackwater State Forest. Every time a bear needs relocating, they could start putting them in this forest. There are plenty of deer, but no bears, and their used to be. The Black Bear habitat is being ruined in South Santa Rosa County from the explosive housing growth, and legislators there are doing nothing to preserve their habitat. Everything there is all about the dollar.

  3. Erin on September 16th, 2018 4:04 pm

    Wonderful news!